Bates Family Reacts After UPtv Suddenly Cancels ‘Bringing Up Bates’ & Announces the 11th Season Will Remain Unaired

“We’ve been dumped!”

The Bates Family‘s reality show has been suddenly yanked from UPtv, leaving the Fundie family’s fans wondering why. 

UPtv— the network that has aired the family’s reality show, Bringing Up Bates, since 2015— announced on Tuesday that is suddenly scrapping the show. The 11th season, which was already filmed and due to begin airing in February, will remain unaired.

In a statement posted to the show’s official social media accounts, UPtv provided a vague reason for suddenly cancelling the the show, revealing that ‘Bringing Up Bates’ no longer fits with the network’s programming focus. Many of the show’s fans, though, voiced their concern that there was something else going on to cause such a sudden and drastic change in programming.

“We will not be premiering ‘Bringing Up Bates’ Season 11 on UPtv as planned as we will be focusing our programming in 2022 on movies and a new scripted series to be announced soon,” read a statement issued to Us Weekly.

“Now how are we going to pay for diapers for all these blessings!? Fiddlesticks!”

The statement also made it sound like the show had outgrown its original premise, now that many of Gil and Kelly Jo Bates‘ 19 children are adults with families of their own. (However, the adult children’s weddings, engagements and baby announcement made up a good amount of the show’s content, and several engagements, births and weddings had already been filmed for Season 11.) 

“When we premiered ‘Bringing Up Bates,’ the series was focused on parents with 19 kids who were teenagers and young children,” the network’s statement reads. “The cameras were there to capture the love, laughs and big life moments, as the family continued to grow. Thank you to Gil and Kelly Jo Bates for welcoming viewers into your family’s home over the past ten seasons.

“Thank you to the fans who tuned in every Thursday night to be part of the journey. We’re looking forward to continuing to uplift you with our programming in the future.”

“Um…a head’s up would have been nice, ya know?!”

The last episode of ‘Bringing Up Bates’ aired on June 24, 2021, but UPtv announced in September that the show had officially been renewed for the eleventh season. In fact, Season 11 had already been given a premiere date of February 10, so fans were shocked that the show was cancelled so suddenly.

When the show was renewed in September, the network’s vice president of content strategy and programming, Hector Campos, made it clear that ‘Bringing Up Bates’ was doing well in the ratings. 

“’Bringing Up Bates’ continues to outperform its prior seasons in the ratings because the Bates are beloved by our viewers and fans who watch the series weekly and engage with the family on social media,” he said in a statement released in September. 

Carlin’s reaction to hearing her family’s show got yanked…probably…

While the Bates have not yet (as of press time) posted anything about the cancellation, they have issued their own statement to Us Weekly. The wording of the statement made it sound like the Bates Family did not find out about the cancellation until recently.

“As the next year begins, our family will be experiencing a lot of new changes. One of the biggest changes for us is that the network will be moving toward producing more scripted family shows and will not be renewing a contract to film new ‘Bringing Up Bates’ episodes,” the family’s statement reads. “We realize God’s timing is always perfect, and we are looking forward to what the future holds for our own family, as well as the network!”

The Bates family— who grew up alongside that other reality TV family with 19 kids, the Duggars— stated that they did not seek out reality TV fame.

“The last ten seasons of filming with ‘Bringing Up Bates’ have been an amazing journey for our family. We never expected or aspired to be on TV, but we are forever grateful to UP for all of the friendships we have formed as a result. Filming and opening up our home has been both rewarding and challenging, but there are not enough words we could say to show appreciation for the amazing film crew and all of the staff who have invested so much time into making this show possible. They have become family and have impacted us forever.

“We are also grateful for all of the encouragement we have received over the years from those who have watched the show and have reached out to message us or pray for us.”

Despite the fact that they are now show-less, the Bates Family promised to keep their fans updated.

