A Full Recap of Kail Lowry’s Confessions & Statements Made During Her Court Deposition in Her Defamation Lawsuit Against Briana DeJesus

“We could call a truce but then how would we spend our free time?”

The defamation lawsuit filed by Kail Lowry against her Teen Mom 2 co-star (and frequent nemesis) Briana DeJesus, marches on. Last week, the depositions of Kail and Briana— which were given in February and March, respectively— were made public, and The Ashley waded through the 400+ pages of legal docs to recap everything Briana confessed to or stated during her deposition. (You can read all the juicy stuff here!)

The Ashley has once again taken one for the nosy team and recapped Kail’s deposition. 

As The Ashley previously reported, Briana and Kail and their legal teams have been sparring back and forth regarding questions about Briana’s sexual history, which Briana has refused to answer until the judge promises her answers will be kept confidential. Kail and her legal team, however, have opposed the sex testimony being kept confidential and want it to be a matter of public record.

Bri and Kail’s lawyers, when they realize how much money they’re making off this crap…

In Kail’s deposition, she discussed her feud with Briana, as well as accusations that she has been abusive to ex-husband Javi Marroquin, as well as Chris Lopez, whom is at the center of this lawsuit. She also gives her version of “HaircutGate,” in which Chris cut their son Lux’s hair without Kail’s knowledge. He later claimed that Kail hit him because of this.

She was arrested for “offensive touching” against Chris about three weeks later. The lawsuit against Briana came about after Bri went online and accused Kail of “physically beating” Chris as well as breaking and entering into Chris’ mom’s house on that day.

Let’s get to recapping before someone else opens their trap on Instagram Live and The Ashley has to start this recap all over! 

On how Kail found out there was a warrant for her arrest, and what happened the night she turned herself in to police:

“Is there any possible way you were trying to reach a Ms. Jenelle Evans and not Kail Lowry? No? Damn.”

The deposition begins with basic questions, before Bri’s lawyers asks if Kail has ever been arrested.

“I’m not sure. I have never been handcuffed,” she replied.

She does admit to being charged with the crime of “Offensive Touching,” though.

“I remember that time at the WaWa where you touched me offensively and I…”
“Stop talking, Javi.”

Kail said she didn’t even know she was in trouble until she got a nighttime phone call informing her that there was an arrest warrant out for her.

“I got a call after an incident, three weeks following the incident saying that there was a warrant and I went down to the police station and turned myself in and then all of the charges were dropped,” Kail explained.

Later in the deposition, Kail describes the night she got that phone call. She stated that she thought it was a joke or prank at first, and so did her attorney.

“We thought it was a prank call, so I didn’t turn myself in right away,” Kail said, adding that when she realized it was real, she turned herself in the next day.

As for what happened on the day she turned herself in to police, Kail said, “they booked me, I guess it’s called, and I put my fingerprints in and they put me in a holding cell for about an hour and then I went home.”

She said she did get a “picture” (assumingly a mugshot?) taken, and had to appear before a judge.

“Any chance I can buy a few wallet-sized prints of that mugshot?”

“During that time that I was in the cell for about an hour, they pulled me out of the cell to talk to a judge — not the cell, wherever they detain people. And then I believe they might have even put me back in until they released me to go home.”

She wasn’t handcuffed and went before the judge via a TV screen, due to COVID-19.

She said that her charges were dropped several months later, but she never had an arraignment in November as some articles stated.

On her feud with Jenelle Evans and how Cheetos are involved with it:

Kail refused to reveal how much she’s paid to appear on ‘Teen Mom 2, because she doesn’t want Briana to know. In fact, she says she’s not allowed to do so. 

“I will be violating my contract by sharing this information with Briana,” she said.

After disclosing it off-record, Briana’s lawyer asks Kail if she has had trouble getting along with any of her other co-stars. Kail admits that she has had a feud with Jenelle Evans.

(The court reporter must not be a ‘Teen Mom 2’ fan because in the transcript, she refers to Jenelle as “Jamel,” which is kind of hysterical.) 

