Zach Roloff of Little People, Big World is firing back after his father, Matt Roloff, seemingly blamed him and his twin brother Jeremy for the family’s recent decision to sell a large part of Roloff Farm.
Matt confirmed on social media last week that a portion of Roloff Farm–- located in Hillsboro, Oregon, and featured on the family’s TLC reality series since 2006-– has been put on the market. He confirmed that family home, notable red barn and 16 of the farm’s 109 acres are now on the market. In his post, he also made it clear that he’s not happy about selling the property, as he wanted it to stay in the Roloff family.
Many fans– as well as Zach– felt Matt was throwing shade at his twin sons for not wanting to buy the property, prompting Zach to speak up in the post’s comment section and call his dad out.
Matt claimed on Facebook that “keeping that dream alive” is not meant to be, as the farm cannot be legally divided into multiple parcels, and his twin sons Zach and Jeremy have “decided not to consider working together toward a possible joint sale.” (Matt and ex-wife Amy Roloff, who split in 2016, also share daughter Molly and son Jacob, though it appears the Roloff twins were the ones given the opportunity to purchase a part of the farm.)
“Both of them (along with their growing families) had moved on to other interests and investments…. And even [though] a substantial family discount and a ‘gift of equity’ was offered by both Amy and I…(and I still owe Amy a bundle of money) ..they decided individually that the timing was not right for them to purchase a part of the farm at this time,” Matt wrote.
Matt went on to mention that his “cranky old body” and the ongoing maintenance and demands of Roloff Farm contributed to the “the difficult decision” to sell, as he begins to take steps towards his retirement goals. He also noted the “93 uncharted and pristine acres” remain in the family “for all to enjoy.”
After an individual commented, “money ruins family” on Matt’s post, Matt argued otherwise.
“Money doesn’t ruin [families] land does,” he replied.
In response to Matt’s statements, Zach took to the comment section of his father’s post, calling the claims “extremely misguided and false,” and accusing Matt of “manipulating the narrative” leading up to Season 23 of ‘Little People Big World,’ which premieres Tuesday.
“Once again like he has for most of his life not taking responsibility for his own actions and blaming others,” Zach continued. “Dragging the family drama that he created and then manipulate the fan base to make himself come out okay. This post is a new shocking low of cowardice and manipulation of his family and kids for his own gain.”
While the 16 acres up for grabs on the farm are clearly an area of contention for the Roloff family, admirers of Roloff Farm have the opportunity to purchase the piece of ‘Little People, Big World’ history in order to create their own family memories on the farm–- sans TLC film crew, of course.
For $4 million, the 16 acres can be yours… as well as the Roloff’s original five bedroom, five-and-a-half bathroom, 5,373 square foot farmhouse, and the 3,594 square foot red barn, which features a studio apartment with a private entrance.
Forbes Global Properties describes Roloff Farm as a “100-year-old farm with stunning views of rolling hills, green landscapes and coastal mountain ranges.” The listing calls the property “an outdoor enthusiast’s dream,” complete with expansive trails, several acres of greenspace and seven bridges that connect the amenities on the farm.
The listing also includes some words from Matt, who after dedicating many years to creating “an imaginative environment filled with adventure for my family,” said it was time to say goodbye to (part of) the farm.
“I have decided the timing is ripe, after 30-plus wonderful years, to hand over the reins to the next owners of this magnificent property to plant some roots of their own and watch them grow,” he added.
Season 23 of ‘Little People Big World’ premieres Tuesday, May 17, on TLC.
(Photos: Instagram; Forbes Global Properties; Facebook)
38 Responses
Matt Roloff should be ashamed of himself. Matt is one of the biggest SOB’s out there. And Caryn is a total bitch.
Zach, wouldn’t, know the first, thing, how to keep the farm, going. It would be continuous work. Not, whenever, he can get off the couch, Jeremy and he, wouldn’t, be able, to come near, the work, their father does. Granted, they have worked with Matt. But to replicate, Matt’s pattern of work, impossible. Most, they can do is whine, and complain, about Matt. Blame Matt, for the job, they can’t do. Not just, once in a while, when they feel like it. Their wives run their lives anyway. Have Tory, and the redhead, run the farm..
Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors!
Matt Rolloff is a selfish son of a bitch. He could have worked to find a way to sell the farmhouse to Zach while enabling all the children and grandchildren to enjoy it for another generation. Zach, more than his siblings contributed to the popularity of the farm by being a presence on it, if only because of his living nearby. This was a choice his siblings did not make.
At one point Matt said he couldn’t make a special deal with Zach because had other children to take into consideration. While this is true, he can make provisions in his will that would take this into account. Also, not all of the children were born with equal gifts health wise. One needn’t treat each child EQUALLY, rather a parent should strive to treat them EQUITABLY. Zach and his family are bound to have future physical and fiscal challenges his siblings may escape due to their current good health. A loving parent/grandparent would take this into account beyond giving a “family discount. On the other hand, a controlling, egocentric person like Matt Rolloff thinks only of himself.
That farm should remain in the family. Father is a disgrace!
Did Matt Roloff have a joint meeting with the family to go over his retirement plans. The divorce changed the narrative of original intentions. Matt has put an incredible amount of himself in making the property heaven for his family while they were growing up. Well they are no longer children. That farm is not a normal realty. In order to survive it had to become a business. Could either Zach or Jeremy maintain that business, do the work necessary? They didn’t want to work together. Matt id 30+ yrs older with age and health issues. Have any of the kids been there to help him maintain 109 acres? The mistake children have is that they are “entitled” but we all have to put in to get out. I personally think the boys and their wives are being immature. The earned alot from the production and made it their choice to step away. They and their spouses comments are very immature and they come across as spoiled brats. If they are really Christians, they are not behaving as such. Matt deserves their love not criticism. If they had not requested a family meeting about the farm, they should have, if they don’t respect that Matt has been carrying the weight by making that farm what it is today then they should continue on their path of self made happiness.
Another issue I thought of-Matt’s “dream” of keeping the farm “in the family” didn’t take into account that having joint co-owners of land that has 1 HUGE house & barn would be difficult for any 2 buyers to agree on.
Doing the same with family (twin brothers, each with a plan & agenda) is rarely if EVER a good idea. Doing business with family is not advisable in most circumstances, and RARELY works. Ex: which family would have gotten the house? Both twins wanted the house. It leaves 1 family starting off in the hole, having to not only build another house, but have to “agree” with the other where it would be built, adding substantially to the purchase price. Plus, you can’t have 2 “chefs in the kitchen”: one of them would have to be the de facto boss, as not every decision can be made & agreed upon, & someone would have to make that “final call/decision”. That results in hurt feelings & anger. So they buy as “partners”, each contributing, say, $2 million to give Dad Matt more money to run through. Matt reaps the benefits, while the kids are left with big debt & having 1 be the decision maker. And, has Matt ever explained this “law” about being unable to parcel out the farm? Why wouldn’t he take his argument to the planning commission and request special circumstances or better yet work to get the law/ordinance changed? That’s right down Matt’s alley.
The answer seems crystal clear: when LPBW was in its first few seasons, the Roloffs didn’t have the money they have now. Now, with improvements (partly paid for by TLC is my guess) Matt has dollar signs in his eyes and wants to sell the 16 best acres at a premium price that neither son can afford. I think I can see why Jacob & Molly got out of that mess-they saw this coming and it wasn’t worth the hurt & fight to them,
Interest rates have doubled in the last 3 months. That means that many ppl who might have considered buying are out of the equation. Matt had priced the 16 best acres at a price I will be shocked if he actually gets his asking price. Just wait and see…
In the meantime, he has created a rift in the family over land and money HE wants. There are hard feelings with most of the family members. What a jerk Matt is to have done this. He will however reap what he has sown-strained family relations. He had no idea Jacob had been groomed & abused. He doesn’t seem to see the problems Zach & Jeremy have with each other after being very close for years. He sold out his family privacy years ago. What a weiner.
