‘Flipping Out’ Star Jeff Lewis Says He Doesn’t Regret Throwing Holiday Party Where He & One-Third of Guests Got Bad Cases of COVID: “Worth Almost Dying For”

“If you think this backlash is going to keep me from sending invites out to next year’s party proclaiming, ‘Jeff Throws A Killer Party,’ you’re wrong.”

Former Flipping Out star Jeff Lewis celebrated the holidays by throwing a party so “epic” it was “worth almost dying for.” 

While that remark is something typically made only as a throwaway statement, Jeff made the claim after revealing he— and a bunch of his co-workers and friends— contracted COVID-19 at the Christmas shindig, which was held December 21. He proudly declared the event to be a “Super Spreader.”

Jeff opened up about the event on a recent episode of his SiriusXM radio show, Jeff Lewis Live, noting 30 of his employees and friends were in attendance– many of whom began testing positive for COVID in the days that followed, including Jeff’s co-host, Megan Weaver, and assistant, Shane Douglas. 


Other party attendees who reportedly contracted COVID at the bash included Jeff’s friend and Shahs of Sunset star Mercedes “MJ” Javid, actress Monika Casey, and Jeff’s boyfriend, Scott Anderson. 

“A third of us got it,” Jeff said later of his party guests. “And we also have people with symptoms who haven’t been tested yet.” 

Despite the fact that Jeff’s party helped to spread COVID-19 to a large chunk of his friends and co-workers, Jeff says he’s glad he had the party.

“I don’t regret [it], by the way,” he told his listeners.


(Jeff’s daughter, Monroe, is seemingly COVID-free, as Jeff said the four-year-old is currently staying with her other dad, Gage Edward.) 

COVID aside, the get together–- held in Los Angeles at the home of Real Housewives of Miami star Lea Black–- “was an epic party,” Jeff told listeners this week. 


“It was so worth almost dying for,” he added. 

While the party has been dubbed a super-spreader event, Jeff claims proper precautions were taken. 

“People are saying we’re reckless and stupid,” he said. “No, we’re not, f**kers. We were all vaccinated and we had a nurse there testing all of us before we even went in the door.” 

“We’re not reckless and stupid, we’re festive!”

Unfortunately, the precautions taken by Jeff and his party guests didn’t prevent a number of them from contracting the virus, with Jeff telling listeners his particular case left him delirious with a fever spiking as high as 104.5. 

“By the [Christmas] day I was in pretty bad shape,” Lewis added. “My fever went up to 103.8. I was able to get it down to 102 then it soared to 104.5, which is insane. Scottie took a bowl of ice water and was putting cloths on my body to try to bring the temperature down. There was no sweat whatsoever, I was just radiating heat.

“I was a little delirious and I told him, ‘I think you’re going to wake up tomorrow and I’m going to be dead.’ ”

Fortunately for Jeff, his health turned around in approximately 12 hours after a doctor visited his home to give him monoclonal antibody therapy. Jeff credits the doctor— as well as MJ Javid (who found the doctor) with keeping him out of the hospital.

“He saved our lives. He brought monoclonal antibody therapy,” Jeff said. “I thought he was a miracle worker. He said this is saved for the most extreme cases, like you have to be hospitalized, but I frankly didn’t want to be hospitalized — I wanted to get it before then. So I decided to go ahead and do it, before I was hospitalized.”


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His co-host Megan, also got a nasty case.

“I was in a ball, shaking, chills, body aches, the whole thing,” she said.

Jeff confirmed that some of his housecleaners and nannies have COVID.

“I’m down to two and if anything happens to those two, I’m not going to be able to feed myself I don’t know who is going to be able to take care of me!” he said.

RELATED STORY: Former ‘Flipping Out’ Star Jeff Lewis Says Future Surrogate of His Second Child is Undergoing “Medical Clearances” to Become Pregnant: “This is Really Happening” 

(Photos: Bravo; Instagram)

18 Responses

  1. As an adult and particularly as a parent you can’t just do and say anything you want. There are consequences for your actions. You are harming your daughter by the choices you make. Absolute shame on you Jeff Lewis. Dabble in some humility lessons from a licensed therapist. It will do you some good.

  2. Maybe I shouldn’t have been reading this while being stuck in a quarantine hotel with covid. I’m on day 2 now and mild side effects. I truly hope I won’t get to the point of getting fever and radiating heat…

  3. In 2017 we attended a party during sick season. Almost everyone got the flu after. One ended up in hospital and I was sick for 3 weeks(I am in a risk group, covid was a tiny sniffle compared to all the flus I have had). Nobody cared. Or that time in school when 17 out of 25 students where out with some serious respiratory crap. The school did not close and our elderly teacher did not try to get out of doing his job. Or during the heat wave in 2018 when 3000(I live in a smaler country) extra elderly folks died. Then we could not do anything about nature and death was normal.

    Stop covid-1984

  4. Andy Cohen already tried this one.

    “I have Covid” is code for “I overdid it with the coke” in these reality circles.

    1. Why? At the norwegian christmas finner superspreader event they did. Guests had to be fully(whatever that means theese days…) vaccinated with 2 or 3 shots AND they tested the guests before they were allowed to enter. Almost everyone still got covid. Virus gonna virus.

  5. If there was ever a party worth dying for- that wasn’t it. Pretentious fuck. Next thing you know he’ll be telling people it’s okay to wipe back to front.

  6. Wow. The level of ignorance and disregard is appalling.

    And someone is supposed to be selling this person another child?


    So if everyone is vaccinated and everyone is tested through the door, why is anyone sick? How did he get sick?

    1. You can still get sick after vaccination, but the chance of being very sick and even hospitalisation are strongly reduced. I am (albeit anecdotal) proof 😉

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