Geoffrey Paschel’s family members are asking for support in the wake of the former 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days star being found guilty on all counts during his recent kidnapping and domestic assault trial.
As The Ashley told you last week, Geoffrey’s trial ended with a jury finding him guilty on all counts, including aggravated kidnapping, domestic assault, and interfering with an emergency call. The charges all stem from an altercation Geoffrey had with then-fiancé, Kristen Wilson, in June 2019.
With Geoffrey facing eight to 30 years in prison for the aggravated kidnapping charge, his son Dakota is reportedly asking supporters for donations and claiming Geoffrey “doesn’t deserve what has happened to him.” Dakota posted the statement and donation information on social media from Geoffrey’s account. (The post has since been deleted.)
“Please help. This is Dakota and I am writing this on behalf of my siblings and the rest of our family,” Dakota captioned a video and photo of he and his dad. “If you don’t know already, my dad is an amazing guy. He is always helping make this world a better place and I have never met a person that works as hard as he does. We are all overwhelmed, devastated, and heart-broken about what happened to him on October 7, 2021.
“This country is supposed to be built on justice for all,” he continued. “My dad trusted the system. The court system is supposed to give people what they deserve. He doesn’t deserve what has happened to him. Please support us in getting him the help he needs. You all have been there for him the past few years and it means so much to him and all of us.”

Dakota went on to tell Geoffrey’s followers where they could send donations, adding “any amount helps.”
Geoffrey was arrested in June 2019 for allegedly attacking his then-girlfriend in their Tennessee home. According to the petition the woman filed seeking an order of protection, Geoffrey dragged her through the house by her hair, threw her body “into walls and furniture” and disabled her phone before she was able to eventually run through the front door and go to a neighbor’s house, where she called 911. That night, Geoffrey was taken into police custody, while his ex was treated at a local hospital and diagnosed with a concussion.
The filing went on to accuse Geoffrey of “pushing, hitting, choking” and verbally threatening the woman on four other occasions.

In addition to Kristen’s claims, two of Geoffrey’s ex-wives previously accused him of committing illegal acts, including selling prescription opiates and using his children as a cover, Starcasm reports. One of the ex-wives claims Geoffrey not only abused her, but also deprived her of food and water and left her in a hotel room alone to deliver their youngest son.
While Geoffrey’s family may be on his side, many “90 Day” fans have been speaking out against Geoffrey since last year. After details of Geoffrey’s unsavory past leaked prior to the “Before the 90 Days” Season 4 premiere, a petition was started in March 2020 to have Geoffrey removed from the reality series and to prevent him from appearing on future TLC shows.
Geoffrey’s sentencing is set for December 3.
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
14 Responses
He needs to have his testes removed and face rearranged to resemble how incredibly grotesque he is on the inside. Hope they throw the book at him and female america is safe from this lecherous scoundrel until he goes on Love after Lockup lol.
Wake the hell up kid, your dad is a shit guy.
Or Geoffrey, and just bear with me on this one, or… you could drink a nice tall glass of Get Fucked.
Geoffrey Paschal is a terrible role model for his sons! He is teaching them to treat women like dirt; that it is OK to abuse them physically and emotionally. I hope him being in prison will help his sons open their eyes and see him for what he really is. They are young, but down the road as they mature, I hope they will understand that he is exactly where he needs to be.
Who in their right mind would want to send money for Geoffrey? He is a jerk, through & through!
Geoff will get three hots and a cot, and some attitude adjustment from his cellie. Hopefully he will use his time wisely!
I’m sorry for the kids—it’s hard to be raised with a violent nut-ball for a bio-dad. They should use any money they raise for extensive therapy for themselves.
Let’s look at this for what it is. His kids are going through it. This is probably the only father (figure) they have ever known, so they can’t see outside of this type of behavior. They are young and emotional at this point.
As far as lil’ ol’ Geoff, he deserves 30 plus years to think about the lives he’s ruined and his own life he has wasted. Counseling is free in prison, he just has to ask his cell mate nicely.
Fuck them kids
I know he is your dad but he is a convicted abuser and a POS. Deal with it and don’t beg money for him
He will get all the counseling he needs from his new cell mate Buba. He will learn about being on the receiving end of abuse real quick. Sounds perfect.
Geoffrey is where he belongs.
I feel bad for his kids. I’ve been in the position if believing my pos dad was a good person. I stuck up for him for many years and then he beat me up and I’m disabled for life. It took that final beating for something to snap in my head and realize he’s a monster. I really feel for his kids and I hope they figure it out. Life is too short to care about what happens to people like my dad and Geoffrey
Well, in this case, Geoffrey got exactly what he deserved. I understand that it’s hard for family members (especially the children) of the accused to want to see the accused in a good light but Geoffrey is far from a saint. I hope he uses his time locked up to work on becoming a better person.
Please, he is a repeat domestic violence offender. If I recall, he also raped his ex-wife. Not to mention that he was arrested multiple times and did prison time for being a drug dealer. Yet, he “is an amazing guy”. So, we are supposed to spend our hard earned money to help this fool? No thanks, I will donate to a domestic violence shelter instead!
Are you kidding me? This is absurd.