Mr. and Mrs. Jamel Evans…

“It’s hard to say what the dispute is. I’m not entirely sure how to describe the situation with [Jenelle]. I don’t even actually know what the problem is,” Kail said, adding that Jenelle has a problem with her, but she doesn’t have a problem with Jenelle.

She said that Jenelle got upset when she wasn’t asked to take pictures with Kail and other cast members.

“Chelsea [Houska] and I, another former cast member and I, supposedly left her out of a photo shoot when we, in fact, had no control over the photo shoot,” Kail said.

She added that Jenelle’s husband, David Eason, also contributes to her issues with Jenelle. She pointed to one snack-food-based incident that has stuck in her mind.

“Her husband has body shamed me. That’s really all I can think of right now…he told me to lay off the Cheetos,” Kail said, adding that Jenelle has also body-shamed her on social media.

On whether or not she abused her ex-husband Javi Marroquin, or stole from him as some have claimed: 

“We may have stole each other’s dignities once or twice…”

They then discuss some articles about Javi and the accusations that he once broke into her house in 2017. The lawyers argue back and forth about the relevance of all this. They also discuss an article that claims that Javi said Kail stole property from him around this time.

Kail disputes this.

“I would say that I never stole from him and I can’t honestly say that I believe this is about me. It could very well have been about his second son’s mother [Lauren Comeau] who also filed a PFA against him. So, I can’t honestly say that this is about me,” she said.

Next, they discussed articles that discuss the incident on ‘Teen Mom 2’ in which Kail pushed Javi on-camera while they were still married in 2012. When Kail was asked if she ever hit Javi, she says, “I pushed him, yes.” However, she said the article’s claims that she hit Javi are false.

The Javi-shoving incident, which aired during a Season 4 episode…

Bri’s lawyer asked Kail if she feels bad talking about what she did to Javi.

“I definitely regret my reaction to what I did to my ex-husband. I absolutely am remorseful. I have apologized both publicly and privately, so I think I’m am at a place where I can face the music and talk about it and I am okay…I absolutely should not have pushed him.”

Kail admitted that their divorce was so public because they both talked about their issues on social media. However, Kail insisted that it was not her decision to discuss these things online.

“So…you weren’t blasting our crap on Instagram just like me? Hmm…interesting. That must have been some other Kail I know!”

On finding out that Briana had gone online and accused her of beating Chris and breaking and entering:

They move on to Kail’s podcasts, and she mentions some of the times she’s talked about Briana on Coffee Convos. She says she mentioned that Briana sent her a body-shaming treadmill. She said she tries not to discuss her personal life on the podcasts, but that “if something is untrue, I will clarify on my podcast.”

Kail said that she sometimes uses her podcasts to dispute things that others say about her.

“I would say when Briana publicly accused me of felonies I did not commit, I definitely clarified that on the podcast,” Kail said.

Kail claimed that she had only learned that she was being accused of breaking and entering when she heard Briana say it.

“Of the mouth!” 

“I thoroughly remember people writing, talking about how I allegedly broke into someone’s house and I had no idea what they were talking about. I mean, I knew what they were talking about based on what Briana posted, but that never happened, so I clarified [on my podcast].”

Kail stated that she thinks people believed what Bri was saying to be the truth.

Kail said that around June or July 2021, she heard Briana talking about her beating on Chris after getting mad about Lux’s haircut. (This was around the same time Kail was not on an episode of ‘Teen Mom 2,’ and no explanation was given to the viewers for her absence.) 

“First, she claimed that somebody from production told her that I was not on the show because I refused to talk about my arrest and she also accused me of breaking and entering into Chris’ house and, again, the offensive touching. I believe she said that I hit him,” Kail said. “Then, the story changed to Chris told her that I broke and entered into the house and I assaulted him.

“She publicly accused me of breaking and entering. She also said that production told her that I was not on TV because I refused to film about the arrest and none of that is true…It’s not true that I was not on the show because of this arrest. It is not true that I broke and entered into Chris’ mom’s house. It’s not true that I assaulted Chris Lopez. It is not true that I committed these felonies and wasn’t on the show because of them.”

On Briana’s statements getting her fired from sponsorship deals and promos:

Kail said that what Briana said cost her sponsorship deals.

