‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Amber Portwood Completes Probation Three Years After Arrest; Opens Up About How Batterers’ Intervention Program Helped Her

“For once when I say ‘I’M DONE!’ it’s actually a good thing!”

Amber Portwood is legally a free woman!

The Teen Mom OG successfully completed probation last week, The Sun reports. Amber— who was sentenced to 906 days of probation in October 2019 stemming from her July 2019 domestic violence arrest— was discharged last week by the Marion County, Indiana, court.

In addition to completing probation, Amber also fulfilled the other terms of her sentence, which included completing substance abuse and mental health evaluations, paying a $1,285 fine, and undergoing random urine and breath testing at least once a month since October 2019.

“She submitted 21 negative drug tests and did not miss a scheduled test or test positive for any illicit substances or alcohol,” the court records, obtained by The Sun, read.

She also completed court-ordered parenting classes and a Batterers’ Intervention Program. 

“Go ME!”

In Amber’s new book, So, You’re Crazy Too? she opens up about how happy she was to end up in the Batterers’ Intervention Program. 

“One program that has really helped me has been the Batterers’ Intervention Program,” Amber wrote. “Maybe it was the timing of it all. I was finally ready to accept responsibility for my actions and learn ways to keep the actions from happening again. Whatever the reason, I learned a lot from this program.

“They teach you the power of holding back and the value of walking away from conflict,” Amber continued. “Where I grew up, it was a sign of weakness to walk away from conflict. This program taught me that walking away from a potentially explosive situation is actually a sign of great inner strength.” 

In the book, she also talks about how serious she took her probation this time, as opposed to the times she was on probation in the past.

“I was determined to fulfill my probation and eager to take anything I could get out of the classes I was mandated to attend,” Amber wrote in the book. “I started to learn other ways of coping with fear and danger and intimidation through this program. Although I know this is a lifelong battle, I am hopeful my days of mug shots and court appearances are behind me for good.” 

The person behind these courtroom drawings mourns the loss of his job…

Amber did not violate the no-contact order that was in place, forbidding her from contacting her baby daddy Andrew Glennon, who was the victim in the July 2019 incident. (Since Amber and Andrew share their son James, all contact related to the kid was not considered a violation.) That no-contact order has now been terminated by the court. (Amber and Andrew are still in an nasty, ongoing custody fight for James, though.) 

On April 26, Amber’s Order For Discharge From Probation was successfully filed. Since she completed the probation, her charge of Domestic Battery has been dismissed, and an Alternative Misdemeanor Sentencing (AMS) has come into play for her charge of Intimidation, which is a Level 6 Felony. That basically means that Amber’s Intimidation charge has been reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor on her permanent record. 

She will no longer need to seek permission to travel out of the county or state. (She previously could only leave if the trip was for work purposes.) 

“I’m coming, Dimitri! Travelocity, fail me not!”

RELATED STORY: Amber Portwood & Andrew Glennon’s Drug Test Results are Revealed After Judge Orders the Exes to Undergo Testing as Part of Custody Battle

16 Responses

  1. You go girl, you deserve this. I am so happy for you. Now we need to keep James in Indiana. I don’t know of any case where a father was able to take your child that far away from the mother for good. Prayers that everything works out for you and James he needs his mother around and in the same state. ?❤️?❤️?❤️

  2. I’m confused.
    This article says by The Ashley
    And another article says by Chelsea.
    Do you have a partner Miss Ashley?

  3. Hi Bleep Bloop!

    Hasn’t it, already, been 5 years, that Amber Portwood has been clean, sober and “on good behavior,” (besides the hiccup, with “sneaky, user, Andrew Glennon,” the Meathead TAKER, who stole her baby, AND her house, out from under her feet?)?????

    It SURE seems like it!


    She was chewing on Fentanyl, when she first had Leah, and Leah was a baby, (at 1 to 2 years old.)

    Then, she went to Prison, where, I THINK, she was clean and sober, (but, I could, CERTAINLY, be wrong, on THAT.)

    The point is, she took advantage of her time in Prison to improve herself through this, “Batterer’s Intervention Program,” among other good programs.

    Trust me, the odds are against addicts, in recovery, and she has come a long way, from my experience.

    I went into “The Al-anon Program,*” because of living in an abusive, alcoholic relationship.

    (*For anyone unfamiliar with, “The Al-anon Program,” it helps people recover from living with an addict, and the wreckage they leave behind, in their wake. The Program teaches you, how the addiction is not YOUR fault, in any way, shape, or form, and that WE cannot “cure” or fix anyone, but, ourselves.

    It, also, helps people who have to actively CONTINUE LIVING WITH an alcoholic, and/or addict, (like a family member, who you can’t separate from.)

