Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Dad Nathan Griffith Marries Girlfriend May Oyola (Exclusive Details!)

“We are registered at 24 Hour Fitness, guys!”

Jenelle Evans‘ former soulmate, Nathan Griffith, is a married man!

Nathan— who was once engaged to Jenelle and is the father of her son Kaiser— announced on Facebook on Friday that he has married his girlfriend May Oyola. Since Nathan has been known to post, um, “interesting” things to social media that aren’t always true, The Ashley investigated this and can confirm that Nate did, indeed, get married.

The Ashley can reveal that, according to court records, Nathan and May (full name: Mayra) filed for and were issued a marriage license on April 15, 2022 in Miami-Dade County, where May lives.

In the filing paperwork, Nathan also lists his place of residency as Miami. 

May lists her place of birth as “Argentina.” 

Nathan made the marriage “Facebook Official” already…

The Ashley has not been able to get any details (yet) on Nathan’s wedding; however, she can confirm that Kaiser was not in attendance.

This is the second marriage for Nathan. Before dating Jenelle, Nate was married to Alison Stevens (with whom he shares daughter Emory). He then dated and became engaged to Jenelle but they never walked down the aisle. After his relationship with Jenelle ended, Nathan dated Ashley Lanhardt for several years before splitting around the end of 2020.

“Well, Nathan, I see ya wif another wife!”

Nathan has kept a decently low profile over the last few months. In February, Jenelle mentioned Nathan in a social media video, stating that her current husband David Eason now gets along with Nate, after years of feuding. 

RELATED STORY: Jenelle Evans Insists Her Husband David Eason Hasn’t Ruined Her Life; Says Getting Fired From ‘Teen Mom 2’ Was “Blessing In Disguise”

(Photos: MTV; Instagram; Facebook)

30 Responses

  1. How long before Nathan continuously cheats on her or tries to strangle her? Remember what he put exes through, not to mention those stalking claims and DUI less than a year ago. This girl is playing with fire.

  2. Hope this one isn’t batshit crazy. I am still rooting for Nathan, he isn’t an angel but God, he had a kid with the wrong person.

    1. Me too. I always hold out hope that one day Nathan will get his shit together and save Kaiser. He has flashes of good sense, which he usually then undoes by doing something totally off the wall or getting arrested (again).

      I understand he has a TBI which affects his thought processes, but I don’t think that’s solely to blame for some of his bad choices in life – reproducing with Jenelle being one of them.

    2. I have a hard time rooting for a repeat drunk driver . Not to mention he didn’t protect his child from beatings by David. Hopefully he is not the same person, and has grown up. Time will tell .

      1. He has his faults, don’t get me wrong, he has a lot of growing up to do himself, but you cannot, ever, fault him for abuse he had no control over, or part in, and did everything possible to both prevent and stop. How is he supposed to protect Kaiser from beatings by David if no one listens to him? What do you propose he do, beyond what he did (reporting it, documenting the abuse, keeping evidence, reporting it some more, contesting during custody hearings, even more reporting….)?

        It’s not his fault the court system in NC is so horrendous they would side with obvious child abusers, in pretty much every instance. It’s a notoriously broken system that wouldn’t side with Nathan even if he were a perfect angle, it would always side with Jenelle and David. I’ve personally dealt with the system in NC and it’s absolutely dreadful, children are NOT put first and abusers often get away with even the most blatant of cases. It’s not the only state like this, but, it really is next to impossible to get a child removed from these situations, no matter who you are.

        1. *Angel, though being an angle probably wouldn’t do him any good either, lol.

          It bothers me when people get o Nathan’s case for not preventing the abuse Jenelle and David dish out. No matter what Nathan has done wrong in his life, or even his own parenting faults, that abuse is NOT on him.

    3. @A really not sure why anyone root for someone who has been physical and obsessive with multiple women, is not a consistent and present parent in either of his childrens lives, allows his child to be raised by a man who his son says was physical (like or it or not David is the one who is stepping up and raising him as sickening as that is), puts booze before everything productive and good, and speaks to his mother like she’s dirt on his shoes?!

