Jill Dillard and husband Derick have been outspoken about the fact that they were not properly paid for appearing on Jill’s family’s reality shows, Counting On and 19 Kids & Counting, but in recently unsealed court documents, the couple— as well as Jill’s sisters Jessa Seewald, Jinger Vuolo and Joy Forsyth— have revealed what they’ve made in the time since the shows’ cancelations. According to The Sun, they also revealed how the Duggar Family’s scandals have affected their incomes.
Details of the Duggar girls’ family finances were revealed in unsealed court depositions from the sisters’ lawsuit against the City of Springdale, police department employees and others for invasion of privacy after the parties released their brother Josh Duggar‘s 2006 molestation police report in 2015, The Sun reports.
As The Ashley reported earlier this year, an Arkansas judge went on to dismiss the case in February; however; the girls’ 2021 depositions– which were only recently unsealed and made public–revealed just how much money they and their husbands make via social media promotions and other ventures.
Jill & Derick Dillard’s Salaries
According to the depositions obtained by The Sun, Jill and Derick appear to have been in the worst position financially. The couple announced last month they are relocating due to Derick getting a new job, but since leaving the Duggar family’s reality TV show, Jill and Derick admitted to having to rely on food banks and the generosity of neighbors in order to feed their family at times.

Jill revealed that she and Derick earn money via online ventures, including their website, product promotions and advertisements. In the deposition, Jill claimed her social media gigs brought in $10,000 in 2020.
Derick, who passed the bar exam in February, was deposed for the case in May 2021, during which he mentioned the income he and Jill were due to make from appearing on ‘Counting On’ and the show’s predecessor, 19 Kids and Counting.
As you may recall, Derick has been very outspoken about his issues with his father-in-law Jim Bob Duggar, whom Derick claims kept the profits from the family’s TV shows for himself. Only after “getting an attorney involved,” were the Dillards able to recover a portion “of what Jill should have been paid for her participation” on the TLC shows.
In his deposition, Derick revealed that he reached out to TLC at one point in an attempt to receive some of the income he and Jill were entitled to, and the network informed him “there was an agreement that we be paid.” Derick said he was never paid for appearing on “19 Kids and Counting”; however, he began receiving $500 to $1,000 in “early 2017” for appearing on ‘Counting On.’ Those payments stopped in May 2017 after he and Jill left the show.
He also mentioned that during their time on the TLC show, he and Jill would often receive “benefits,” including having their groceries paid for by production.

As for the current state of their finances, Derick noted in his deposition that he and Jill pulled in $800 in April 2021 from their YouTube channel and Jill earned $2,000 at one point to promote a “modest swimmer company.”
Derick said he worked part-time while attending law school, making $800 monthly as a driver for Grubhub, and though he and Jill had enough savings to prevent him from needing to take out student loans, Derick said they’ve sometimes relied on charity to feed their family.
“Our neighbors bring boxes of food sometimes,” he said. “And I also got food through the pantry on campus.”
On Sunday, Derick shared on social media that he had officially been sworn in as a licensed attorney in Arkansas.
Jessa Seewald’s Salary
Jessa claimed in her deposition that her social media promotions made her about $30,000 in 2020. That is not counting any money that Jessa’s husband Ben Seewald made, apparently.

Joy Forsyth’s Salary
In her deposition, Joy made note of the income she believes she has lost due to the Duggar Family scandals. Joy— who, like her sisters, makes money promoting products on social media— said she has scored promo jobs in the past, only to lose them soon after starting.
“I do advertising online and I have lost multiple deals because of [the Duggar scandals], being a majority of them, actually,” Joy stated. “…But it’s also really hard to get new people to do advertising with me. Or they’ll start and then they’ll cut it off.”

Joy stated that, in 2020, she earned about $40,000 on her own. Her husband, Austin Forsyth, also makes money working as a commercial contractor.
Jinger & Jeremy Vuolo’s Salary
Compared to her sisters, Jinger is rolling in the dough thanks to her social media promo earnings. Jinger– who lives in Los Angeles with her husband Jeremy and daughters– stated that she works with an agency to secure promo deals and brand partnerships. She said she was able to bring in between $100,000 and $200,000 on her own from these jobs, in addition to money earned from ‘Counting On’ and the book she wrote with Jeremy.
Jeremy confirmed that his and Jinger’s combined income in 2020 was “definitely over $100,000… probably $200,000 range.”
He also stated that he does not income from his job as a preacher, and that Jinger has been bringing in the bulk of their family’s cash.