Kail claimed that, when she learned she had an arrest warrant against her, she called her ‘Teen Mom 2’ producers and informed them that she was going to turn herself in. She stated that, while the show’s producers didn’t care, some of the brands she was working with at the time did care about her arrest.

She confirmed that she was dropped by a few brands she had sponsorship deals with, including Hello Fresh.

“I thoroughly believe that Hello Fresh and at least one or two others dropped me because of [Briana’s] statements, yes,” Kail said.

Describe the state of your relationship with Hello Fresh once Briana convinced them you were a felon…

Kail said there was a difference between the articles that came out about the incident and what Briana said. She claims the articles stated things as “allegedly” but Briana stated it as fact.

“Briana stated everything she said as fact. She stated I broke [into Chris’ mom’s house]– I don’t know where she got — I don’t even know how production or Chris, anybody would have told her that. She literally made it up,” Kail said.

“I want to be honest. I don’t know that [the reason I was dropped by the companies] was specifically for this arrest or if it was — like, when you are saying because of the arrest. It could have been the arrest. It could have been Briana accusing me of ·breaking and entering. I’m not sure,” Kail said.

Next, they talked about the reason Kail was actually not in the episode in question. (Briana claimed it was due to Kail not wanting to speak about the arrest.)

“I refused to film about a person that I was dating,” Kail said. “His name was Malik Montgomery.”

She said she didn’t want the relationship ruined by putting it on TV.

“I have had several relationships on the show fail and, also, just trolls becoming involved in my relationship has led me to not want to have any type of public relationship,” she said.

On what she claims actually happened on the day she found out Chris had cut Lux’s hair: 

When asked if she did touch Chris that day, Kail stated, “I did not.” She says that Chris told the police she did, and that she believes Chris lied to the police about this.

“I believe Chris would do that because we had a very tumultuous relationship,” Kail said.

She says Chris has told a lot of lies about her in the past, including claiming that she cheated on him. She also claims that Chris has lied about whether or not Kail has given him money. He also said that I never gave him money, which I have.”

“Any chance we can keep that part off the record?”

“He said that he — I am pretty sure at some point he actually even got on Instagram Live and said that I didn’t hit him after this police report came out, and I am sure someone can locate the footage of that,” she added.

Kail disputed again whether or not she was actually arrested, as articles claim.

”Arrest? I didn’t get handcuffed or anything, so does that count as an arrest?” she asked.

Briana’s lawyer told her that, “I don’t believe handcuffs are a necessary element in an arrest.”

She also disputed the claim that Chris’ sister had to “pull her off” of Chris.

“She never touched me, so that’s inaccurate,” Kail said.

She confirmed though, that she was taken into police custody for offensive touching, and that she was released without bail.

“I never talked to the police,” she said. “The only time that I really dealt with anybody involved with this was when they called me to tell me there was an arrest warrant. So I’m not entirely sure. I just know the arrest warrant was issued three weeks after the alleged incident and everything was dropped for lack of evidence and lack of proof.”

Next, they brought up a few articles (including one of The Ashley’s) and asked Kail if she feels these sites are reliable. She said she doesn’t know if sites like The Ashley or Radar Online are reliable, but feels like Fox News would be more-reliable. She calls The Ashley’s article about the incident “pretty accurate,” but says the things Chris accuses her of in the article are untrue.

He asks if an article from the clickbait site Champion Daily is accurate. The article states that Kail was arrested for punching Chris.

“I didn’t punch him, I was arrested, yes,” Kail replied.

Regarding yet another article about the same topic, Kail read it over and said, “I was arrested for allegedly punching Chris. Yes. Chris reported the domestic incident on the day of the offense, but police didn’t contact him back until September 25th I don’t know when the police contacted him.”

Briana’s lawyer asked Kail to rank how mad she was about Lux’s haircut, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the maddest.

“Probably a 10,” Kail said.


Kail said that her nanny, Natalie Napp, was present for the altercation. She stated that Natalie was in Chris’ mom’s house that day when this all went down. (Chris had told police that Natalie was in the car at the time of the incident.)