It appears to me that Matt decided he wanted to make a substantial profit by selling the 16 IMPROVED acres with the house, barn, and the fun places he built originally for his kids. Amy used to express concern often about Matt spending money like crazy, so I’m guessing he is in some debt. It’s rude to insinuate that his boys ruined his plan to keep the farm in the family-seeing that both boys & respective families made offers which he rejected. Matt stated he deliberately over priced the parcel so Zach couldn’t or wouldn’t buy it. His talk over “wanting the boys to buy as a joint venture” just tells me he wanted MORE MONEY. $4million for property he bought from Amy for $900,000 ish? That’s so overpriced. Family discount and equity gift my a**. Matt needs money, and doesn’t care who it hurts to get what HE wants. Whatever. Matt, you aren’t fooling anyone but yourself.
I have watched this show for years, I fill only knowing what I see on tv and read, that Matt has always got a raw deal from an unappreciated family.
This man always worked hard to give his family a great place to live and everything they needed.
From day one all Amy ever did is to criticize and try to make Matt look bad to his kids. Her ungrateful ass past that on to her kids. Sorry you don’t always get what you want. She kept a messy house and never gave Matt any credit. This guy that just married Amy will divorce her sooner than later. My point is at 69 years old if Matt lives 10 more years and they only see him on the normal holidays, they only get 40 more times to see their Dad alive
Think about that
Zach is a mean, entitled brat.
Karen is 100% correct! Zack wanted his own Mother off the farm so he could move him and his family into her house! Amy loves those kids and they treated her like crap during the divorce, including Tori! The kids are as self-serving as Matt! Amy’s life literally fell apart when she and Matt divorced and the kids just wanted her to move out and move on. Amy told them how hard it was to deal with Matt they didn’t care! Even Tori made mean remarks she didn’t want to hear Amy complain. When your spouse has an affair it rips your guts out however, these spoiled, self obsorbed brats didn’t give a dam what Amy went through they only wanted the farm. Someone else said it perfectly, I will repeat it… KARMA ZACK, TORI, JEREMY AND ADUREY… IT’S CALLED KARMA! IT’S NOT OVER WAIT UNTIL CARYN GETS HER HANDS ON NEW HOUSE, THE LAND IT SITS ON AND A HUGE CHUNK OF MATT MONEY! THE KIDS ARE GOING TO CRAP THEIR PANTS. IF YOU DON’T THINK ONCE THEIR MARRIED THE NEW HOUSE AND SOME LAND WON’T GO IN HER NAM YOUR AN IDIOT!
Let’s get back to facts. Jeremy, Zack and Tori wanted Amy to take the buy-out from Matt. Amy was unsure and scared after-all not only had Amy lived there 30 years raising her kids but she LOVED the farm. The boys we’re thinking if Mom gets out of our way then one of them could buy it. Not one of Amy’s kids showed her any compassion after their Fsther, Matt had been having an affair with Caryn since 2014 (Everyone around Hillsboro knows this and witnessed it). During the divorce if Amy mentioned pressure, manipulation or any issue with Matt the twins didn’t want to hear it and were telling her just sell, especially Zack and Tori. Zack thought he had more rights to farmhouse than his own Mother. Zack has always had a chip on his shoulder and Tori and Zack have never given Amy the respect she deserved especially during the divorce. How would Zack feel if Tori had an affair under his nose and everyone knew? Just like with Chris, Chris married Amy and has proven his love yet the kids call him Chris. Caryn slept with their Dad a married man and the kids call her cha-cha! It’s a smack in the face to Amy. All of a sudden Zack acknowledges his father’s behavior however, couldn’t careless when it was his mom being treated like dirt. Yes, it took her more than a minute to make a choice. Try having your spouse throw in the towel and have an affair and see what it does to you! I hate Caryn and Matt their disgusting and Matt ALWAYS LIES AND CHANGES THE NARRATIVE. THE THING IS WHEN IT WAS HAPPENING TO AMY THE BOYS COULD HAVE CARED LESS!
