The cast of Teen Mom OG spent the last few days in Los Angeles, filming the Season 9B Reunion. Amber Portwood, Maci Bookout, Catelynn Lowell, Cheyenne Floyd and Mackenzie McKee filmed alongside their baby daddies, husbands and family members, in addition to ‘Reunion’ mainstays Dr. Drew Pinsky and Nessa.
Of course, things went south with the cast of ‘Teen Mom OG’ on Friday night, when Mackenzie discovered that she had been singled out of the group and had been tricked into filming her Reunion segments and promos separate from the other four girls. Mack claimed that MTV kept her away from the other girls due to a conflict she was having with Cheyenne. (You can read all about that here!)
Anyway, the girls from Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant were also in California filming. According to The Ashley’s on-set sources, the ‘Young and Pregnant’ girls will appear in special segments alongside the ‘OG’ girls.

“[The show’s producers] want to get the show back to its original purpose, of talking about the unique experiences young moms have,” one behind-the-scenes source tells The Ashley. “They brought the four ‘YP’ girls out so that each girl can sit down with one of the ‘OG’ girls and discuss their life and the ‘OG’ girl can try to offer advice to the younger girl.”
The Ashley hears that each ‘Young and Pregnant’/’Teen Mom OG’ pair filmed a special segment, and that nearly all of them “were super-emotional. Everyone was crying.”
The source tells The Ashley that they put Cheyenne with Kayla Sessler; Amber with Kiaya Elliott; Maci with Brianna Jaramillo and Catelynn (along with her husband Tyler Baltierra) with Rachel Beaver.
“They purposely chose those pairings. Like, they felt that Kayla and Cheyenne have similar situations having two kids, and that Cate and Tyler could relate to Rachel’s problems with her mother. The segments went really well and they got really good footage,” the source said. “A lot [of the people behind the scenes] feel like they’re the best segments they’ve had in a long time.”
Check out the photo gallery to see snaps of the Reunion taping! (Click the thumbnail to enlarge and flip through the photos using the arrows on the far sides of the screen.)
(Photos: Instagram; TikTok; Twitter)
28 Responses
Why do these gilrs insist on dressing like hookers for all the reunion shows.
Cheyenne’s dress looks like a bathrobe.
Yeah, Dr. Do Do is right on the money. What a whuss he is. Never asks the pertinent or hard Questions. What a loser.
It’s so mean what they did to Mackenzie when Cheyanne has posted racist things about white babies and wanting to hurt them among others and despite that mtv still hired her.. also, amber being on here after what she’s done, imagine if a man did this..
Hold the phone. They paired Amber with a young mother…to give…parenting advice? Hahahahaha. Ok what really happened?
Really can’t wait to see how this played out lmfao I desperately want to hear what advice Amber could have possibly given. Should have swapped her out for Kristina, you know, Leah’s real mom.
Wait, Nessa and Amber were in the same room and no one called for a airstrike? Missed opportunity.
stay lit
What advise could Amber possibly have to offer about parenting? She’s never been one!
I came here to say the same thing!
How to sleep 24/7.
amber , biological mother of 2, is gonna teach them how to sit on a couch all day and get rich?
macy will explain them how to recycle empty beer bottles,
cat will show them how to fill tupperware with bodily fluents,
and from cheyenne the might learn how to rent a helicopter,
sure drewy drew u r on to something, yawn.
The young women from _Young and Pregnant_ may currently be making more money than their future earning potential will ever get them near, but none of them are going to get rich off of this, and they’re not going to have the rare experience of being new-money-RICH teen moms that the OGz have;
they are gonna need advice from young mothers who HAVEN’T had money growing on a tree for them since they were 16. (And preferably some more who are actually competent parents).
IOW,the OGz have absolutely zero to offer struggling teen moms in the way of advice, except how to score free plastic surgery that looks it or how to maximize their earning potential by exploiting their kids and “friends” with false clickbait about them.
“They brought the four ‘YP’ girls out so that each girl can sit down with one of the ‘OG’ girls and discuss their life and the ‘OG’ girl can try to offer advice to the younger girl.”
OMG I havent laughed so hard since I read The Ashley’s last recap!!!
That advice plus all that great Dr. Drew accountability is worth about……
A 90 day trial to re-watch all the great episodes on Paramount Plus!
OMG I’m seriously gonna laugh all night at that!
I think all the moms are shit asses. And I know a shit ass when I see one. Amber is probably the biggest one.
Based on this, anyone who believes Mack’s fairytale blaming all her issues on Cheyenne is just as naive as she is. MTV clearly does not value her as a mom. MTV didn’t include her in syncing with the Y+P girls is because *insert shock* none of their kids are being 100% not parented and shitting on the floor! She has no contemporary, because in her blind pursuit of fame she is neglecting her kids. It’s honestly sad.
Uhm yeah, except Amber is not even really a mother, she’s technically just an egg donor. Bentley is full of anxiety and Maci is making a living off of making that poor boy’s therapy sessions and issues a storyline.
And no, I don’t believe that Mackenzie is an innocent angel, but the rest of girls are just as full of shit as she is.
Oh I fully agree that none of these girls are perfect! Or nearly even decent human beings for that matter. I do, however, think that I can be critical of one without bringing up the sins of every other girl, because this situation to me is about one girl. Maci, Amber, Cait, or Chey have all had moments where they are squarely in the wrong and they get called out BIG time. Amber is frequently bashed online, and for good reason, and you don’t see people bringing up others behavior to justify her. She’s just wrong. And in this situation I see the same for Mack, but everyone is trying to justify things for her. I just don’t understand the difference with Mack, she’s wrong and that’s okay. She can literally do the work and move forward, but everywhere I look its excuses for her and sweeping her actions under the rug and its truly ridiculous.
She has never and will never take accountability for her actions, because fans come up with just as many excuses for her as she does for herself. When we all know if any of the other moms kids behaved the way hers do the comments would be in shambles.
I can see this about Mack and how she’s received. She used to be completely hated before she came back. Now, she’s almost sufferable compared to an Amber or a Kail or a Jenelle.