Kail said on the day in question, Chris’ mom let her into the house to pick up Lux. She got him, and once they were in the car, Kail realized that Lux’s hair was cut. From there, Kail says she got out of the car, walked back to the house and Chris’ mom let her in the sliding glass door so she could speak to Chris.

“I told him that he didn’t really have a right to do that. And I told him I was not happy with it, it was not okay,” Kail said. “He couldn’t even take him to a proper barbershop or like a hair stylist and I left. I mean, Natalie was right there and that was that. I just told him how I felt about the haircut and walked out.”

She claimed that no one asked her to leave and that she left on her own.

On why Kail filed a Protection From Abuse (PFA) on Chris previously:

Next, they talk about the Protection of Abuse (PFA) Kail had on Chris at the time of the incident.

“Chris almost killed me in October of 2019,” Kail stated. (This would have been around the same time Kail became pregnant with their son, Creed, by the way.)

The next few lines— regarding that incident— are redacted from public view.

Later in the deposition, though, she does confirm that Chris was charged with a crime for what he did, and that he spent time in jail for it. She also said he confessed to the crime.

On what Kail considers to be domestic violence:

Kail went on to dispute any articles that claim she was arrested for domestic violence. She said she was actually charged with ‘offensive touching’ and never ‘domestic violence.’

“I would describe it as lies… I didn’t offensively touch him or put my hands on him. I wouldn’t call it a domestic incident, because it didn’t occur,” Kail said.

Later in the deposition, Kail stated, “I believe that ‘offensive touching’ is essentially like a disorder, maybe like a disorderly conduct unfairly or I think ‘offensive touching’ is probably something from pushing or shoving all the way to…I don’t know. I am clearly not an expert. I explained what I thought it was.”

On what Chris is like as a parent and a person in general:

He’s quite the wordsmith…

When they came to the topic of Chris, Kail said she believes Chris “has narcissistic tendencies and narcissistic behaviors.”

“He parents for himself, not for his children,” Kail said of Chris. “He sees his children as objects and pawns and a way to control me. He is very manipulative. He is abusive. He is self-centered and he will do whatever it takes to have his own way.”

She said this includes lying to the police if necessary.

“I don’t think he has a conscience,” she added.

On why Kail calls herself a villain in the trailer for her Barely Famous podcast:

“But they fit right in with the cast members of this show!”

Kail then spoke about the trolls who hate her due to seeing her on ‘Teen Mom 2.’ She went on to talk about the trolls in length. As for Briana, Kail said, “she is the biggest troll.”

“I feel like I have been villainized over the years just over the show,” she said. “So, I use it in my trailer [for the podcast] … I’m just going off what the trolls say. It was supposed to be funny. People that follow ‘Teen Mom’ would understand what I meant. It’s not for people who don’t watch the show. It was more so meant for the trolls that follow.”

“I said that the trolls, people who are dedicated to hate me– kind of like Briana– would refer to me as the problem. They would refer to me as a villain. They villainized me. It’s easy to — I would say that it’s easy to blame me so I just go off — it’s a joke. When I say ‘your favorite villain.’ It is a joke to the people who watch the show who understand there have definitely been times that I have been villainized.”

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! A Full Recap of Briana DeJesus’ Confessions & Statements Made During Her Deposition in Kail Lowry’s Defamation Lawsuit Against Her

35 Responses

  1. et la sténographe judiciaire qui écrit jamel ahahhhh j’en peux plus. sérieusement cette pauvre femme doit se demander ce qu’elle fait dans ce bordel au milieu de deux petasses qui ont que ça à foutre . dépenser du temps et de l’argent. j’espère que cette femme est bien payée. courage madame

  2. Kail. You are not above everyone. Though you think you are. That is your downfall. She thought she could come out of this a winner. All she is doing is showing she is more petty than everyone thought, and is pro at manipulating words and stories and situations to suit her narrative.
    No wonder Jo can’t stand you Kail. Vee tolerates you to act as the peacemaker between her and Jo.
    Javi is her twin.
    And Chris is the only one fighting back.
    Why a messy web you wove Kail.
    Those poor boys.

