Jenelle Evans Calls ‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Cheyenne Floyd “Racist”, Brings Up Cheyenne’s Old Racist Tweets: “You Just Don’t Like White People!”

“I’m coming for you, Chey!”

Jenelle Evans is coming to the defense of Teen Mom OG star Mackenzie McKee after Mack was labelled ‘exhaustingly ignorant’ and a bully by her co-star Cheyenne Floyd. In a new interview, Jenelle took some swings at Chey, insisting that Cheyenne is actually the one who is racist, and referring fans back to Cheyenne’s infamous 2011 tweets in which she wrote that she has a problem with white people, among other problematic things.

Jenelle also took to Twitter to address the “Mean Girl” accusations against Cheyenne and the other ‘Teen Mom OG’ girls, who purposely left Mackenzie out during the filming of the ‘Teen Mom OG’ Reunion last week, causing Mackenzie to take to social media to claim that her being left out was due to Chey not wanting to be around Mackenzie because of her racism scandal earlier this year. (Click here to read about that!)

In an interview with The Sun, Jenelle defended Mackenzie for accidentally mixed up the terms “colored woman” and “woman of color.”

“It makes me mad that nobody brings up Cheyenne, and then everyone drags everyone else for saying colored woman like, come on,” Jenelle said.

“Cheyenne is the one that posted that she hates white people, so I don’t even want to hear that,” Jenelle stated. “If anyone’s racist, it would be Cheyenne who has been tweeting about it for way longer…Cheyenne has said much worse.”

 Cheyenne’s tweets from 2011 were discovered shortly after The Ashley announced that Cheyenne had been cast on ‘Teen Mom OG.’ Although the tweets have long since been deleted, they live on in screenshots.

Try to clean it up if you want, Chey, but remember: the Internet is forever!

In 2011, Cheyenne tweeted, “My mom said I can’t see [the movie] ‘The Help,’ she knows I already have a problem with white people.”

She later posted, “Last night I saw [‘The Help’] and I wanted to kill every white person I saw.”

That same year, Cheyenne retweeted a tweet, assumingly sent to her by a friend, that was pretty shocking.

“[Cheyenne] and [redacted] are the only Nazi-loving, black power-having, ‘kill-a-white-baby-if-I-could’ people I can accept & adore.”

She also posted, “This little white kid told me I looked like a cat today. I shoulda kicked him in his head.”

After the old tweets went public, Cheyenne temporarily deleted her Twitter account. In 2018, though, she finally addressed the old tweets, writing on Instagram, “As a mom of a baby with a biracial dad, and a member of a new blended, mix-raced family, I am so sorry that these messages resurfaced, and they do not represent me at all.”

She also claimed that she was not the only person posting tweets to her account. (She received some criticism for shucking the blame off of herself. and instead claiming someone else wrote the offensive tweets…but posted them to her account.) 

“That’s the best excuse you could think of Chey? Really?”

“[The tweets] came from a shared social media account (with many users) during my teenage/college years. Although I didn’t write them, they were in poor taste and hurtful. Through this experience I have grown up so much and thank God every day for the woman I am becoming.”

Jenelle was clearly not moved by Cheyenne’s 2018 apology, telling The Sun this week that Cheyenne should not be accusing Mackenzie or anyone else of being racist, due to her own previous actions.

“Cheyenne is like ‘Oh you’re racist. I don’t want to film with her. I don’t want be sat with her.’ No Cheyenne- you just don’t like white people,” Jenelle told the website. 

On Twitter, Jenelle posted (then deleted) a tweet hinting again that Cheyenne just doesn’t like white people.

“…some of those girls pointing fingers hate white people themselves,” she wrote.

Jenelle also addressed the fact that many fans were calling Cheyenne, as well as Maci BookoutAmber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell “mean girls” for bringing “high school level drama” to the set by leaving Mackenzie out. In a series of tweets, Jenelle discussed her own experiences of being left out on a ‘Teen Mom’ set.


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(In the years since Jenelle was fired from Teen Mom 2, she has accused her former cast mates Kail LowryLeah Messer and Chelsea Houska of “mean girl” behavior and of purposely leaving her out at Reunions.) 

