Chris Lopez Answers Questions About His Time with ‘Teen Mom 2′ Star Kail Lowry, His Third Child & His Kids’ Last Names

“Q: Do I think I’m father of the year? A: You’re damn right!”

Chris Lopez may have a newborn– as well as two other kids– but he still has time to hop on social media to answer questions from fans… and possibly stir up a little drama in the process.) 

The ex-boyfriend of Kail Lowry, who shares sons Lux, 4, and Creed, 1, with the Teen Mom 2 star, as well as a third child with an unnamed woman, took to Instagram Monday to talk about his three sons, fatherhood, and Kail– albeit indirectly.

“Whatever. I’m still gonna take this as your way of flirting.”

As The Ashley told you last week, Chris confirmed that his third son had been born, and that he’s been able to “experience more with the third one than I have with the others.” While Chris said he and Baby No. 3 have shared many experiences, he suggested during the Q&A that they share much more than that. When asked about the infant’s name and why Chris decided to gift the baby his childhood name bracelet, Chris seemed to confirm his third son is named after him. 

“It’s kinda his name so it kinda made sense,” Chris said. 

Chris then addressed a question regarding the last name of each of his three children.

“ … My 3 kids were all born with the last name Lopez..ain’t much I can do if ppl decide to change it but my first born is the only one who doesn’t have my last name now,” he said, referring to Lux.

Kail spoke about her children’s last names in August 2020, (right after Creed was born), admitting she had some regrets about giving Creed the last name Lopez.

“Much like our children’s last names.”

“There have been periods of time where I felt like he doesn’t deserve to have his last name passed down but … in a situation like this, I don’t know what’s right or wrong,” she said. “Maybe I should have just hyphenated both [of our kids’] names and called it a f**king day? When they’re old enough, they can decide which name they want. But I do feel like [getting the father’s last name] is earned.” 

Chris went on in his Q&A to tell his followers he isn’t a fan of using the term “half” sibling, as “that’s [your] brother or sister regardless if y’all got different moms or dads.”

Along the same subject, he answered a question about his two older sons and how they are reacting to being big brothers to the new baby. 

“Lux normal with it he just wants to hold him and Creed gotta adjust a lil bit lol,” he said. “Lux was holding the baby and Creed was not with it like trying to pull Lux away other than that he just stares at him and talks that baby talk to him.” 

As for whether he will ever tell his side of his relationship with Kail (and the drama that has followed them since), Chris responded only with, “I hated myself, the end.”   

RELATED STORY: Jenelle Evans Talks About Being “Uninvited” From ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’; Ashley Jones Hilariously Trolls Jenelle For Insinuating Bar Smith Shouldn’t Have Been Invited

(Photos: YouTube; Instagram; MTV)

32 Responses

  1. She’s not wrong that last names are earned. If you’re not around during a pregnancy, then you don’t deserve to have your last name carried on through that child. BUT Kail is spiteful and petty and uses her kids as weapons, so it’s not hard to believe that she changes their names out of spite.

  2. So why did she change Lux’s name from Lopez to Lowry? Seems stupid considering she had another kid with him and gave him Chris’s last name. The fact she says the dads need to “earn” the last name yet she has told people she got pregnant with Creed as a result of being assaulted..yet gave Creed Chris’s last WHAT??

  3. that’s [your] brother or sister regardless if y’all got different moms or dads.

    That’s kind of like saying “it’s beef, doesn’t matter if it came from something that had feathers”.

  4. I just hope for the health and happiness of those little boys that Chris learns to be a responsible and loving parent, and he encourages a close relationship between his sons. One of the best things Chris could do would be to NOT discuss ANY of his baby mamas on SM. AT ALL! But so far he hasn’t been that mature and forward-thinking.

    1. He just started a new podcast and announced he’ll discuss his relationship with Kail.
      Kailyn is refered to almost every episode of his other podcast already.

      Just like Chris is referred to in her podcasts.

      Their past and current relationship is used as a money maker by both.
      Lately he’s going further, revealing new accusations, she followed.
      They should both get a court order that prevents them from talking about and to eachother. Parenting app, coordinator when needed.

  5. This is his fault..

    He should have fought her harder for the kids.