    And also-how the hell does she continue to attract men??? She is jumping from man to man. Yet puts shit on Chris for having another child. Self reflection babe. You’ve done the same the last 10yrs.

    1. Chris is “the only one fighting back”??? I mean what?! Lmao. Kail is definitely a snobby, petty, drama loving individual, but shes a pretty dang good mom. It’s hard to dispute that, her kids are happy, healthy, and well mannered and she also achieved 2 degrees while being a single mom as well. Her main fault besides her dramatic chaos is continuing to have children with guys without considering just how well theyll be as a partner (or how long theyll be there) or parent. Fortunately joe and javi are good fathers–shitty partners to kail but good dads, however chris is a totally diff story. Hes a dead beat with violent and abusive tendencies who barely sees his child. Hes said ON CAMERA how hed literally spit at crew members if they filmed him, only then to begin filming for the show later on bc now he wants the fame and money. Hes spiteful to his baby mama, even going as far as to cut the childs hair that he RARELY sees. Hes even went to jail for abusing kail, it’s seriously disgusting how you speak about him as if he is some hero standing up for everyone else against kail.
      Yea, kails a bitch we all know. But that doesnt make his being an abusive partner and totally absent father an ok thing. He is literally the WORST shes ever chosen, but anyone defending him clearly doesn’t support women.

  3. You go Girl (kail). AS for Brianna honey learn to go after your own men and quit going after other teen moms ex’s alone you’d be more happier. Just sayin but I’ve noticed you and your sister and Mom love drama sorry ladies but this is y you all are single. I’m sorry and usually don’t judge ppl. But my God grow up

  4. “ He parents for himself, not for his children,” Kail said of Chris. “He sees his children as objects and pawns and a way to control me. He is very manipulative. He is abusive. He is self-centered and he will do whatever it takes to have his own way.”


    It all makes sense now, he’s too much like her and she can’t stand it LOL a narcissist hates to be called out

  5. Lies all lies. Kail is delusional. Does anyone believe she talked to Chris calmly after the hair cut? Hell No. Has ever Forgot about her cutting Chris’s dreeds off? Kail has no friends. You can move Kail out the trailer but you can’t take the trailer out of Kail. Like I said before Kail and Jenelle have a lot in common.

  6. I feel so bad for the judge who has to sit there and listen to this crap….hours of having to listen to these 2 talk about mean girl things they do to each other, when all they have to do is GROW UP.

    1. I was literally thinking the exact same thing after I thought “why the hell did I waste my time reading this petty stuff??” ?

  7. Kail really thinks she is just so smart. “I didn’t get put in handcuffs and I turned myself in, therefore it is not an arrest”. The definition of arrest: to take or keep in custody by authority of law. You got arrested bitch. And the way she described Chris is a perfect description of herself, she’s always been “all about Kail” and gave 0 fucks how if affected her children nor their dads.

  8. Well I dont like Kail but she did better than Bri. Kail is clever, Briana is not so theres that. But what a mess …

  9. Kail is a liar. She has claimed multiple times she doesn’t have a nanny yet here she admits Natalie is her nanny, which everyone knew anyway. Kail stole Disney bands out of Javi’s house because that’s how petty and pathetic she is. She claims she never hit Javi yet in one of the reunions she admitted to Dr. Drew that she had hit him the previous night. Kail got a PFA against Chris yet would go sit in his IG lives taunting him. She also had her followers go leave horrible reviews for his podcast too. I am not sticking up for Chris because he’s shitty too. Kail lied throughout the deposition. She is a pathetic and horrible person all on her own and it has nothing to do with Bri.

  10. As I thought more about this, it’s really annoying to find out that Kail has a nanny and also has or had been in a relationship for a long time, and NONE of that did the viewers see.

    Again, she is getting to decide what is shown, thus producing her segments. Why is that important? Because it’s a fucking REALITY show, AND a BORING one at that.

    Maybe if her REAL life was shown, this show would be worth watching.

    Sorry but you wanna drive the Range Rovers and customize your mansions, you have to do what you signed up to do. And I’m not talking about Podcasts.