“People have been asking me about McKenzie,” Jenelle tweeted earlier this week. “I know me and McKenzie have each other blocked.. lol but someone tell her I said stay strong and don’t be upset. You’re the bigger person in this situation. 


“Y’all… leave McKenzie alone. Way to make someone feel left out… per usual,” Jenelle added, taking a shot at her former nemesis Amber along the way. “Honestly I can’t believe Maci and Cate would act this way. You can expect Amber to but damn I know how McKenzie feels and it bothers me. That’s all.

“I remember a day being singled out, locked in my hotel, crying my eyes out. Feeling alone, feeling like I wasn’t good enough for anyone,” Jenelle wrote. “Being a ‘mean girl’ isn’t the best choice and I hope some of you are never like that. Mental Health Awareness IS REAL.”

“I’m crying my eyes out over here and nobody cares!”

She then tweeted (and deleted) that she did her best to make Briana DeJesus feel welcome when she was added to the ‘Teen Mom 2’ cast years ago.

“Likeeee when others tried to be mean girls to Bri I was like, ‘nope, this isn’t happening again.’ That’s why me and [Briana] clicked, probably why her and Jade [Cline] click too…and I couldn’t be happier for their friendship.” 

Cheyenne has yet to respond to Jenelle’s interview about her.

“Lemme at her!!!”

This is not the first time an Eason has come for Chey and those associated with her. Last year, Jenelle’s husband David Eason blasted Cheyenne, writing on Facebook that she should have been fired from ‘Teen Mom OG’ because of her tweets, just as Taylor Selfridge (the girlfriend of Chey’s baby daddy Cory Wharton) was fired after her racially offensive tweets were discovered.

“Cheyenne Floyd has so much privilege she can say the most racist things out of anyone, delete her apology but still not fired?” David wrote, later commenting, “You’re not supposed to say anything if it’s a female being a racist c**t.”

Hours later, David fired his Internet back up to post a series of Instagram Stories, tagging MTV and asking his followers to make Cheyenne (or, as he put it “this bitch”) “famous for being racist. Boycott @MTV, contact their sponsors!” 

He then came out swinging for ‘Teen Mom’ Executive Producer Morgan J. Freeman for firing him and Taylor but not Cheyenne. 

“I’m ’bout to fill all y’all’s streets with uppercuts!”

“Morgan acts like he cares about racism but looks like he only holds white people accountable for their actions,” David— who was fired in 2018 for posting homophobic tweets— wrote.

David then posted some screenshots of Cheyenne’s old tweets, along with messages such as, “@MTV you gonna fire everyone or just pick and choose who you don’t like personally?”

“MTV knowingly hires a racist,” David wrote on another screenshot of The Ashley’s story about Cheyenne apologizing for her old tweets. “@MTV did you know that Cheyenne deleted her apology after saying all this?”

In 2018, David accused Cheyenne as well as Cory of hating white people before challenging Cory to a fight on The Land.

“So I just heard this racist b*tch Chyenne Floyd has one of her boyfriends who thinks he wants to fight me. Why because you and your girl HATE WHITE PEOPLE so you attack the most southern one… You’re better off taking sand-paper to a tigers a** than f**k with me boy,” David wrote on Facebook.

RELATED STORY: Maci Bookout & Cheyenne Floyd Feud with Mackenzie McKee After Mackenzie Is Left Out of ‘Teen Mom OG’ Promos & Claims Cheyenne “Hates” Her: Full Recap of Events

(Photos: MTV; Instagram; Twitter)

49 Responses

  1. The constant theme in this story that never changes is David really is the biggest P.O.S. Jenelle blew it big time when she picked him over MTV and everyday the 2 of them are in that house she has to look at his face & be reminded of it. No matter how many times you @ MTV they are forever done with you and will never take you back. Stop inserting yourself where you don’t belong. You picked him- they dropped you FOREVER.

