The Ashley does her best to bring you all the latest news on reality TV shows and their stars. The Roundup can’t cover every reality TV show and event, though, so here’s a listing of some reality TV stories that haven’t been covered by The Ashley this week!
Oh, Butch… The Sun: ‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Butch Baltierra Pleads Guilty in DUI Case
Sad News. Starcasm: ‘Breaking Amish’ Star Mama Mary Schmucker Has Colon Cancer; Having Surgery Soon
It’s Over! Reality Tea: ‘Real Housewives’ Star Ashley Darby Confirms Her Split From Husband Michael
Not Us! Page Six: Kardashians Refute Claims That They Conspired to Get ‘Rob & Chyna’ Reality Show Cancelled
(Photo: MTV)
4 Responses
Thumbs up for Stan and company and best wishes to Butch! I hope he can at least keep things together enough to stay out of prison.
I’ve struggled with addiction most of my adult life. Rehab is not a magic cure. It usually takes several rehab attempts and therapy or 12 step meetings to fully recover. The harsh truth is that some people never recover even when they want to get clean and sober. I feel bad for Butch. I followed his story for a long time.
You’re right in everything you said ?
Same Stan…. I’m 41 and snorted my first OxyContin at 20. Moved to heroin and I’m sure you can imagine the rest. Once my friends and ‘acquaintances’ started dropping dead of fentanyl OD’s left and right, I got myself on a Methadone program in may of 2016 and haven’t touched heroin since. I know very few people my age who used as long as I did and aren’t 6 feet under, or in an urn because they financially drained their families and could not be afforded an obituary in the local paper, let alone a proper burial.
Hope you’re well. One day at a time, one minute at a time if need be.