Kail Lowry and her baby daddy Chris Lopez are gearing up for Haircut Gate: Round 2.
Nearly a year and a half after Chris lopped off he and Kail’s older son Lux’s hair in what ultimately led to an assault claim, a nasty feud and even a lawsuit, Chris has seemingly tried out his barber skills on Creed, the exes’ youngest son.
Photos posted to Creed’s Instagram on Sunday show the 18-month-old’s curls cropped short, after a trip to Chris’ house for a visit.

For those who have since blocked out the chaos that ensued back in September 2020, Kail revealed to followers on Instagram Live that Chris took it upon himself to cut Lux’s long hair without her knowledge or permission. The haircut-– Lux’s first–- saw the kid’s hair go from almost waist-length to his shoulders, and was reportedly done by Chris with a pair of kitchen shears.

Kail accused Chris of cutting their son’s hair as a way to manipulate her, later leading Chris to hop on Instagram Live to defend his decision. During his video, Chris told followers Kail was lucky he didn’t “scalp his a**” and instead, only cut some of Lux’s long hair. After some back and forth between the two on Instagram Live, Chris argued that Lux’s hair was “damn near to his butt” and that Kail “didn’t tell you the whole story.”
Chris also claimed he was only cleaning up a butchered barber shop cut and that this wasn’t actually Lux’s first haircut.

(This incident ultimately contributed to Kail’s never-ending feud with Teen Mom 2 co-star Briana DeJesus, over which the two are slated to head to court soon. Click here for the latest on that whole mess.)
Fast forward to 2022, Chris seems to have played barber once again.
As you may know, Creed has–- until now–- rocked a head full of curls, and just recently, Kail even shared a number of hair products she purchased in an effort to maintain his tresses.
@kaillowry #ulta #ultamusthaves #ultafinds #ultahaul #selfcare #mom #momlife #kaillowry #mua #makeup #shop #shopping #shoppinghaul ♬ original sound – Kailyn Lowry
In a TikTok video, Kail showed off hundreds of dollars worth of products she had just purchased from Ulta, with some of the products purchased specifically for Creed’s curly hair.

However, Creed is now sporting a much shorter hairdo, courtesy of his father (allegedly). While she has yet to comment on Creed’s new look, Kail has already posted a number of videos in which the tot’s buzzed cut is on full display.
Chris has yet to publicly address Creed’s new haircut, too, though he has shared this with followers…
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(Photos: Instagram; MTV)
35 Responses
A guy who doesn’t even have custody. So keep your filthy hands off that baby. I think I would strangle him.
Y’all forget Kail choose Chris twice.
And she made that choice for a second time after he tried to legally terminate his relationship with their first child! To a desperado like Kail, a court date with a deadbeat is foreplay.
Maybe he had lice.
Definitely irritated that he’s wearing a Stones shirt.
Ya’ll can downvote me all you want, but what is the likelihood that Chris actually listens to the Rolling Stones???
Why would you think he doesn’t?
Is that how they get back at eachother now? They cut or don’t cut their kids hair? Weird.
Son, Creed looks really good!! I don’t think u did anything wrong. He is yOur son as well & u don’t need to get a permission slip to cut your own child. Your doing a great job & as your father I AM VERY VERY PROUD OF U!!!!!
You’re proud of him for being petty af? That’s weird. Just because he is also a parent that doesn’t mean he can do whatever he wants. Things like that should be agreed upon. He is NOT the primary care giving parent so he really has no right to cut the baby’s hair without permission. My own husband waited until we both agreed on cutting our son’s hair because that’s the RESPECTFUL thing to do.
With a name like “Buster”, we just can’t take you seriously…..
When I was in 2nd grade my mom decided she wanted to cut my hair… the weekend before picture day at school. She gave me a MULLET!
My father’s mother may have secretly plotted her demise, but we all survived. This too shall pass, let it go, and the time for your kids to be little passes by so quickly.
Chris is a petty betty, and I’m here for it. Kailyn is a narcissistic brat with a superiority complex. Give her hell Chris!
I’m pretty sure she didn’t “buy any hair products”, she OWNS her own business… pot head ✌️
What about her pothead crap? Oh right, she took that fat PPE and went inactive.
Creed looks so much like Issac.
Again, Chris? Why? It’s obvious he’s doing it to mess with Kail or has some serious trauma with hair. Either way Creed has beautiful hair that will grow back again and I hope Kail beats Chris’ ass again. I don’t like her but I like him less
Omg really!! U don’t have to like him but won’t ANYBODY going to lay hands on my son again!!! That’s not going to happen & physical violence is never the answer!!!!!!!!!!!
SO SAVE IT!!!!! ?
Again? So she did beat the crap out of him? LoL awesome. He’s doing everything to make that happen. You raised a loser, deal with it. He deserves it. And please advice him to have a vasectomy. He clearly can’t take care of a cactus, let alone a kid and he already has 3
“Busta”?! I can’t… ??♀️
Ffs, it’s hair. It grows back. Let the little buggers be boys. No little boy wants to sit stll long enough for hair combing, just so she can put it in a twat knot.
Little boys can have long hair. Little boys can sit still just like little girls can, to have their hair brushed out and cared for.
I don’t usually side with kail either but Chris does seem incredibly manipulative and does almost every thing he does out of nothing but spite. What a miserable existence living your whole life to spite someone else’s. Clearly doesn’t give a single fux for his kids bc they are only ever used as pawns when they’re around him. Seriously who tf raised him bc ? not doing no one proud with those actions
idc what y’all have to say about kail, chris definitely did this out of spite. like why wouldn’t u want some type of peace instead of causing the same problems all over again and this time it’s worse
Chris wants less parenting time I’ve read. Would be great for him when he could be lazy and partly absent and point his finger at Kail for it and play victim.
His other baby momma kicked him out too. He will have to add the family court judge to his Christmas list, he will see the judge a lot.
His hair was gorgeous with those curls. My grandson has awesome curls. What a travesty.
Why is this even news? I really hope they put all these poor kids in therapy ASAP, because none of this is good for them.
Dude is disgusting. Can’t control her so hurt her thru her kids ?
I hate these ppl.
This is probably abuse and I’m sure he does this stuff in anger.
Poor kids.
I think it’s time for adults to intervene, meaning the courts.
Chris is very proud he finally learned to dress himself I see.
His mom and nan must be happy too. God willing he might finally move out in 15 years, after he saved enough for key money.
I almost never side with Kail, but this one (both with Lux and now with Creed, if it’s true) would send me over the edge.
This guy is one sick nasty mf
Sure is. And Kail will be pregnant by him again like real quick.
Hair is hair. Kail the narc just wants control. Lux is the only one long. Wonder why? ?