    1. Omg. Kail is so rachet and nasty– that’s GREAT TV!

      Whoever this phony character she plays in public.. Just no.

  11. Well what I found interesting was Kail said she *believed* Briana’s statements cost her sponsorships but, she wasn’t sure if it was the arrest itself or the statements. So, she has no proof that Briana was the cause except for timing. My guess is that she wasn’t dropped directly from Briana’s statement but, people contacted the companies after the news came out.

  12. Kail thinks is so smart with her answers to the questions. I can feel the abusive arrogance dripping off her replies. I bet she paid the greasy lawyer of hers a lot in deposition training fees/time spent.

  13. So part of Kail’s contract includes and NDA that she cannot discuss things with her “co-workers”, like what she makes? That would be a huge red flag to me as an employee, employers should always be upfront about salaries and pay. That makes me think there is something shady, like Kail makes more (but this makes some sense bc Kail has more kids).

    This WHOLE situation does not need to be in the courts. Kail described Chris like a lot of viewers describe Kail, so good thing that’s on public record for your kids to find in the future. All the players in this should be ashamed but Kail has zero self awareness so until the show is canceled, she’ll never understand how much this is the exact reason people don’t like her. Most of us have rel problems, not ones we caused to ourselves then made it 100xs worse by being public about it.

    1. From contracts to employment agreements, not discussing your salary with co-workers is a standard for these types of documents.

      1. The Ashley was able to confirm salaries, pay per episode, OG kids and father pay, etc… and Kail wanted Bri to talk about her sex life? I’m just pointing out none of this is putting Kail in a sympathetic light.

      2. Is that legal? I thought the National Labor Relations Act and the 2014 Executive order supersede NDA provisions that prohibit pay discussions.

  14. Karl: Gee, durr, IDK what ‘arrest’ means.
    Also Karl: I was arrested.
    Karl again: They didn’t use handcuffs, so like, I’m gonna call ‘not it’ cuz that’s how the law works.
    Karl later: I was arrested.

    Also, her description of Chris is eerily exactly on point for herself.

  15. Wait wait wait, how many times did she say she wasn’t arrested, then finally says I was arrested. Girl doesn’t know head from ass. If show disappeared, she’d use the podcasts to air her dirty laundry, if her podcasts survive without the show.

    1. This girl is dumb as dirt. And she definitely should not be procreating. Please spay and neuter everyone on Teen Mom

  16. Well, I think after all that….

    What a fucking waste of time and money for both Kail and Brianna.

    Two petty stubborn women who forgot where they came from, and don’t realize just how much they have in common.

    If you’re doing all this as a “storyline” to stay on the show, I hope it backfires and you are both let go. This is petty, bullying, and not the stuff we as viewers want to see.

    You’re a bad example as mothers, women, and friends.

    1. I don’t care if they waste their time and money, but they are definitely wasting the courts time and money. I can’t believe this ridiculousness. I feel bad for taxpayers who are footing the bill for this nonsense.

    2. I have to respectfully disagree with you Snickle. This is ALL Kails doing. She dishes the disrespect to Bri and Bri reacts. Yes bri isn’t completely innocent but Bri did not file the lawsuit and waste everyone’s time with this… trial? Bri had to show up. Both girls caused the drama but only one wants to remain the victim and that’s Kail. Kail couldn’t even answer a question, she danced around them and never admitted her fault to anything. Kail has major issues and Bri likes leftover meat, that IS entirely her business. I had friends who went after my ex husband after I announced I filed for divorce, did not bother me a bit, I said “take my trash, it won’t last”, and it didn’t. It was a good riddance and Kail MUST hold onto all of her exes balls.

  17. Kailyn is pathetic and lacks the inabilty to self reflect. She said she doesnt talk about her life on her podcast and that is a huge lie. Her podcast isnt about current events, sports, poltics, music etc. Its about her life. Her job on TM is also about her life.

    1. That part made me laugh! All she talks about on her podcasts is her personal life! One is even specifically about coparenting!

  18. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – thank you for your service, The Ashley! You go down into the abyss so we don’t have to, and it’s appreciated.

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