    Bc he put in zero effort he lost the name. He lost the time.

    Had he gotten a job and taken an active role in custody, paying, etc, he wouldn’t be here bitching today.

  6. I don’t get how the last name issue is handled in the US. In my country, regardless of the marital status, if a child is registered with his father’s last name then the mother can’t change it unless she can prove that man is not the father. Also if she doesn’t wanna give the child his/her father’s last name he can go to court and say “that’s my kid and I want him/her to have my last name”. Can’t Chris do that? How can a mother change his child’s last name without the father’s permission? Is that because they were never married?

    1. A judge granted it, probably because Chris was so much of a deadbeat that Kail had a valid argument as to why the child she is taking care of alone should have her last name.

      Chris wants to pretend like this happened in a vacuum, but a judge was obviously convinced that he was not really involved in the Lux’s life.

      1. Ok so a judge was involved? That’s different. Either way, in my country only if you can prove as an adult that your father let’s say abused you or committed a heinous crime that affects you for sharing his last name a judge would allow you to change it. Being a deadbeat is not enough

        1. Yeah, when my son was born he had my last name bc his dad and I were dating but not married. When we got married we had to file a petition with the court to change our sons last name to his dads last name. We had to go to a hearing and everything with a judge. It was basically a formality bc we all wanted the same thing. We had to show our marriage certificate and the judge asked our son, who was 7, if he wanted this new last name. Then the judge ruled, signed the petition, and we had to pay to order a new birth certificate with our sons new name on it.

          I imagine Kail had to do the same thing. File a petition, see a judge, argue what she wanted, and the judge ruled and signed off on it. I think a judge will pretty much allow you to do whatever you want as long as you’re trying to give the child one of the parents last names and not changing the name to some random, offensive name for no reason. They don’t really seem to care about whether or not it’s petty. It’s legal to have names changed here. If Chris has shown up to fight it, or if he has filed a letter with the court saying he wasn’t okay with it, then Kail might’ve had to “prove” her point a little more, but because Kail has full custody (I think she and chris just have some kind of visitation plan that they agreed on together rather than ever having to go to court—probably bc chris doesn’t want the state getting invoked to order him to pay a certain amount of child support each month, right now it seems like he gives some money when he wants/can and they work it out between each other), she can pretty much make decisions on her own.

  7. “I hated myself, the end”


    KAIL IS AWFUL! Next baby she has she’ll probably just have to pay someone to sleep with her because GROSS. She’s disgusting inside and out and I’m so glad she never had a daughter to pass that on to.

    1. She pretty much paid for this guy.

      I’m absolutely sure he used her for rides to the store, for cigarettes and weed paraphernalia.. Kept him in Wendy’s and Hot Cheetos.

        1. No one on this show should be entitled to Medicaid benefits for themselves or their children. Pay for your own damn medical bills. You have all made significant money. And why I’m at it, can you all pay your damn taxes please???

  8. Hopefully he’ll start to grow and mature for all his boys sake. As the father u set the example for how they will treat females and women in general. I still can’t believe anybody would procreate with sour patch Kail, after seeing how controlling and vindictive she is!

  9. Who the F does Karl think she is, to say having the fathers last name is earned? They are the father. Just as much as you are the mother. How is your name trumping theirs?
    She’s such a manipulative controlling bitch. Karl’s way or the highway.
    I feel sorry for future daughter in laws.

    1. In some cases it is earned. Not all parents are just as much of a parent as the other. My situation is different than Kails but in my case with my oldest child I gave her my last name and I’m glad I did. Her bio dad chose to not be a part of her life so I’m happy she doesn’t have to carry the name of a stranger.

  10. This man child has made every decision thus far for himself.

    He chose to reproduce twice with that woman. Twice.

    Where’s the accountability?

  11. why is chris making it seem like kail didn’t let him be there for his other kids like he wasn’t voluntarily absent for the first few months of lux’s life

    1. Who knows the truth? We saw only what Kail wanted us to see! She was the first of all the TM’s to control the narrative of what was filmed remember. Which is why we only see stuff like her picking out tile now and not her assaulting Chris over Lux’s haircut or sneaking off to get pregnant a 2nd time with Chris!

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