They’re all terrible! Watched the episode and Zach’s complaint that his dad tried to dictate the negotiations was idiotic. Matt owns the property so it’s his prerogative what to sell and for how much.
Tori complained that their lives centered around Zach’s family and was seemingly annoyed. Seriously? You married your husband knowing that he and his family were on a tv show. You also agreed to be on the series so of course your world will center around the Roloff’s. I don’t think you’ve been donating all your tv earnings to charity, so please stop. You can leave, as evidenced by the rest of Zach’s family.
Matt, it’s your property so do with it as you please. Your kids seem sort of spoiled so it’s good you thought of selling instead of gifting. But ease off the negotiations, killer! If you think the farm should stay in the family, then sell it to your kids! How much money do you need?
This whole family is whacky. I’m shocked but at this point, Chris is the only one I can remotely stand. That’s insane! He’s so boring but damn, at least he’s nice.
I’m really sad to hear about this Divide.
So sad.
I blame karen and audrey for the problem. I heard zach or jacob was gonna take over the farm but karen is a golddigger and audrey wants jeremy to have it
You have to remember back when he was married to Amy and the disrespect that she showed to him and now Zach thinks that he can talk to his father the same way his mother did his father is not going to put up with this crap and I don’t blame him Zack is just like his mother and he’s trying to control his father just like she did he got out from under her and he’ll get out from under Zack too
?Matt treated any like shit, he’s no saint. Dude did nothing didn’t even help raise those kids amy did EVERYTHING. All he did was sit back think crazy shit to build and had someone else do the work. He even complained on vacation. Now to treat his sons just like he treated amy.
The girlfriend Caryn Chandler was dating him & sleeping with him right under Amy’s nose. Matt had big ideas & is quite a spend thrift, all those things he built were recently shown to be fallng apart since they were mantained. The pirate ship repair costs him thousands more than he thought it would AND he cannot do the work hiomself, he has to HIRE someone, or be LIFTED up on to a machine to do heavy construction.
Matt said something about Zach buying the farm but Matt would “do all the work”..n reality Matt HIRES out the work. He’s in debt with a loan to Amy for buying her part of the farm. The girlfriend Caryn plays him for all the $$$. ONce she marries him & he becomes more disabled he’ll be tossed in an nursing home & she’ll be a rich woman. I HOPE Matt writes a prenup. The house they bought together in Arizona is apparenlty right down the street from HER parents she said on the last show. Sad, “Roloff Farms” won’t belong to the Roloff family in the future
He seemed over powering when I used to watch hì and family x
Sad whatever is happening but Zack an opportunity to start your own farm. Your own life. Many children dream of the life you had. Dont have expectations but take the bull by the horns and start a new ..
Lets not forget there are other siblings to remember not just Zach who only became in the property long after it was Jeremy’s life long goal. Matt hasn’t been shown respect through out the years by Zach, or Amy for that matter
All families have squabbles just happens to be theirs are on reality TV. Selliing the property is for the best seeing how it’s causing chaos.
Ugh the drama of the “family farm.” I married into one, best to avoid it.
I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who saw how bad Matt treated Amy! He’s selfish and self centered and his new partner Karen is so fake too. Plus she’s been waiting in the background for him to divorce Amy so she can get her hands on the land and whatever money he has. She’s fake and her true colors will be coming through as the show continues.
You are exactly right Matt treated Amy like shit on a doormat!! As ugly as he is(inside and outside) the only reason Caren is with him is to be taken care of and to get his money! And y’all watch she will get it! His sorry ass did Amy wrong about divorce also! He and Caren had an affair!! Amy didn’t, she followed her vows! She is so much better off without that pos!! And she got married to a wonderful loving average size man! She sure dodged a bullet with Matt! Look at her beautiful man!!