“We look forward to the next chapters of life unfolding before us with lots of new adventures,” the family stated. “We promise to keep you updated on our lives in the days ahead and pray that God will richly bless each of you.”

As The Ashley previously reported, the Bates’ pals the Duggars saw their reality show, Counting On, cancelled last year after Josh Duggar was arrested for receiving and possessing child sex abuse materials. He was found guilty at his trial in December. 

Last month, it was announced that Amazon Studios and the team behind 2021’s LuLaRich documentary will be doing an investigative documentary focusing on the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP), the same fundamentalist organization associated with the Bates and the Duggars. The unnamed Fundie documentary is set to premiere on Amazon Prime Video in late 2022 or in 2023.

The Ashley will update this story when more information is available. 

RELATED STORY: Amazon To Produce Docuseries On Fundie Families– the Duggars, Bates & Plaths— As Well As The Fundamentalist Religious Organization IBLP

62 Responses

  1. Sorry u have stupid friends. Plus one that does devious things to children. Thankfully justice will prevail. ????????????


  3. I am so disappointed they cancelled Season 11. I have watched The Bates for years and I think they have a wonderful family and have set good examples for today’s TV viewing! I have never seen anything but God fearing loving family moments!

  4. I must say I’m thoroughly confused about the Bates and the racism issue.

    Kelly Jo Bates has two adopted sisters who are black. Her mother adopted these girls and Kelly has referred to them as her “sisters” on many occasions when they’ve appeared on the show. The Bates kids even refer to them as their “aunts.”

    This, along with Lawson Bates being presently engaged to an Asian girl. Not to mention Nathan’s former girlfriend Ashley who was of Dominican ancestry.

    So along with just hearing about the not-so-funny George Floyd remark and a KKK picture on the wall, I have to say I’m totally lost.

    1. These people legit have a “Confederate room” (exactly what it sounds like).
      Kelly Jo could, for example, see her sisters as bot “really” Black because they were raised in white family, see Lawson’s fiance as appearing “white enough”, realize it would look bad *not* to be accepting, or just not have an issue with Asians.
      Be racist doesn’t necessarily manifest as hatred, it can more subtle things like saying cops should be easier on Black people… because their limited intellect and degenerate culture makes it harder for them to understand and follow directions and tell right frim wrong.
      Or you can choose to believe they have a room dedicated to “states’ rights”.

      1. Confederate doesn’t always equal racist.

        It means country too.

        Just like referring to some northerners as Yanks and some southerners as Rebs, it’s not racist, just words.

        I think yall need to look at yourselves and ask “am I racist??” For looking down on a family for what you THINK you see.

        I have never seen this so called Confederate Room. All the interviews are held on the couch in there back room.

        Get a life, job, whatever fulfills you. And…grow up!!!!

  5. You people are crazy calling the bates a cult! When law and order doesn’t exist within a family, that’s when there is a cult! I have NEVER seen this in the bates family!

    1. I don’t think anyone is saying the Bates are a cult. They are saying IBLP which they unquestionably follow has some pretty suspicious practices. I actually really like the Bates but am not a fan of IBLP.

      1. They are calling both the Duggar and Bates families because of there offiliation with IBLP as well as because they are large family

        Read BEFORE posting Shay, as Dodi has so kindly asked.

    1. Racists???

      The George Floyd thing was a joke, lighten up!!!!

      I guarantee that if this was a black family and they made a joke about a white person being offed by a black cop all yall would be 100% okay with it!!!

      Talk about racist!!!!

      1. 1) No, I would not be.
        2) “The George Floyd thing” is not a joke. A man lost his life because a badge with a power trip knelt on his neck for 11 minutes. Nothing about that is a fucking joke.

        So, yes, RACIST PIECES OF SHIT.

          1. I’m not racist, yes I’m from the south but that don’t make me racist!!! I have friends and family of other races.

            That’s the biggest most common misconception about the South.

