Alaskan Bush People stars– and married couple of two whole months– Bear Brown and Raiven Adams are speaking out following Bear’s recent arrest for domestic violence.
As The Ashley told you earlier this week, Bear was arrested Friday for allegedly putting his hands on Raiven– who is also the mother of his two-year-old son River– after the two got into an argument while cleaning up their camp trailer in preparation for a move.
Bear was released Monday from the Okanogan County Jail without bail and his court hearing is set for April 26.
Following the news of Bear’s arrest going public, Raiven posted a statement to Instagram calling the incident between her and Bear “a private matter” that “shouldn’t be shared online.”
“I appreciate people being supportive and reaching out,” Raiven continued. “That being said I do not have anything to share publicly. I want the best for my family and I hope this ends in my family’s best interest. Anytime social media has been involved in our private matters it’s ended worse.” (This is true. ‘Member this? And this? )
Raiven said she didn’t want people “being a bully” on her behalf to Bear, claiming only those involved in the situation understand what’s going on. She did, however, ask for “the respect and privacy to handle our personal issues as a family alone.”
“Don’t believe everything you read online,” she added. “The most important person in this situation is our son. All I am certain of is we both just want the same freedoms you all have. The right to sort out our personal matters. Also not to be judged on things other people don’t have all the facts for.”
As for Bear, he is calling the charges filed against him “unfounded.”
“I am certain the facts will reveal the truth,” he added on Instagram. “Thank you everyone for sticking with me God bless!”
As fans of ‘Alaskan Bush People’ know, Bear and Raiven have had a rocky relationship dating back to September 2019, which has consisted of Raiven filing (and later dropping) a restraining order against Bear, a messy custody battle over their son and allegations of abuse and drug use.
After an assortment of makeups, breakups and breakdowns, the couple got married in January. Just days before Bear’s arrest, they celebrated their son River’s second birthday together.
RELATED STORY: ‘Alaskan Bush People’ Star Bear Brown Arrested for Domestic Violence Against Wife Raiven Adams
(Photos: Instagram)
5 Responses
leave the guy he’s not all there, likes punching things and rolling around in the dirt, needs some sort of help, before he really does hurt someone with his violence.
On one hand, yes, leave it off social media. But please get out Raiven, it won’t be easy but eventually it will get better.
This is as toxic as toxic gets. I am 100% sure they both get physical with each other, it does not matter who starts it or gets arrested. It begins with self defense and turns into using the cops and courts against each other. I had an ex who would make me defend myself then call the cops to control me when we argued. GET OUT NOW, YOU TWO. They are both grown-ass adults raising a child who need to separate, and co-parent before things escalate any further.
Again with the “you don’t understand” BS.
He’s beating you and you are putting up with it for some reason. You are raising a child with a wife beater, he’ll likely beat his wife in 20 years. Maybe next time Bear will kill you and you’ll leave your son an orphan.
Is that what you want? That’s what will happen.