‘Teen Mom’ Stars Address Farrah Abraham’s Explosive Return to MTV & Respond After Farrah Calls Cory Wharton “Ghetto”

“I will throw this at any criminals, public figure haters, hate-crime committers or anyone who dares to breath around me!” 

Former Teen Mom OG star Farrah Abraham officially made her return to the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise recently, and in just a few minutes of screen time, she managed to remind nearly everyone why they were so happy to watch her leave MTV in the first place. 

For those who missed Farrah’s appearance on Teen Mom Family Reunion, moments after revealing herself to the group, Farrah was confronted by Cory Wharton about accusations she previously made against him and baby mama Cheyenne Floyd that they only had a child together to join ‘Teen Mom.’ Things blew up when Farrah called Cory “ghetto,” and on Tuesday, the show’s stars reacted to Farrah’s return, her comments about Cory and more.

And, naturally, Farrah took to social media to defend herself, call everyone but herself racist and quit ‘Teen Mom.’ Her dad Michael Abraham also defended her, as did her daughter Sophia (who allegedly “wrote” a long Instagram post praising Farrah). 

” …thing to throw at this plastic headed woman.”

(It’s worth noting that when Cheyenne and Cory were asked to join ‘Teen Mom OG,’ Cheyenne had already appeared on Are You The One?, Cory had appeared on Real World: Ex-Plosion, and both had appeared on The Challenge.) 

After Cory confronts Farrah–- quite calmly, I might add–- Farrah makes a comment about Cory being “ghetto.” This comment causes Cheyenne to go off on Farrah, with nearly everyone else at the ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ resort following suit. 

Since Tuesday’s episode, the cast and (as well as other members of the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise) have shared their thoughts on Farrah’s not-so-triumph return, including Ashley Jones and husband Bar Smith who were there to watch the chaos unfold. 

Ashley and Bar were not happy that Farrah decided to use the term “ghetto.”

“I told y’all it’s always the idiots with nothing else to come up with that blurt out ghetto,” she wrote. “She could have called Cory a turtle neck wearing mother f**ker before she called him ghetto.” 

“Um, thanks Ashley… “

Ashley also reiterated her statement from Tuesday’s episode that the “only ‘person’ who is ghetto” is the plastic surgeon who has given Farrah the face she’s currently rocking. (Ashley also referred to Farrah as “Jigsaw,” a reference to a character with an, um, interesting face from the “Saw” movies.)

Ashley then went straight for the Jigsaw jugular by reminding viewers what Farrah has done to “STAY relevant” by including a screenshot of some of the extremely NSFW, straight-from-the-driveway-Porta-Potty services Farrah offers to perform online for cash.  

“I had a baby to BECOME relevant, now let’s see what some did to STAY relevant,” Ashley captioned the disgusting post from Farrah’s online poop ‘n’ play service list. 

Bar and ‘Teen Mom 2’ sister Brittany DeJesus even co-signed on a new nickname for Farrah inspired by the former ‘Teen Mom OG’ star’s recent announcement that she plans to sell her crap (and crap toys) online. 

“Fecal Matter Farrah,” Bar tweeted with a crying laughing emoji. “NOW IM DONE FOR THE NIGHT.” 

“TOOK ME TF OUT BRUH,” Brittany added.

Bar also called out Farrah for doing “horrific things for money,” being “hateful and delusional,” and having the nerve to repost a screenshot to her Instagram after Tuesday’s episode voicing her objection to critical race theory being taught in schools.

“So she sells poop, poops on camera while on period and does numerous other horrific things for money, she’s hateful and delusional and after calling Cory ghetto she posts this,” Bar wrote on Twitter.

Farrah’s former co-star (and nemesis) Amber Portwood also spoke out following Tuesday’s episode, during which viewers saw her attempt to befriend Farrah. After Farrah’s antics were revealed on the show, Amber hopped on Instagram Live to remind followers that “everyone is invited” (well, not everyone) to the reunion and the goal was for the cast to focus on working on themselves.

Because of this, Amber claims she wasn’t interested in getting “wrapped up in the drama.” 


