Amber Portwood Comes Out As Bisexual in New ‘Teen Mom OG’ Clip

“I have also been in need of a storyline!”

Amber Portwood is coming out!

On Tuesday, a preview clip of next week’s episode of Teen Mom OG appeared to show Amber telling her mother, Tonya, on the phone that she has been with women sexually.

“I have been bisexual,” Amber tells her mother, who does not look happy to hear the news.

She then states that she had not planned to talk about this part of her life. (We can assume she’s talking about her bisexuality, although we won’t know for sure until we see the full clip.)

“I was going to go to the grave with this,” Amber says.

This is the first time Amber has really opened up about her sexuality on the show. Over the years, viewers have seen her in relationships with men, including her baby daddies Gary Shirley and Andrew Glennon, as well as Matt Baier and her Belgian mail-order man, Dimitri Garcia.

“But Dimitri not woman. He still has a chance, yes?”

While Amber has never openly admitted to being bisexual, she has hinted in the past that she may have partaken in some lady lovin’ while in prison.

During the 2014 “Ask the Moms” special, Amber was asked to talk about her own craziest prison experience. She said she couldn’t talk about it on-air because it was so scandalous, but went on to say that shows about prisons, such as ‘Locked Up’ and ‘Orange Is the New Black,’ are “so true” and actually a PG-13 version of what really happens in women’s prisons in terms of sexual activity.

“Male or female, it don’t matter, as long as they are OK with my passion for weird head wraps!”

Longtime ‘Teen Mom’ fans may remember that, way back in 2012, a story circulated that Amber, who was in prison at the time, had become “special friends” with a woman nicknamed “Sugarfoot.” They had become so “close,” according to the story posted by Radar Online, that ol’ Suggie had tattooed Amber’s initials on her neck! (Amber has never confirmed the “Sugarfoot” story to be true, however.)

Amber’s (alleged) coming out episode will air next Tuesday on MTV.

RELATED STORY: Teen Mom OG’ Star Amber Portwood Requests Full Custody Of Her Son; Wants Baby Daddy Andrew Glennon Held in Contempt of Court for Deleted Post

(Photos: MTV)

43 Responses

  1. This is going to seem really picky, but as an alumna, it really gets me when people say she attends Purdue. It isn’t accurate. She attends Purdue Global, which is basically what Kaplan U became. It isn’t nearly as academically rigorous. I highly doubt she could be accepted to Purdue, West Lafayette

  2. Garry needs to thank his lucky stars, every day for Kristina, shes an amazing lady, and has
    Been a stable good role model, and Leah has grown up to be a level headed, mature and seems to have good morals, shes more grown up than her egg donor mom, and most of the moms on this show, Garry should be so proud of Leah, shes a credit to him and Kristina, leah’s actual parent.

    So kristina if your reading this, i think youve done a good job and youve done more than most would for a hubbys, EX!!!!! I really dont know how you did it( i sure as shit couldnt be so nice to such a bitch) i take my hat off to you.

  3. So the big issue I have here is that she’s done nothing that warrants trust from anyone. To me she always appears to be looking for support or some sort of backing, whether it be fans or people in general. It feels like a publicity attempt to garner support from a community that is incredibly welcoming. Almost as if she’s using them to garner support. I could be wrong and I’d hope I am. I just don’t believe anything she says. There always seems to be a bigger gimmick at play.

  4. When she had a meet up one season with one of her prison mates, the way they interacted and embraced told me they had been intimate. In my opinion. Amber was dating Matt Baker then so she seemed she was trying to keep it repressed, but I saw something there, in my opinion.

  5. She would never be in a relationship with a woman, because a woman would be able to hit her back without repercussions.

  6. I thought she was already out as bi?

    Didn’t she have a relationship with her cellmate?

    This is Amber’s way to deflect from the fact that she is being held accountable by not just the TM audience anymore, but by her own daughter for her shitty actions.

    Before she didn’t take care of Leah because she was in gelll, then it was because she was diagnosed BPD and depression, then it was because Matt is a theft, then it was because she had another kid and couldn’t handle two kids, then it was Andrew’s fault. Now is its this.

    1. Yup, her public sympathy escapades never end. I’m glad Leah sees through her toxicity.

  7. whoever was surprised by this has clearly never seen the episode where matt threw her a surprise birthday party and got her old cell mate to come to the party. did y’all forget that big kiss she gave her in front of her friends and family?? ambie even said “you have clothes on!” ?

  8. Who is seriously shocked by this? You could tell she liked women when her old prison celly or friend or whoever it was showed up to visit her that one episode. She was nicer to her than to any man she’s ever been around.

    These girls “come out” with these “secrets” and it’s like WE ALREADY KNEW. This is about as shocking as when McKee “came out” as a conservative like that was a big deal. Like we already know, shut up.

  9. Oh my God, get absolutely fecked! I am so sure that what this really means – if she isn’t straight up lying – is that she once got drunk and tongue-kissed a female friend when she was 16 or something. It’s an insult to the LGBTQ+ community.

    1. I’m sure she’s talking about being in gel. Otherwise, we’ve only seen her with men.

      Chris, the guy she let change Leah’s diaper from Wal-Mart. Greazeball Baier. Gary. And the foreign dude.

      Besides when her gel wife visited, we’ve never seen her with a woman.

  10. If Amber wants to be interesting and have a storyline….

    She needs to come out as EMPLOYED!

    This season has been so boring. It’s not hard to see why. We aren’t watching the lives of these people, we are watching made up scenarios they create for us. Real families have jobs and family drama and fights and organic experiences. MTV has gone so far from that working formula.

    I’m not saying Amber needs to make money, but a job is a place where she’d make friends, interact with people, and start having a life again. She is stuck in place in her tiny house with life passing her by. I’d like to see her have a win.

  11. Bisexual…bipolar….I don’t care. Bi-Bi Amber, please get out of the news! Nobody cares about your train wreck of a life.

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