Jed Duggar‘s brother, Josh may be on trial for receiving and possessing child sex abuse materials, but Jed but decided to lighten the mood a bit on Monday by posting cutesy photos from his 2020 engagement to his now-wife Katey…
…and it did not go well.
Jed— who had been named as a potential or confirmed witness for Josh’s trial but did not take the stand–has not made an appearance in the courtroom on Monday, despite many of his siblings attending on Monday and Tuesday. Instead, he posted a series of “throwback” photos of the day in February he proposed to Katey.
“Looking back at our romantic winter proposal on Valentine’s Day!” Jed captioned a series of photos, while also promoting a link in his bio a video.
Unfortunately for Jed, his followers were not amused by his cheery post, with many leaving comments about how insensitive the post was, given what was going on with the Duggar Family on Monday.
(As The Ashley—who has been in Arkansas for the trial– previously reported in her “Live Updates,” Monday was a difficult day in court, as former Duggar family friend Bobye Holt testified in great detail about Josh molesting his sisters back when he was a teenager. Her graphic testimony included descriptions about what Josh said he did to one victim, who was only five.)
“Read the room Jed- not the right time!” one person commented on the post.
“Distracting much?” another wrote. “Come on, this isn’t time or place. You know your sisters have a serious hard time right now, right? Your brother is in court facing 40 years of jail time. You act here like all if fine, nothing going on. You could also support your sisters…”
“I’m sure your engagement was wonderful, but this seems like deflection or damage control,” someone else wrote.
“I think maybe you should have chosen another time to reveal this…” another person commented. “This will not deflect the world on what is going on with your brothers and your innocent sisters that he hurt.”
“In very poor taste,” someone replied to the comment. “[His dad] Jim Bob [Duggar] probably told him to do this.”

While Jed’s post was flooded with negative comments, he did receive support from one person— his sister, Jill Duggar Dillard, who wrote, “Gorgeous! Love y’all!” in the comment section.
Katey and Jed have yet to make an appearance in the courtroom. So far the following Duggars (or Duggar associates) have appeared in court at least once: Josh’s wife, Anna (who has been there every day); Joy and Austin Forsyth; Jessa Seewald (who appeared briefly on Monday); James Duggar, Jason Duggar, Justin Duggar (who appeared briefly on Thursday with his smiley mother-in-law, Hilary Spivey, in tow); Jill’s husband Derick Dillard (who has been there every day); Jana Duggar (who attended Tuesday); Laura DeMasie (Jana’s best friend and an employee of Jim Bob who came Monday and Tuesday).
Jim Bob himself appeared in court for the first time during the trial. (He was legally obligated to testify during the pre-trial hearing last Monday.)
Jed and Katey— who got married on April 3 and are already expecting their first child— have yet to respond to the critical comments.
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
15 Responses
Jed and Katey should have the right to live their own lives. Good grief.
After a little digging, I found weather history in Springdale, Arkansas on Valentine’s Day 2020. The day had a high of 46 and a low of 17. So, either it’s just super duper freezing a few miles away where they were, or he’s making a bullshit story. I’ll put my bets on #2.
Negative 13 Fahrenheit seems… extremely cold????
It is. They must live in the mountains of Arkansas (if there are any) because I live in the mountains of western PA, and the last time it got that cold was overnight, a couple years ago. I’m way further north than them AND probably a higher altitude.
It must be such a mindfuck for the younger Duggars who have been told their whole lives that even holding hands before marriage is wrong and now they’re being asked to accept that big bro sexually touching his own sisters and other young girls is not that big a deal or anywhere near a crime. No wonder they look so confused all the time.
I think the bubble they have been raised in just doesn’t talk about things like this happening so they are completely clueless. The boys especially probably wonder if there is any damage done at all since the girls ‘were asleep’ during the ‘inappropriate touching’ and if it was probably their fault anyway for being ‘tempting’.
God, JB and M really did a number on these kids, that family is messed up, but they just paint a rictus grin on and put the Christmas lights up. Creepy.
It is weird timing. A “winter” throwback picture to Valentine’s Day? Yes, February 14th is still winter but it is also two months away.
None of them take this seriously except the girls who Josh molested.
Wait, Jed and Katey are ‘expecting’? I think this is the first I’ve heard of it.
None of these Duggar man boys have any social conscience…they were raised in a bubble, pushed to marry when their hormones came about, and are complete buffoons concerning proper etiquette. Justin, with those thumbs up and stupid grin! Like mommy just said he could get an extra ginger ale with supper. Did he even understand what was being said during trial?! Probably not…to him, and his toddler-like mind, it was Mandarin Chinese, and he was told to look that way by his crazy ass parents.
@Jen– Justin looked totally confused during testimony. He was only there for the morning session, while there were two witnesses testifying about the tech stuff. He didn’t stay for the part where the CSA materials were described in graphic detail. His (s)mother-in-law left before lunch…just enough to get her picture taken! I kept giving her dirty looks haha -The Ashley
Good on you ( with the dirty looks)
I don’t think I could sit there and hear what the pos has done.
They make my skin crawl and my blood boil.
I’m so curious if Derick is there in support of of Josh or for another reason…
I think I read he is studying to be an attorney so that might be part of it. I can’t see him being there to support Josh since his wife was a victim of Josh.
I think Derrick has a tumultuous relationship with the Duggars, so I don’t put it passed him to play nice… for now.
Derrick hoped justice would be served today and I too hope Josh will be held accountable
Meh the timing isn’t great but this isn’t as bad as Justin’s big double thumbs up the other day.