    1. Janelle is JUST AS BAD AS DAVID!
      Not only does she stand by him she supports EVERYTHING HE DOES, always has, always will.
      That is NOT simply standing by your man, that is being a gross entitled mound of turd herself!
      They sure are *soulmates*

  2. Seriously it’d be even funnier if no one talked about jenelles tweets so she could see just how irrelevant she is.

  3. You should know how wrong your take is if you’re agreeing with Janelle. Let that sink in. Also why didn’t the article bring up Chey’s story on Instagram that elaborates this situation? There was way more to that situation n that makes it completely understandable why Cheyenne wouldn’t what to put herself or her family in that situation yet again. Considering Mack made it clear she hadn’t let it go the night before and was still bringing it up it made Chey realize that Mack probably wasn’t going to drop it and would bring the situation back up which always leads to more ignorant comments from her bc every time she’s spoken about it she makes worse and worse comments and if I was Chey I would know that if she was doing that face to face where you can’t just hang up and be away from the situation it’d be a lot more toxic environment and I damn sure wouldn’t put myself in that position not knowing how I’d handle it if mack dug herself in deeper yet again by opening her mouth about it. Everyone acting like it’s Chey who didn’t let go when Mack is the one that messaged her the night before and knowing that every conversation that had been previously had with her led to more ignorance… Nah what person would want to be around that?

  4. So let me get this straight: Cheyenne apologizes and it’s not good enough, but Mack apologizes and gets paragraphs written about how it’s ridiculous she hasn’t been forgiven??? Come on, I really want to know what the difference is.

    And if my coworker, who I don’t really know, dragged me into her drama but then I was all of a sudden the bad guy I would be pissed. And I have a feeling most of y’all would be too!

    1. Really?? What Mackenzie said, using the word “colored” is completely different than literally saying she “wants to kill every white kid she sees”. And saying her apology wasn’t good enough also isn’t relevant because it was literally swept under the rug & never mentioned until she starts speaking about racism and it literally just says (she has since apologized) meanwhile, other (white) cast members were fired for making a comment that also wasn’t as serious as what Chey said, even with an apology. So Mackenzie’s ignorance on the word colored, immediately wanted to educate herself and apologized many times, sincerely. Girl grew up in an almost all white, bfe area but was raised by a woman who literally always said “always be kind” & to insinuate she’s a straight up racist, hateful person is so far from the truth. Mackenzie wasn’t forced to apologize, she sincerely meant it and wanted to rectify it asap, meanwhile, if chey wasn’t on tv, her old tweets wouldn’t have been deleted and she never would’ve apologized. Only when she started advocating for racism, did she realize she should get on damage control asap so she didn’t miss any $$.

  5. How is this idiot gonna call anyone racist, when shes married to the biggest bigot of them all, and she was calling Kieffah all types on *N bombs* via text message and MTV let her keep her job. It took an animal being murdered for her to get fired, not her racial slurs, her child abuse, or her hursbands homophobic rants..and fuck McKee too for starting all this and having Jenelle crawl out of whatever swamp hole she’s been living in. I think more stuff is going on behing the scenes as to why those girls don’t really like McKee, because when Jenelle is your only ally, somethings is wrong with YOU. Just look at Briana.

  6. So these tweets from Cheyenne are from a decade ago when she was a teenager?!? And the baby thing wasn’t even something she wrote but retweeted?!? People are wild. Watching something like The Help or 12 Years A Slave can be incredibly traumatic for a young black teen because those stories are real life, those things really happened. I myself felt angry at white people after watching these movies and I am white. Racism isn’t magically gone because slavery is over. Racism is alive and well and prosperous with people like Mackenzie and Janelle. Her tweets were not racist. But I have to ask……… WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH MACKENZIE SAYING RACIST THINGS???? Why is Cheyenne being brought into this?? She had absolutely nothing to do with anything Mackenzie did or Mackenzie being filmed alone. No one told Mackenzie that Cheyenne didn’t want to film with her, she just came to that conclusion herself. Mackenzie is 100% being racist, ignorant, and disrespectful to Cheyenne for no other reason than Cheyenne being the only black girl on the show. Did Mackenzie also call Amber, Maci, and Caitlyn after using racist terms? No. She made the whole thing about Cheyenne, making it Cheyenne’s job to say it’s okay. If Mackenzie was really sorry than she would take the time to educate herself and try to do better but she isn’t doing that she is just blaming Cheyenne for having to face consequences for her racist words. Anyone defending Mackenzie in this is wrong. I mean, Just take a look at who is supporting her….