            Maybe this supposed “Confederate Room” is a reminder of racism and they have it because it because it reminds them of what they don’t want to be and strive not to be?

            But because half yall are such morons (or mo-rons as Reba McEntire phrases it in her hit sitcom) you see this supposed “racist” room and jump on the Negative Nancy bandwagon and think the worst of them.

          2. I’m from the South too. And I called that shit about you! You’re are one of those “I have black friends so I can’t be racist” racists.

          3. No, I’m a decent, God-fearing, good person, you should try it sometime Mimi.

            It’s wonderful to have the people that are worth something know you’re worth something too

          4. You’re hilarious. I have a bunch of slave memorabilia too so I can “remind myself of what I don’t want to be.” Geez that’s the strangest take I ever heard. But people will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify wrongdoing in folks they like.

          5. And people make up stuff just to make themselves look good or because they don’t like a person/people for whatever reason to justify themselves.

            What’s that called again…oh yeah…being HUMAN!!!!

            But you go right ahead and do whatever/think whatever you want to Shay…whatever helps you sleep at night!!

          6. I don’t even know what these words mean. Go back to your confederate room and watch the last few episodes of the show before it’s CANCELED lol. I would call you by name but you’re too much of a coward to use it. Nite nite

          7. This language is what us smart people call English.

            If you didn’t know that, I would seriously consider going back to school if I were you because you obviously didn’t learn much the first time around.


          8. There’s only one GOD!!

            But okay Atheist, guess I won’t be seeing you on the other side.

            Oh well, sucks to be you.

          9. There are so many religions, but you think you’re “God” is the only one? LMFAO Oh and I’m not atheist. I just don’t believe in organized religion and I’m far from a fan of Christianity. Most of ya’ll are insane! Just look at you, a closet racist sticking up for other racists and claiming to be a “good Christian woman” who actually believes you’re going to heaven lmfao

  6. So you are okay supporting a cult and family that promotes mental abuse, sexism and I just learned: probably racism (offensive joke about George Floyd and hunting).

    You should probably read the books Mr and Mrs Pearl have written about “being his help meet” for women “needing a help meet” for men and “traing up your child” the handbook for child abuse and live by them for a week. See how wonderful these people that you admire are.

    1. Well, “the man is the head of the household” and “wives be submissive to your husbands” are BOTH in the Bible, so yeah I do support that and don’t see either as abuse.

      It ain’t like the men are slapping their wives around and taking these sayings overboard.

  7. It’s sad hearing that UP is canceling ” Bringing up bates. I was really excited and looking forward to seeing the 11th season. It would be great if the Bates would make all of their past seasons on dvd for sale. Including the 11th season that UP canceled. God bless each and everyone of the Bates. Thank you

    1. I sure hope you don’t have to take that back after the documentary about their cult and them airs.

      You do know how they treat women?
      For instance, do you feel it’s normal that Jana Duggar has to live at home, share a room with her young sisters because she can’t live on her own? Her dad owns her or future husband will. When she doesn’t obey her father and move out, she won’t be allowed to see her siblings anymore because she will be seen as a bad influence.

      You know Jim Duggar had to be begged for his permission to allow his own daughter to be present when his other daughter had to give birth. She’s a midwife and her sister wanted her to be there.
      It’s ridiculous.

      1. Um, where have you been, they’ve documented their lives for 10 seasons!!!

        And they aren’t a “cult”, they are a family. A family of God-fearing, loving people who chose early on to leave the size of there family in God’s hands!!!

        And Jana doesn’t HAVE to live at home. She’s been asked this many times before and the response is always the same, “I choose to because I love my family.”

    2. It’s a shame that you’re taking a decent show off and putting on a trash show. I want waste my power to watch it. I just don’t understand why they have to take all of the decent shows off. The devil have to get into everything. People are going to die and go to hell if they don’t get saved. Before it’s to late. Christian like program like Bring up Bates!!!!

