Briana DeJesus Reveals Why She & Javi Gonzalez Called Off Their Engagement; Insists Their Breakup Had Nothing to Do With Chris Lopez

I’m still disappointed that we’ll never get to see their stone-faced wedding photos.

Briana DeJesus split from fiancé Javi Gonzalez (aka Javi II) shortly after recording a podcast with Kail Lowry’s ex Chris Lopez, but she insists the podcast wasn’t the breaking point in her relationship. 

As The Ashley previously reported, Briana confirmed in August that she was no longer with Javi, just three months after the pair announced their engagement. 

On a recent episode of Teen Mom 2, viewers saw Briana travel to Philadelphia to record an episode of Chris’ P.T.S.D podcast, during which the two talked about co-parenting and things that affect single moms. While the episode may have rubbed Kail some people the wrong way, Briana says it wasn’t the reason she and her tattoo-artist fiancé ended things.

“It wasn’t me!”

“I know people are speculating that we called off the engagement because of Chris’ podcast but there was more to the story,” she told The Sun. “We weren’t on the greatest of terms. A lot of arguing and miscommunication.” 

(On ‘Teen Mom 2,’ Bri actually pointed to The Ashley’s article that came out during that time as the “icing on the cake” that broke them up.)

Briana added that Javi also wasn’t a big fan of the camera crew that often accompanied her.

The same cannot be said for all Javi’s…

“He never understood the TV life, the attention on social media and he wanted me all to himself and that wasn’t fair,” she said. 

According to Briana, Javi was also unsupportive of her having positive co-parenting relationships with her baby daddies Devoin Austin and Luis Hernandez, nor did he like her hanging out with her two best friends. 

We’d LOVE to know how he felt about these two…

“He viewed me as a piece of property and not as a wife, so I started to check out,” she admitted. “I stayed as long as I could because I loved his kids so much and I still do, but it wasn’t the best place to keep myself in.” 

She went on to say she was sorry for everything that happened between her and Javi, though she isn’t sorry for calling off their engagement. 

“I feel free and better,” she said. “And I’m sure he feels the same way.” 

“Single and ready to mingle/devote all of my time to social media drama!”

Despite the failed engagement, Briana said she did love Javi, but he just wasn’t the right person for her to marry. 

“I loved Javi. He has amazing qualities,” Briana said. “Such a great man, great dad and overall just a great person, but he’s just not my person.” 

Briana previously told followers during an Instagram Q&A that “nothing crazy” happened between her and Javi that led to their split, she simply wasn’t ready to be in a relationship. 

“I came to the conclusion that I thought I wanted to be in a relationship, the thought of it sounded nice but I am just not ready for it,” she said. 

Briana added that she had “other plans” at the moment, but she wasn’t closing the door on the idea of the two of them working things out later in life. 

“Maybe in the future we will meet again,” she said. “I love him and he’s a great guy.” 

That door is most-likely closed now. In fact, Bri’s nemesis, Kail, recently posted on Instagram that she was interested in getting a tattoo from Javi II.

“Your move, Bri!”

RELATED STORY: Kail Lowry Says It’s “Cringey” That She Was Allowed to Sign An MTV Contract As A Teen; Talks About How Excited She Was To Get Small Payment for “16 and Pregnant” 

(Photos: Instagram; MTV) 

21 Responses

  1. Briana, DEFINITELY, DID NOT “Take the High Road,” when she sent the Clown costume to Kailyn Lowry, (even though, she IS a clown.) IMO, this was petty, and will just keep the feud going, which SUCKS FOR VIEWERS. I hate when they fight like children on (and OFF) the show. THAT’S WHAT will get the paychecks to stop, and the viewers to stop watching.

  2. Another break up means Brianna should be bringing ANOTHER guy around her kids soon, cause that’s a great example

  3. Chris wasn’t even in the picture with Kail when Brianna and Harvey were fucking around. How is this even a story? Even if it was, Brianna certainly had nothing to do with it. I guess there’s not much going on in teen mom world if were inundated with articles from 90 day fiancé. Not that I don’t mind, I do watch that show, just not all the diaries in pillow talks & web series about Colts mom trying to getting fucked ( her words, not mine)

    ?? she probably smells like dirty cat litter and stale cigarette smoke, and whatever booze she drinks.