    1. Cheyenne’s being brought into this because of her appearance and skin color, and it’s bullshit IMO. How was Bristol Palin okay with Cheye if Cheye is sooooooo racist?? They keep bringing up her tweets from over a decade ago, because that’s the only thing they can find on her, but they forget everything everyone else (aside from Kail and Portwood) has done. Cheyenne hasn’t said much of anything outside of quotes on TMOG, and has minded her business, but all of a sudden because McKee is a moron who can’t figure out what a filter is, Cheyennes in the middle of some BS. Cheyenne tried to help McKee’s dumbass, and this is the result. I wouldn’t talk to McKee ever again either if I were Cheyenne. Not to mention McKee harassing the hell out of Cheyenne by telling her “I Love You” 6xs and getting mad it wasn’t recipricated. I don’t think McKee is racist, but I think she is VERY VERY ignorant and is unwilling and incapable of learning anything.

    2. “The Help or 12 Years A Slave can be incredibly traumatic for a young black teen because those stories are real life, those things really happened. I myself felt angry at white people after watching these movies and I am white.”

      Exactly the intended effect. Never mind that Africans sold their own to America, or that less than 2% of the entire population of America owned slaves and that small percentage includes black slave owners as well, or that slavery still exists in non-white countries and no one gives a fuck because it doesn’t serve the agenda to demonize whitey.

      In short, you walked away with the exact programming they planned. You’re all primed for your CRT training session now.

      Nothing against you, btw. They play on human emotions. It’s the reason they exist.

      1. Do you even get how prejudiced your statement is? Yes, some Africans sold members of their tribes into slavery that us true, yet that does not mean white slavers in the America’s are wiped clean of their atrocious actions! Both can be true. At the same time, those African’s still in Africa are not thriving on a system that was built by, yet until very recently excluded, the enslaved and their dependents.

        No one brought up CRT at all, but I want to know how America can share history that is not completely Euro-American centric without examining the flaws and issues of the past? In a lot of southern states, kids are taught that the Confederacy was good for black people and nothing was wrong with slavery, how is that a good lesson for any kid to learn?? The Help and 12 Years a Slave are narratives that humanize situations, for mostly white consumption, so that people can begin to understand and have empathy for how the past effects people today.

      2. The Help is enraging for many black viewers because its almost entirely from a white perspective. It sanitizes the reality of slavery into a feel-good movie for white audiences to enjoy.

  7. Jenelle is a raging idiot who is just mad she and David got fired for bad behavior and just wants other people to be fired as well. David and Jenelle have said multiple racist things so she has no business getting involved in this. Oh and I seriously doubt she was left out at a reunion (who knows if it’s true because she lies so much) but even if she was left out, who cares. I wouldn’t want to hang around such a miserable person either.

    1. My feelings exactly. They’re trying to go tit for tat and it’s annoying and weird. McKees stuff happened over 6 months ago, nobody had said anything about it since like March or April, and here it is again being brought up for what seems to be a storyline. Like you said, MOVE ON.

    2. They need to keep all that BS going to keep us divided. The parasites in DC work against us as a team. Republicans and Dems are partners in crime behind the scenes. If we were united as a country, they’d have a much harder time running over us and robbing us blind as they do freely now.

  8. Cheyenne is all-too-obviously fake as they come. She’s clearly only on the show to get her check, she has zero interest in the other stories, only wants MTV to drive her narrative and pay her those dollars. Her attempt to be sincere and real in a joke. She’s bored AF, uninterested, probably doesn’t care about spreading the word on how difficult teen mom life is about (was she even a teen mom?), and probably shit talks everyone and everything about the show off camera.