“Since moving to California, because I’ve taken on a different role with, you know, where I’m not pastoring full time – an assistant job isn’t like, you know, great pay or whatever,” Jeremy– who recently graduated with a Masters of Divinity and will go on to get his Doctorate– said. “Jinger has taken more prerogative to do some of those paid partnerships. And I’m not certain, but I think that’s where the majority [of our income] would come from. I think the show money has probably stayed relatively the same.”
When asked how much he and Jinger were paid for appearing on ‘Counting On’ he said it was very little.
“It’s not a lot. I remember estimating it a few years ago that it was the same as an employee at McDonald’s, but it’s not a lot,” Jeremy said ““Maybe $2,000-3,000, something like that, per episode [combined], and then there’s not a ton of episodes. So, yeah. I would have to ballpark you on that one.”
Jinger stated that she and Jeremy could have been making more money, had it not been for the scandals associated with Jinger’s family.

“Not because of anything we’ve done, but because of all of this stuff in the family…But now, that is a recurring theme from the molestation, all of those documents being released, [brands we’ve worked with are] like, ‘We don’t want to be associated with all of what happened.’ And so we’ve had that happen to us and lost partnership deals,” she said.
RELATED STORY: Josh Duggar’s Friends Say He’s Been Verbally Threatened By Fellow Inmate But Claim Some Inmates Are “Convinced of His Innocence”
(Photos: TLC; YouTube; Instagram)
12 Responses
Good. Fucking. Riddance.
Not sure if they know this but….its ok if they go out and get a REAL job.
Gasp! Who woulda thunk it?! Lol. You’re spot on.
I’m just excited for the day when no one talks about these people anymore.
@Theashley @chelsea if this is based on the article from the sun they used documents that were released accidentally- the documents had confidential for attorney eyes only on them and have since been removed from display.
I do think it’s interesting that they’re using the resources that the republican vote aims to cut.
Wait, they were using food banks to feed the two kids they already had and then thought it would be a good idea to have a third child?! I feel for what Jill went through but that is irresponsible as hell if the pregnancy was on purpose. Finish school, get a job in your field, and then add another child.
He just did, Miss Perfect.
Nowhere near perfect. In fact, I was a huge fuck up during my late teens and early 20s and two siblings and a parent have done time. I’m not perfect, just honest. ? She got pregnant before the new job. What do you have to say to that, Miss Attitude? Sorry, kids aren’t a right and they are expensive. You can’t afford them, don’t have them. I’d love another child but I can’t guarantee a college education on my salary for another one so I don’t get pregnant. Unlike the Duggars, I practice what I preach and my kids don’t suffer just so I can continue to populate an overpopulated world.
I’m anti quiverful don’t get me wrong but…wow your comment is soooooooo much to unpack. At face value it seems like you believe unless you have enough money to pay tens of thousands of dollars at the minimum specifically for your baby to go to college in 18-20 years you’re “irresponsible”. That’s BS. Don’t get me started about not everyone going to college and scholarships but also you’re saying only rich people are having children responsibly. If that was true then the richer kids are the better people they’d be and the less problems they’d have and the better their parents are. That’s completely false. It has roots in racism and classism. Both the university system and the family planning system. I’m indigenous and our ohanas are poor to working class and have large ohanas but we love our keiki and care for them. Our people were almost eliminated and family is the center of our lives and values. Our kids might not have college education waiting paid for them but they’re loved and were not irresponsible just because we utilize public services like Medquest.
Sue. JimBoob.
Plan B: get a job.
Michelle and Jim Bob exploited their kids on television for years. And the kids have to rely on food banks to get by.
Look I think the whole family is toxic. But these girls lost their childhood raising their siblings, so mommy could pop out more babies so the show would stay on and Jim Bob was helping a ped0 get away with his crimes while taking all the money and hoarding it for his empire.
These girls need to stop suing the state and start suing mom and dad.