While her ‘Teen Mom’ Franchise co-stars went hard for her (no pun intended), Farrah did have her favorite person in her corner: herself. She took to Instagram and Twitter to defend herself and post multiple (nearly incoherent) rants about her experience on ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion,’ assuring the public she’s done with ‘Teen Mom’ and everyone involved with the franchise. 

(Naturally, The Ashley has not edited Farrah’s post, so that the “Farrah Speak” can be preserved.)

“I will no longer have anything to do with @TeenMom,” she wrote. “The disturbing environment does not belong in my future & what I see is evil, is abusive, has no ethics and is illegal and against the contract. I don’t want any of these people around my family. Enjoy your hate pit of ignorance & power trip.”

Farrah then claimed that the other cast members’ kids should be taken from them.

“Children should not be around parents who lie, hate and are abusive,” she wrote. “I wish all the ‘Teen Mom’ children the best, they deserve far greater then what they have. It’s evident.”


 She went on to call the cast “deplorable” on Twitter as well.

“The world is tired of hate, attacks, abuse and non sent culture,” she wrote…even though this had nothing to do with anyone not consenting to anyone. 

“Teen Mom GOOD LUCK or what is this ‘Take Advantage of Teen Moms’ since it’s not teen moms anymore,” Farrah wrote. “These people are deplorable. This ship has sailed.”

She then gave “future teen mothers” (um..?) some advice.

“Watch out & stay strong!” she wrote before signing her initials. 

Farrah also denied that she is racist, despite showing similar behavior on TV in the past, most notably during her time on Marriage Boot Camp Reality Stars: Family Edition, where she called a Black cast member a “Black piece of s**t.” 

(You may also remember that, back in 2016, Farrah called Blac Chyna a “f**kin’ monkey.”) 

“For those who call me racist you are racist,” Farrah wrote. “Please educate yourselves as I stated a fact not an opinion. It’s in our dictionaries. Legally the footage removed from this attack helped protect those whom broke their contacts. The male womanizers hiding behind woman I see you.” 

Also standing up for Farrah were her father Michael and Sophia, Farrah’s 12-year-old daughter. “Sophia” wrote a lengthy defense on behalf of her mom on Instagram…though many were skeptical that Sophia was the one who wrote the post, since it read exactly like Farrah’s “writings.” 

“I wanted to say I love my mom, I’m proud of my mom,” Farrah wrote about herself Sophia wrote about Farrah. “My mom deserves to surround herself with better people, better work surroundings and I never want to be associated with bad people like this. I hope the other kids turn out okay because their parents are lost in hate land that’s not real…

“These hateful people don’t even deserve to be in my moms eye sight,” Sophia (allegedly) wrote, using “Farrah Speak” and the same misspelled words that Farrah frequently does.  “No one should be treated like this for over a decade. My mom is truly a role model, a leader and she deserves far greater then Teen Mom. I’m her blessing out of this show and the rest of the show is in shambles. Our lives our far greater then this show…”

“Sophia” then signed her post in the exact same way Farrah signed her post– using her initials. 

After multiple comments accused Farrah of penning the caption on Sophia’s behalf, Farrah’s dad Michael assured fans he witnessed Sophia write the post. 

“I was with Sophia when she wrote it,” Michael claimed. 

While the incident appeared to have been a complete and total mess, Brittany, Bar and ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Jade Cline said things were actually far worse than what viewers saw on TV. 

“It was a thousand times more chaotic then what they showed on TV,’ Brittany wrote. 

“Tbh I feel like a lot was cut out,” Jade said of what went down that night. “I remember it being even more hectic than this.” 

“Lmao sooo much got cut out,” Bar said. “Missed the part where she almost got kicked in the face, and the funniest disrespectful argument that she needed to hear took place. S/O to [Ashley] for the s**t talking.” 

RELATED STORY: Amber Portwood & Andrew Glennon’s Drug Test Results are Revealed After Judge Orders the Exes to Undergo Testing as Part of Custody Battle

(Photos: MTV; Instagram; Twitter) 

39 Responses

  1. The sad thing is that Sophia is around Farrah 24/7 and likely DOES speak this way since it’s all she’s ever been taught. ?