    I do, however, think her family unit is awesome. If her parents, stepparents, and Corey did a show together, I’d so watch that. And I’m still confused as to why Corey’s GF was cancelled…for racist comments…when Cheyenne is racist herself…

  9. Chey’s so called “apology” was fake af. She was sorry about those tweets coming up, not about what she said. She has no room to call other people racist. Period. And sadly Lurch is right: MTV should have fired her but didn’t, I don’t know why. She’s not even interesting

  10. I’m so sick of Cheyenne’s idea that she’s the underdog. Does anyone really think she’s not privileged? Let’s be real, she makes out she’s the poster girl for BLM sitting in her mansion with her constant parties. To me she doesn’t have any idea what the average life is like.

    1. For once I agree with Jenelle. Cheyenne is an entitled POS. MTV is horrible at holding their little ratings spawns accountable. These “teen moms” are a little long in the tooth to act so childish. MTV is a hypocrite. This is why I stopped watching them years ago.

  11. Lol go ahead Jenelle lololol she ain’t scared of Chey like the rest of the girls lololol

    This is so trashy, all the best drama happens off the show!!

  12. I suspect she may have talked about hating white people because morons like Janelle and David exist… I’m just saying.

    1. Thank you! Plus, if anyone has even watched movies/shows they would probably feel the same way too. Like don’t even get me started about how I felt after I watched When They See Us. Seeing how people of your race/ethnicity were treated and realizing that it really wasn’t that long ago and seeing that people want it to go back to that way, will for real make you feel some type of way. I definitely don’t think Chey is racist, those tweets came from a place of hurt. Wasn’t right for her to tweet it though.

      1. and also jenelle pretends her leaked racist texts to keiffer don’t exist and people aren’t even bringing it up enough meanwhile they mention cheyenne’s tweets everytime she breathes. obviously i don’t think she was right for that but this fanbase will never let that go and seem to only pick and choose.

  13. Cue the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus music ???

    As far as I’m concerned, CHEYNOTSHY wasn’t even a damn teen mom, so her ass should have never been on the show to begin with. MTV just dug deep into their basket of famewhores from one of their million boring competition shows and her and Cory jumped at the chance to be on TV again. As far as Jenelle, as long as the tabloids keep calling, she will keep bumpin’ her gums for a few bucks. If MTV really wanted to end this exhausting debate, they would hold all these chicks to the same standard, but who am I kidding? MTV has never had standards.

  14. idk how people have forgotten so easily that jenelle herself repeatedly call her former soulmate kieffer the n word with the hard r. even to this day david keeps saying racist stuff, so idk why she feels the need to comment on racism or even anything teen mom related since apparently she “doesn’t need it”

    1. Jenelle reads the comments on this site then makes statements off the snipets she agrees with.

      I agree with you. For someone as racist as she and David are, and as much as she “doesn’t care” about Teen Mom, she sure likes to interject a lot. She is such a sourpuss. She’s broke af, hence her constant statements trying to stay relevant.

  15. “I’m not on teen mom and don’t want to be associated”.. yet.. “please ask me about teen mom things ”

    I hate this useless see u next Tue

  16. I am really sick of Cheyenne and her hypocrisy. She does not fit in with the cast – you can tell she’s fake nicey nice with the other girls, collects her check, and talk mad shit about all of them to her friends. I can’t even stand this show anymore.

    I’m lit, Nibs

  17. Excuse me. But is Jenelle herself conveniently forgetting she once used the N word in reference to her then “soulmate” Kieffer? Because if so, to refresh her memory the year was 2014. And it was also written and “documented’ forever in a text message.

    In the text she was telling former Soulmate Kieffer he could never measure up to Soulmate Nathan who was her current “soulmate” at the time.

    So if her memory is that foggy, I suggest all she (or anyone else) has to do is — Goggle it.


  18. While I think that Cheyenne is phony and barfy and should have to pay for the awful things she’s said like everyone else, Jenelle is the human embodiment of a lurid poo and has no right to say anything about anyone ever.

  19. Pot, meet Kettle. None of these ‘Teen Moms’ have any room to talk about the other. All are shit asses of varying degrees.

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