    It’s an EXCELLENT Support System, that shows you, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and I can’t recommend it more highly. It helped me a lot!

    Amber has shown with her behavior, attitude AND urinalysis, (WHICH CAN’T ALWAYS BE FAKED, as some Programs, actually, WATCH ONE urinate,) that she has changed SO MUCH, since “the old Fentanyl days.”

    I, ALSO, stumbled on an EXCELLENT, LGBTQ AA Meeting, (where a lady invited me in, when I happened to asked her what happened to an Al-anon Meeting that was scheduled for that day, but, had been cancelled.)

    I went in, with an open mind, and learned SO MUCH THERE. I continued to go back, to learn more, and to hang out with the fascinating, intellectual people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting there.

    I, mostly, learned “addiction is a disease, JUST LIKE CANCER.”

    People have sympathy, care❤ AND WANT TO HELP, when someone has Cancer. Yet, unfortunately, they don’t feel the same way about addicts, because of ignorance. I remember thinking, ?”IF he loved me enough, he would, and could, stop drinking.” I had no clue it was way deeper than that.

    Anyway, I consider Amber Portwood, (AND Leah Messer, for that matter,) success stories, when it comes to addiction.
    They BOTH came out, “the other side,” luckily, and have been doing very well, for themselves.

    I wish them, BOTH, TONS OF grace, Love and LUCK, for their futures.

    Unfortunately, the disease of addiction, stays with addicts, for their ENTIRE lives.

    It’s a daily struggle for them, and sometimes, it’s a struggle FROM ONE MOMENT, TO THE NEXT.

    I hope everyone out there, NEVER has to go through this experience.

    Kudos, Amber!?????

    Keep up the fight, Girl! You can do it!!!

    Love you Bunches!????

    1. I’m glad that you have found information and support that helps you dealing with the burden of being the child of an alcoholic.
      And yes it’s a disease.
      But. Please, please be careful.
      It’s not the same as cancer.This is something often perpetuated by addicts, who are always manipulative.
      Those suffering from cancer have no choice.
      And while alcoholism is a disease there are many choices the alcoholic has and often makes bad ones.
      The disease part doesn’t exonerate them from accountability or free will. So be careful of the empathy and sympathy path of ” It’s the same as cancer”
      Because it absolutely is NOT!

      1. @Sparkycat

        Hey there!

        I just wanted to send you a quick reply to say, “Thanks for looking out for me,” (regarding my comment on alcoholism, addiction and Amber Portwood.)

        Luckily,I am very familiar with Al-Anon, and Alcoholics Anonymous, having gone to meetings for years, now. So, I, TOTALLY, hear what you’re saying, and KNOW what you’re saying, and I couldn’t agree more!

        The main jist of Al-Anon, is to focus on one’s OWN LIFE. In doing this, the alcoholic (or addict) has to, then, focus on THEIR OWN LIFE, verses you always focusing on them, saving them from their consequences, letting them rule your happiness or causing Sagas for you, etc., etc., etc.

        Anyway, I REALLY appreciated your comment, and your caring, VERY MUCH. It’s VERY sweet of you❤.

        Luckily, and,thankfully, I don’t have alcoholism, (OR addiction,) in my immediate family. So, I am able to choose, whether, or not, I want to participate in an addict, or alcoholic’s life, (and I DON’T EVER want to choose to live that way, AGAIN!)

        MY PROBLEMS stemmed from having alcoholic boyfriends, and being “addicted to love,” myself.

        So, again, thank you for your kindness, and willingness to help me. No need to worry about me, though! I am doing well, and have my life together enough, that I never have to deal with any BS I don’t want to?.

        You have a blessed day, and LIFE, AND THANKS FOR BEING YOU❤!

        You’re wonderful, and you made my day?!

  4. She needs to go at LEAST a solid 5 years with good solid behavior for change to be believable.

  5. Way to go, Amber!!!


    What a great job you did, and continue to do, and WHAT A GREAT ROLE MODEL you now are, not only for your daughter and Mother, but, for all of the young girls who watch, “Teen Mom OG!”

    I am amazed at the tenacity and willpower you exhibited, to get this done! That is no easy feat for a drug addict, (now a former drug addict??????, as YOU, most recently, told your cousin, on “Teen Mom-Girls Night In.”)

    THAT’S HOW you just, so maturely, sat back, during the immature mayhem of the, “Teen Mom Family Reunion,” and didn’t react.

    YOU GO GIRL!???

    Now, go get your baby, and your house, back from that “Boneheaded POS,” Andrew Glennon. (Send HIM packing back to Malibu, to live with HIS Mommy.)

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