  2. “So she sells poop, poops on camera while on period and does numerous other horrific things for money, she’s hateful and delusional and after calling Cory ghetto she posts this,”

    Serious question to all you ladies out there.

    How would you know how to price this type of activity?

    stay lit

  3. Ghetto: Slang: Often Disparaging and Offensive. noting something that is considered to be unrefined, low-class, cheap, or inferior:

    Soooooo Farrah!

  4. Farrah’s such a bitch. She always passive aggressively attacks minorities, and then plays victim when they retaliate. She did the same thing with Ochocinco’s mom on that boot camp show, and apparently she does the same thing with law enforcement. Antagonizes, antagonizes, antagonizes, and then cries when she gets herself arrested.

  5. When/How did Farrah get so effed up? I mean in her 16&pregnant episode she seemed like a fairly normal bad-tempered teenager but now she films herself doing all this horrible stuff and sells her poo in jars and seemingly has no qualms about it! I know her parents were/are basically useless and effed up in their own ways but it seems like something happened in that house to push Farrah into complete madness. The plastic surgery, the delusional behaviour, the porn, it’s like her brain fractured at some point. It can’t just be that she was spoilt and her dad tells her everything she does is amazing, surely!
    She wasn’t this bad when Sophia was small, was she? Wtf happened??

    1. I think something major and or traumatic happened too. What it was I have no idea. It seems like her mother Deb spiraled too. With the whole Debz OG alter ego thing.

      1. Right! Deb seemed relatively normal, if a bit of a pushover, then she fully went off the deep end as well. And Farrah’s dad has some very odd ideas about parenting, which is putting it mildly. Strange family.

  6. “The world is tired of hate, attacks”…etc. -Farrah

    Farrah is one of the most hateful individuals. 2 violent misdemeanors where she attacks security guards. If every hateful thing Farrah ever said publicly was documented on excel, there would have to be multiple spreadsheets.

    P.s. I’m sure going on Twitter rants to defend her mother, for an unwitnessed event, is really in a 12 year old’s list of priorities ? strung out Farrah sitting in Michael’s basement, probably crying, wrote that.

  7. Chet is full of s;:t. Does she not remember wishing white kids would get murdered? She said don’t talk about my kid. Well you talk about white kids. Farrar wasn’t talking about yr kid anyway. She was talking about u,Chey. What other jobs have Chey and Corey had? All I know them from is MYV. Farrar was correct on that. Chey is a black Amber. Chey is lazy like Amber. Chey no one is scared of yr mouth. She will never hit anyone. The quiet ones is the ones u look out for. Cause after u run yr mouth. The quiet one will just knock you out. How is Chey still on MTV? Fire the white one but keep the black one. Who wishes death upon white kids. Makes no sense. Both of them should’ve been fired.

    1. what does this have to do with cheyenne’s comments? literally no one even mentioned this and at least cheyenne has shown that she’s changed unlike farrah and do you even watch the show? cheyenne has a party planning business, a podcast, and sells hats online at least she doesn’t have to sell her own shit like farrah

    2. of course you would ignore a racist comment to a black person that was caught on camera and dwell on the past of a person who has proven they’ve changed not surprised ??‍♀️

  8. Farrah you have no respect for your daughter you are teaching your daughter the bad habits she is not going to grow up with class.Do you know what being a mother means someone who protects them able to come to you when she has problems. Farrah you are pushing your little girl to grow up to soon the world is a terrible place she will need a bodyguard it’s not just you you you

  9. She is calling other people’s children to be taken? Farrah, the woman filming herself sh*tting and sending her feces to men for money? The same Farrah that makes her child film her anus while getting a Brazilian wax and worse? The same Farrah that has pics of her naked pre teen child in her phone and said her child has naked pics of her on hers? The same Farrah that left her child alone in her apartment while she traveled abroad? THAT FARRAH??
    Why haven’t CPS got involved by now? Are they waiting for Sophia to be kidnapped, raped and murdered by one of Farrah’s johns?

  10. If you check the comments on her Farrah’s Twitter….someone posted a screen shot of her bondage and sex attack videos. She is truly one messed up person. Where was her child when she was making those videos?

  11. no matter what anyone else says, farrah calling cory ghetto was in fact a racist remark especially if he approached her calmly. farrah’s 2 minute appearance proves that mtv really are performative activists.

