The Ashley does her best to bring you all the latest news on reality TV shows and their stars. The Roundup can’t cover every reality TV show and event, though, so here’s a listing of some reality TV stories that haven’t been covered by The Ashley this week!
‘Teen Mom’ Troubles! Heavy: Kail Lowry Shares How Being on ‘Teen Mom 2’ Has Affected Her Mental Health
New Name! Reality Tea: Kylie Jenner Reveals She Changed Her Son Wolf’s Name After Announcing It
It’s Official! The Hollywood Gossip: Katie Maloney Has Officially Filed For Divorce From Tom Schwartz
Um…? The Blast: ‘Clueless’ Star Stacey Dash to Star in New Reality Star About Her Life As An Interior Designer in New Hampshire
Feud Breakdown! Teen Mom Madness: A Timeline of the Feud Between ‘Teen Mom 2’ Stars Kail Lowry & Briana DeJesus
(Photo: MTV)
6 Responses
They either fured Kailyn ir are greatly reducing her pay. Its happening to all the long time reality tv stars becauae their shows ratings are in the toilet. RHONY os dropping their highest paid stars and capping the salaries at 70k reportedly.
Kails real personality is showing. Now that TM is coming to an end. Her whole asswholeary attitude. She’s scared cause she knows she has no other thing to do. LoL. I guarantee the kids will run too when they get old enough. She doesn’t even try to hide her favoritism of the kids. What a B.
Honestly, seeing Kails big annoying head puts me off even reading about Teen Mom anymore.
If Kail would have just stopped being a desperate pickmeisha and just focused on raising her first kid.. She would have many less problems.
She jumped head first into Javi bc she was broke. Then that wasn’t gudenuf so she did the party girl thing and found Chris.
She created every single problem she has.
Kail is suffering from the age old problem known as, “When the chickens come home to roost”.
Then quite the $hit show….