Matt Roloff is the biggest little dick ever. He was horrid to Amy, whose saving grace has always been her role as mom and now grandma, a place she finds her happiness. Chris treats her in such a kind and loving and respectful manner, compared to her life with that selfish asshole, that she sometimes still has a hard time being secure in her new, happier life with Chris. Her kids also see what a jerk their dad is, playing them against each other. But the truth is, they know it’s their Mom that has truly supported them emotionally and been unselfish in her love for them. And that little dick was screwing Karen while he was married to Amy. She was their 3mployee. Karen went after Matt until she got him. Amy should’ve threw both of their cheating, greedy asses as far off of the farm as she could’ve way back then, but being controlled and manipulated by Matt kept her prisoner emotionally. I bet shed take him for everything if that crap were just happening today. For her to even be cordial to the dirty duo says a lot about how Amy lives her life and why she is happy and her kids adore her. Yep, Matt is such an asshole. And I hope people who watch the show, that haven’t already seen that about him, wake up and finally do. His “Mr. Good Guy Dad and Grandpa and Boyfriend” is all a manipulative act. Just as his absent kids.
Sounds like Zach & Jeremy both wanted to purchase, but not together. How was Matt supposed to choose between both sons, highest bidder? Friends of Oregon have made it almost impossible to subdivide large parcels of land. Because of this, he can’t give even parcels to the four kids. So he does the next best thing and sells to a stranger. Maybe the kids will inherit the money, or maybe Matt will leave it all to his local human society. His money, his choice.
Why is it not Matts right to do what he wants? Kids who think they are entitled to their parents house, land, investments etc…. If Matt leaves it to the kids that’s his prerogative. Get off Matt’s nuts!
If you’re going to post like you’re two different people…don’t use the same name. Lmao. Makes my day that your name is Karen. ?
His kids don’t feel entitled. Matt is being a ass to his kids because they decided that they didn’t want to buy part of the farm together. They’re married adults who have their own lives to live and maybe don’t want to be controlled by him anymore
Don’t feel bad for Zach. He pushed his mom off farm along with dad hoping to take home himself with no regard to mom. It’s called karma. Matt terrible dad and husband its always bout him. His golddigger of girlfriend is no better. Hope amy finally happy with her new life
Matt has always said that Zach will continue the farm legacy, and now he wants the money.
It seems like he should have offered the land to my children before putting it up for sale. And after bullying Amy to sell her half to him promising it will be for the kids, and now he sells it out from all of them.
He and Amy bought all that land 30 years ago for like nothing. Matt could sell the land to his son for like <$1 million if he wanted.
I don’t watch the show but what’s the deal here? Doesn’t Matt want to sell the farm to his kids? He doesn’t want to sell it to just one of them and they don’t want to purchase it together? Why is this so problematic?
Essentially, Zach and his wife wanted to buy the land (at least that’s the way it was portrayed by TLC) and be partners in the farm but Matt didn’t want a partner. He didn’t want accountability for financial and business decisions of his entity, especially from his son. He just seemed to want the cash with no partnership.
Throughout the series, it has very much seemed that Matt is manipulative and controlling and self-serving. Amy had the relationships with the kids and Matt had the farm. Matt would make these horribly manipulative decisions and then try to play the victim when he was called out by Amy or the twins.
Matt would claim that he was a dreamer and innovator, which is all well and good, but he wasn’t a good partner.
As for his girlfriend, I’m not calling her a gold digger, but she does come across as having questionable intentions with her relationship with Matt.
That said, we all know that TLC is less-than concerned with portraying reality. They have a narrative in mind and will manipulate everyone to continue that narrative. They tried for YEARS to convince us that Kate Gosselin was Mother of the Century, and the Duggars were wholesome and perfect.
Sad, that house was custom built for little people. Zach’s family could have really utilized it and really enjoyed the smaller entities! #shameongpa
Matt is a controlling jerk, but Zack is his mini me (forgive the pun) Jeremy won’t buy with him because he’s a napoleon who is as nasty as Matt is and neither Jeremy or is wife want to deal with his crybaby victim BS