Months after The Ashley broke the news that Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 would be combined into one new show, MTV has confirmed the merged show is happening.
In a press release from the network’s upfront presentation on Wednesday, MTV announced that the new show now has a working title of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter. (As The Ashley previously reported, the original working title was Teen Mom Legacy. Working titles mean that the network has still not settled 100 percent on the series’ name, so it could still change back to ‘Teen Mom Legacy’ or something else entirely before it airs.)
MTV described the new combo show with the following description:
“The casts of ‘Teen Mom OG’ and ‘Teen Mom 2’ are each currently in different stages of motherhood – some have kids in diapers, while others are now parenting teenagers! But they all share the unique experience of momming so young. For the first time, the moms and all their stories will be brought together in one supersized series that focuses on the unique bond this ‘Mom Group’ shares as they face the reality of parenthood and adulting while entering this next phase of life together.”

As The Ashley reported, all of the ‘Teen Mom 2’ and ‘Teen Mom OG’ cast members have signed on except Kail Lowry and Mackenzie McKee. While Kail was asked to be on the new show and declined, Mackenzie was never asked and was basically ghosted by MTV in regard to continuing on with the franchise.
The Ashley’s sources told her that pre-production on the new show began in March, but MTV says that ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ will premiere “soon.”

The network also announced that Teen Mom: Girls Night In has also been renewed for another season.
Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant and Teen Mom: Family Reunion had already been renewed for additional seasons as well. As The Ashley told you, Kayla Jones has been removed from the “Young & Pregnant’ cast and Madisen Beith will appear on the new season full-time.
“Young moms navigate the highs and lows of parenthood in an all-new season,” MTV describes the upcoming new season of ‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant.’ “The group meets up in person for the first time in Los Angeles, where they form bonds and learn to lean on each other through the trials of family dysfunction, absentee partners, relationship woes and all of the responsibilities that come with having a child. When it feels like there’s nowhere else to turn, these moms have each other.”
The Ashley hears that the next ‘Teen Mom’ show to premiere will be the new season of ‘Young & Pregnant,’ which will likely begin airing in June.

RELATED STORY: Kail Lowry Declares She’s “Done” With ‘Teen Mom’ For Good After Season 11 Finale
(Photos: MTV)
25 Responses
Cheyenne wasn’t even a teen mom, we couldn’t cut her? She’s boring.
Could we just not though? Just about everyone is over all these women.
I won’t be watching…I’ll just get the news from The Ashley or The Grace Report. I refuse to support Ambo, Jade or Briana. The immaturity they’ve brought to the franchise gives mean girl bully vibes, and I’m too damn old to be watching women in their late 20’s/early 30’s behaving like 13 year olds.
Pass But Thank you Miss Ashley for watching, I LOVE the re-caps. 🙂
basically, we all hate this show…. we keep watching & reading up on it to see how much of a train wreck it currently is……
What is even the point of girls night in??? Like I care what they have to say about a show I’ve already watched
Cheyanne is a racist and mtv still hired her. Disgusting double standard.. she’s gross
Someone send life preserver’s. The ships going DOWN!.
“Teen mom: nearing menopause” would be a better title.
I might watch Y&P but I’m done with any other part of the franchise. It’s overplayed. I would rather watch “Next” and every other girl take the guys to get colonics done or “Parental Guidance” again than to watch MTV show “the most dramatic” situations of these girls. The show is done…stick a fork in it!
I’m over it. CanNOT stand Bri, jade or couch potato amber. Get real jobs and show me that struggle
Same exact reasons why I WON’T be watching. I can’t support Jade, Bri, or Amber…Shame because I actually like the rest of the girls…I’m just not in the mood to fast forward through scenes again like I had to do with McKee.
i hope they change their minds about having 8 moms on the show when it barely worked with 6. but why do they need to keep maci out of all people so bad?!??? mackenzie gets on my nerves but i’d prefer her over maci ANY DAY
Better yet just do a show of “Where are they now?” Of ALL the past 16 & Pregnant girls they didn’t continue on with. There has to be enough of those girls to last a season right?
Yeah, that would be much more interesting too. Those women can tell the real un-glamorized story of teen mom struggles. No McMansions, plastic surgery or shiny new XXL SUVs. Some have struggled mightily over the years (including incarceration and death) and a few managed to do well. Probably the ones that did well like Taylor who became an RN wouldn’t want to do the show nor be associated with the trashy element and instead have moved on with their lives. However, their stories are much more of an inspiration than the likes of Kail, Amber, Briana, etc.
I guess with tons of women they will have more drama to choose from- but they are all soooo boring. I would rather watch all new moms than this tired shit. I used to be a big fan of this franchise. The only semi entertaining version was young and pregnant.
I don’t want to watch someone “work on their brand” based on a teen pregnancy, I don’t want to watch grown women harass each other for Internet points and I don’t want to watch white trash addicts scream at their kid.
End this stupid show once and for all.
Maybe it will be a show where we watch mothers juggle parenting with working, family, relationships, financial dealings, friendships, and the other things they deal with, INSTEAD of them sitting on the couch, driving their Range Rovers, building mansions, producing themselves, etc.
Nah. But at least the recaps here will be LIT!!!!