  8. This could be because a couple of them yelled “George Floyd” during charades (which was referring to hunting). It was being filmed for the show.

  9. They are expecting things to come out about the Bates or their cult and Gil is a high up in the cult.
    Otherwise you don’t throw away the money that was already invested.

    It was about time the public was made aware that this cult is not that cute to see when you know everything the kids will go trough in their lives.
    The girls but the boys too. There is so much pressure on the boys. They have to be “the man”, behave like one, lead his wife and his family, can’t show certain emotions etc.

    1. Can’t show emotion, guess that’s why Nathan cried like a baby on his mom’s shoulder when him and his first gf Ashley decided to part ways, and Gil cries ALL THE TIME especially when any of his children (son or daughter) hurt!!!!

      Get over yourself, not all men show emotion, it’s just the way they are!!! It has NOTHING to do with a religion!!!

      1. I will No longer be watching the Up channel. Bringing Up Bates was the BEST show on tv.
        The UP Channel made a Huge mistake if they canceled Bringing Up Bates !!!!!!!

        1. So you are okay supporting a cult and family that promotes mental abuse, sexism and I just learned: probably racism (offensive joke about George Floyd and hunting).

          You should probably read the books Mr and Mrs Pearl have written about “being his help meet” for women “needing a help meet” for men and “traing up your child” the handbook for child abuse and live by them for a week. See how wonderful these people that you admire are.

    2. This is so rediculous! I was in a family that actually WAS a cult family. The Bates ARE NOT cult! When all law and order is GONE, that’s when it’s a cult! It’s a mindset. You will not convince me because I’ve seen it firsthand. People who do not truly see god get it backwards. They see the REAL cult as godly people and godly people as the cult. Get hard data before you post, please!

  10. I’m a big fan of the Bates family & they provided great entertainment for many years. No violence no foul language. I will no longer be watching UPtv.

    1. Same here Marsha, that was literally the ONLY show I watched on that network.

      They may as well take it off the air because it’s DOOMED to fail now, I believe that was the highest rated show they had!!!

  11. I am so sad that bringing up grades is not going to be on anymore this was the cleanest the most religious family I’ve ever seen I am just very sad and I believe up TV needs to look at it and bring those Bates back on because they are godly people and we need them on the air I love each and every one of them

  12. Either the network doesn’t want to be associated with the Duggars after Josh’s conviction or something regarding the Bates is about to surface

    1. Yeah… the season was already filmed, I assumed edited since it was due to air next month. Something very bad has to have been behind the scenes

  13. I loved this show, the family was down to earth and wholesome, not AT ALL creepy like the Duggars.

    But I was actually expecting it soon as most of the kids have grown up, married and have families of their own. They only have what 5, left at home now?

    1. I think it has to do with them utube videos of Gil Bates and him being on the board of this IBLP church. Many of there teachings are so abusive and scary!Especially for women and children.

    2. They are creepy, they are in the same cult. Gil Bates is even way up in the cult.
      They way they see and treat girls and women should not be normalized.
      How this cult deals with issues that arise (including criminal behavior) should not be normalized.

      1. The Bates never even talk about criminal behavior so how would you know how they view it? What, based on some religion?? Based on the fact that some of the Bates mingle with some of the Duggars??

        I happen to know that just because a person belongs to certain faith doesn’t mean they agree upon ALL the views of that religion!!! Not even a deacon or elder of the church!!

        Everyone takes away their own opinions and views!!!!

        1. No, criminal behaviour is not talked about in their cult, you are right.
          The elders, like Gill is one, brushed Josh Duggars sexual assaults on four girls under the rug and he’s in jail now for CP.
          Do you know they send those girls away from home to brainwash them after it happened? The were taught they should avoid seducing men and that they should forgive Josh or they would go to hell.

          1. What does Gil BATES have to do Josh DUGGAR???

            Nothing, zilch, nada, zippo!!

            That’s all on JB.

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