Josh Duggar’s child sex abuse trial continued Thursday with an expert from Covenant Eyes– the accountability and filtering software used and promoted by the Duggar Family for years– taking the stand to explain how Josh allegedly circumvented the software to deceive wife Anna Duggar.
Jeffrey Wofford, the Vice President of Technology for Covenant Eyes Inc., testified Thursday that Josh and Anna had an account with the company, which offers software that can be installed on devices that a user wishes to monitor activity on.
(Josh had an account with Covenant Eyes since around 2013– two years before his 2015 cheating scandal was revealed; the Duggar Family has promoted the software over the years on both their website and in their books.)

According to Jeffrey, “[the user] identifies someone they love and trust” to act as their accountability partner and that individual receives a report of any questionable activity on the device. The software company offers different ratings of sites users can access– similar to how TV shows are rated. Josh and Anna had chosen “mature teen” as the level of content Josh could access on devices with Covenant Eyes installed.
“Many users use this [rating level],” Jeffrey said Thursday in court.
The “mature teen” level does not permit access to p0rn of any kind, however, a Linux disk partition was installed onto Josh’s devices, essentially allowing him to split his computer into two separate computers and preventing Covenant Eyes from detecting anything accessed through the Linux operating system.
“There are not that many Linux users,” Jeffrey said, noting the operating system is used by more “sophisticated” internet users.

Anna was mentioned multiple times Thursday as the witness and lawyers discussed her role as Josh’s accountability partner. She appeared unbothered, however, as it was described in the courtroom how Linux was installed on Josh’s devices to essentially deceive both Anna and the Covenant Eyes software.
The Ashley is currently in the Fayetteville, Arkansas, courtroom reporting the events of Josh’s trial as they unfold. Click here for live updates.
RELATED STORY: LIVE UPDATES From Josh Duggar’s Child Sex Abuse Trial: Day Three
(Photos: TLC)
20 Responses
When is Anna going to wise up and leave that nasty guy?? She’s making herself look pathetic!!!! Totally disgusted with her too.
Anna is as bad, I hope those poor kids get removed from her and any other dugger.
As a CSA survivor…with a mother like Anna those children will NEVER be safe!
If she continues to sit by his side she is an accomplice and GUILTY of not protecting her children.
And Josh isn’t the only pedophile in the Duggar circle that are still allowed around those kids.
If being an accountability partner entails staring up at your husband like he just promised that YOU can MAYBE hold the remote for the tv later and MAYBE choose the show, I say no thanks partner!
You know Anns is a freak in the sheets, she’d have to be to keep up with that smelly fool, who probably orders his extramarital sex like he orders Sonic, meat sweats be damned.
At this point, NO sympathy for that “shrinking violet” and her “offended sensibiities”!
She should be forced to see what the monster she keeps making children with likes to get off on(even tho we all know she already knew), so she can putt on her big girl pants and save her children instead of standing behind a man who should be near no one’s children ever, even his own. Go parent your own fucking kids Anna, instead of your 33 year old deranged one!!
I don’t know why you got downvoted, Mr. Fritz, but I agree 1,000% with what you said…
I’m honestly starting to believe she is an accomplice. Nobody is that stupid!
Imagine the degrading things he has put Anna through in the bedroom. As his wife she has to have some idea of the level of his pervertedness.
Ashley in the courtroom! We love the dedication but hope your weathering it well. So seriously disgusting stuff is going to come up during this trial.
I’m sure Josh thought the “mature teen” option meant something else..
Nah. Way too old for him.
I always found it comical that Anna was Josh’s accountability partner. She holds him accountable for nothing.
Nobody ever did