      1. IMO putting (unhealthy) food on the table is unquestionably more than JE has ever done for Kaiser but I hardly consider that “raising him”.
        DE has NEVER loved him/taught him what love is (JE sure hasnt!), or taught him the alphabet (at 7 YEARS OLD he didn’t know what the letter”i” was and it’s part of his 3 letter name!), thrown a ball, taught him how to socialize (difficult concept on swamp), taught him manners, played Lego (not that any of those kid play with anything but screens – which adds to my point), attended school events (they WOULD have posted them! Other than Kais 3x “first day of kindergarten” photo ops,), etc.
        Heck, they pulled KAI out of football after ONE practice because DAVID COULDN’T COACH!

        My point is that all DE & JE have done is put (junk) food on his plate, sometimes.
        That isn’t “raising” a child.
        In fact, this is hard to say but sometimes it’s better for a child to NOT be exposed to parents (or step parents in this case) when they are TRASH. I think that more than qualifies in this case. Kai used to seem like a caring kid that just wanted love that he was repetitively denied (& will be reminded of his entire life bc it’s all well documented) but he has entirely changed & that happened when his outside exposure ceased (NG left)and he was stuck on the swamp.

        I agree that DE does exponentially more for those kids than JE could ever even think of but if they cared about Kai AT ALL they would have let him live with Doris. THAT would have been LOVE.
        Makes me sick to think of this. (Sorry for the ramble, their selfishness & entitlement is so upsetting!)
        They INTENTIONALLY ruined Kai for their own selfishness and child support, USING HIM AS A GAME PIECE!

        Time to repeat that cycle with the next generation of swamp trash

    4. He lives in Miami Florida and the kid he had with the wrong person lives near Wilmington South Carolina.
      That is a half day driving when the wrong person and her even more abusive husband abuse Kaiser again or when Kaiser gets sick.
      That really makes me less enthusiastic and supportive.
      Don’t tell me he was never able to move closer.
      I wonder how much he sees Kaiser.
      He also couldn’t plan his wedding on a date when Kaiser and Emery could attend? They probably haven’t met his new wife 10 times before he married her.

      1. Agree! Nathan seemed to only get with Jenelle so he could be on TM2, period! He’s moved all over the place, but never seems to be close enough to Kai to have a regular visitation schedule!
        PS.. Wilmington is in North Carolina.

    1. He got a sponsor deal too. He is in an add for a shaver designed to shave ‘down there’.
      She can’t get deals or they are cancelled.

      I somehow think David never made a chance to get that deal (vomits in mouth).

  3. Living in Miami isn’t very convenient for being a father, and visiting your child. JUST LEARNING Nathan has another child (that he doesn’t pay attention to,) shows what type of “Father” HE IS?????. All of these poor kids, it’s just SOOO SAD. They’re ALL going to be screwed up, for life. (Think about how Briana still cries over HER father not being around.) It looks like the plethora of steroids he’s taking have REALLY screwed up his brain, AND his priorities.

    1. I think the TBI he suffered and the alcohol he uses to self medicate damaged his brain a lot more than some steroids.

      1. Of course he does. Any D list celebrity from 90DF, McKayla from Unexpected is pregnant with baby #3 still puffing away at her weed and posting on her onlyfans. ?

  4. Nice to see he moved far away from his son and daughter. And his body looks artificially gross – he must be ‘roided out of his mind. I guess he’s trying to make it as a body builder like Janelle is trying to be an influencer so they can avoid working real jobs.

    I guess she’s the type of woman who likes a fixer upper project? Good luck with that one… Chronically unemployed, absentee dad, history of domestic abuse, well-chronicled anger and substance abuse issues, frequent DUIs. Sounds like a catch!! Hopefully the steroids have rendered him infertile.

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