    1. Farrah is by FAR the MOST ghetto person to have ever been on this show. And that really says a lot when you consider Amber, Ryan, Jenelle, all of Jenelle’s past and present soulmates, etc.

    1. I doubt that child can write 1 sentence, without Farrah dictating, Emphasizing DIc! CPS! Where is the point you step up, Shitting in a far while on your period, filming it, and mailing your feces is not enough to get involved? Sophia probably is filming it. I encourage all my friends on here to encourage CPS to investigate. Miss Ashley, can you intervein on this child’s behalf? You have enough evidence to initiate their involvement!

      1. Farrah clearly gave her the points to make and things to say, and, sadly, Sophia has been around her insanity–in near-isolation–for too long for there to be much chance of her thinking for herself at this point.

        But, unpopular opinion, perhaps, I actually DON’T think Farrah wrote it.

        The content is prototypical Farrah. But the writing itself? Is far more advanced and cohesive than anything Farrah’s ever written. It’s not good, mind you, but it’s plausible writing for a preteen.

        I’m not sure that Sophia would have the capacity to write as semi-coherently as she did if Farrah truly is her primary educator, so I’m not necessarily believing that she wrote it, either. Perhaps Michael wrote it. Perhaps Michael has exposed Sophia to literature in a way Farrah certainly hasn’t, and Sophia at least has a functional grasp of language, if not reality. Perhaps (I hope) they actually employ someone else to try to teach Sophia. I don’t know. There is no answer that isn’t its own version of hell.

        It has all of the delusional markers of Farrah’s influence, but, as unimpressive as the writing is, it’s actually far better structured and more comprehensible than anything that Farrah has ever said or written. I just don’t think Farrah has enough of a grasp on basic English grammatical structure for her to be the sole author of ‘Sophia’s” response.

        But, that actually makes me even sadder and more concerned for that child: if she DID write it, she’s clearly already “brainwashed” into thinking like her mother. And so, although my first hope was that Michael had written it and a young girl wasn’t being exploited like this, that was quickly overridden by the greater fear and realization that that would mean she wasn’t around a single adult who hadn’t fallen into a folie á deux with Farrah.

        The psychosis and possible neurological pathology that exudes from every fiber of Farrah’s being seems to ensnare everyone in her orbit, and, regardless of who actually wrote out this slightly better articulated version of Farrah’s delusional schema, I am absolutely terrified for this child.

        1. I thought the same thing. It’s actually decently structured and more advanced than what Farrah is capable of. Best case scenario is that Sofia has a private tutor once in awhile and Farrah coached her on what to write. Which is still pretty scary and I can’t imagine what she was saying to her to get to write all that or even worse… believe it.

  12. I don’t believe for one second Sophia wrote the first response. I think Mykol did or at least dictated it to her in a semi-coherent manner. No way are these Farrah’s word salad concoctions. Mykol has been busy “defending” since Farrah was kicked to the curb in LA. I’m so glad Farrah’s filthy endeavors to make a buck are being exposed by everyone in the know. How can anyone stoop that low? I can understand if you have no choice in this world, but Farrah has options, a doormat father who’ll do anything for her, a place to stay, and a culinary certificate. For someone to willingly degrade themselves in this manner, WITH A CHILD IN TOW, is just unconscionable. Sophia has no hope.

  13. Honestly I did not get why they invited her, and now you see the drama it has created and now I get it ..

    She should really ger help she clearly mental

  14. Fecal Matter Farrah ☠️☠️☠️

    She needs to leave her kid’s IG account alone. Somebody call CPS!!!

    1. I have been begging for CPS to get involved since her arrest. The most recent arrest!, I think they are now negligent for not stepping in. The entire family is delusional, That child needs to be removed. Farrah and Michael should leave for Dubi , and live out their sick fantacies together. It’s probably too late to save this child, she is already programmed to live a perverted life.Farrah and Michael should disappear and play out their incest fantacies without Sopia watching! Help this child CPS!!!!

      1. unfortunately i doubt they ever will because farrah can provide an income and a home for her, which is the reason why it took cps so long to take jenelle’s kids away smh

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