    1. Oops, I care so little about Breanna DeJesus, that I commented on her article before I even read it. My bad. Nothing else to say call mom because everything about her is a non-story. She asks her self questions on Instagram, which, obviously they all do, but hers bother me the most. Her body looks good now, but I wonder how long until that ass looks like a saggy diaper like it did last time. I must admit, boobies look pretty good too But, she’s a very ugly person inside. I’d rather look like her sister and have her sisters personality & wit than look like Briana and be borderline mentally challenged, and getting knocked up banging random dudes in dirty club bathrooms. She probably didn’t even have $30 for the Plan B

        1. What makes you say Brianna DeJesus is “ugly on the inside?” I’ve NEVER ONCE seen her do anything, “ugly,” unlike Kailyn Lowry (gags.)
          Yes, Brianna may not be the most educated, but, I don’t think she’s “ugly on the inside.”
          Another thing you said, that bothered me was about TiTi (her Sister.) She doesn’t have a bad body, AND she isn’t “ugly,” either.

          YOU seem to have picked a VERY unflattering picture of YOURSELF, to post.
          You should try a different picture, or try some plastic surgery, yourself, if you THINK you’re looking hot.
          At the VERY LEAST, you should DO SOMETHING about your skin. The picture, you posted, is tiny, and your zits are atrocious, and many! Plus, you seem pretty damn ugly on the inside, AS WELL, YOURSELF!

          Just saying…

  4. Unpopular Opinion: I always kinda liked Brianna. She seemed to have a good heart and means well but she is incredible naive.

      1. Yes, I think so. I do watch all the shows. It’s good to see you. I recall your comments here. 🙂

    1. Hi Stan Smith!

      I don’t find your opinion of Briana DeJesus “Unpopular.” Just because, one person says it, doesn’t make it Truth.

      I’m with you, I don’t think she’s a mean person, at all, unlike some of the other Teen Mom’s (Kailyn Lowry (gags) is the #1 “Queen of Mean,” and Ashley Jones, for instance.)
      I, also, think she appears to have “a good heart and means well.” I’ve NEVER seen Briana DeJesus do ANYTHING mean to anyone, and I’ve watched, “Teen Mom,” and all of its incarnations, since they first began.

      You’re “spot ON,” as far as I’m concerned. Thanks for speaking up!????

  5. How does Kail, a single mother of four have the time to fly down to Florida to get a tattoo from Javi II? DeJesus friggin Christ she’s a petty Betty. Maybe Kail should just focus on her kids and start saving for the day the TM gravy train ends instead of wasting time and money to perpetuate her ongoing feud with Briana (not that Briana is any better).

    Javi II dodged a bullet (great caption with the Coven, BTW). Also he managed to not impregnate Briana, so good on him for that… And maybe Briana actually had enough clarity of mind to end things if Javi II was too possessive – I’ll actually give her some credit.

  6. You coming home wearing Chris’ shirt didn’t matter nor did throwing the ring out for him to fetch? Briana has such adolescent tantrums. I’m not saying being with a controlling guy isn’t a red flag, because it certainly is. That is why it is important to take a relationship slowly….Unfortunately, I don’t think Briana knows what a healthy relationship looks like.

    I’m truly bored of Petty Betty (Kail) at this point. Of course she’s going to get a “tattoo” from Javi II.

    1. He didn’t treat her like property, he wanted some respect for him and their relationship.
      He was angry when she was flirting with Chris, again, implying she wanted to have sex with him to piss off Kail.
      He said he wanted a wife and expected her to behave.
      Later she told everyone online that she would do what she want and that Javi II didn’t have anything to say about her.

    1. She stays lying.

      Good thing she’s her true authentic self on the show. ??

      I’m sure there’s a Javi III around the corner. …or another one of Kail’s ex’s.

      1. AS IF, Brianna went after Kailyn Lowry’s ex, Javi (I,) ON PURPOSE. She didn’t.

        In addition, when a girl does this to another girl, she teaches/learns the lesson, ONE SHOULD NEVER DATE YOUR FRIENDS’ EX…not that she and Kailyn Lowry were EVER “friends.”
        Kailyn Lowry doesn’t HAVE FRIENDS, anyway. She has “people she uses.”

        Anybody who “goes out with” Kailyn Lowry NEEDS some sympathy, not to mention PSYCHIATRIC HELP!

    1. It will take an qct from Jehovah himself for someone to marry onto the De Jesus family. Bri is enough to deal with. ADD Momma Stiletto and Sassy sis to the mix and that’s a huge wtf.

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