MTV excitedly announced on Wednesday that Jersey Shore 2.0 is coming our way soon, but not everyone is happy about— especially not the original cast of Jersey Shore!
During its upfront presentations, the network stated a new cast will be heading to a beach house to party on the Jersey Shore, now that the originals–Snooki, Jwoww and the rest of the gang— have grown up, gotten married and given up (for the most part) their nights at sweaty clubs.
“It’s been 13 years since the iconic cast of ‘Jersey Shore’ fist-pumped their way into our lives and stole our hearts. Now, the time-honored tradition continues with a new group of roommates moving into their own Shore house,” MTV wrote in a press release announcing ‘Jersey Shore 2.0’
On Thursday, though, nearly all of the original cast members banded together to denounce the new show, with everyone posting the same statement to their social media pages to let fans know that they are against ‘Jersey Shore 2.0,’ which they feel will “exploit” the original show.

“As a cast we took a chance with a network in need. We put our most vulnerable moments on television for the world to see,” the cast statement reads. “We gave our all over the past 13 years, became a family and continue to open our lives for the world.
“So please understand that we are not in support of a version [of the show] that will exploit our original show, our hard work and our authenticity to gain viewers… #WeAreJerseyShore.”
Agreed. New season of #JSFamilyVacation coming soon! #WeAreJerseyShore pic.twitter.com/WRX5XAY8f5
— Vinny Guadagnino (@VINNYGUADAGNINO) May 19, 2022
The original ‘Jersey Shore’ cast members who posted the statement include Vinny Guadagnino, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino and his wife Lauren, Angelina Pivarnick, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, Deena Cortese, DJ Pauly D and Jenni “Jwoww” Farley.
The cast of ‘Jersey Shore 2.0’ has not yet been announced.

During this week’s upfronts, MTV also announced a new spin-off, Buckhead Shore, which will take place in Georgia. ‘Buckhead Shore’ joins Floribama Shore, Geordie Shore (and several other international versions), as well as the already announced All-Star Shore in the ‘Shore’ Franchise.
SallyAnn Salsano— the CEO of the 495 Productions— has yet to respond to the original cast’s statement; however, she did assure a fan on Twitter that the original cast’s show, Jersey Shore Family Vacation, is “10000000 percent” not going anywhere.

Still, the original fist-pumpers continued to express how they felt about welcoming a new group of GTLers to their beach house.
“There is no substitute for lightning in the bottle,” Mike wrote on Twitter. “Often duplicated but never replicated.”
NEVER !!! #wearejerseyshore https://t.co/wj08czlEj1
— Angelina Marie Larangeira (@angelinamtvjs) May 19, 2022
The original ‘Jersey Shore’ cast is not alone in its protests against the new show. Earlier this month, the New Jersey borough of Lavallette shot down 495 Productions’ request to film a new “documentary-style show” in town. Residents of the township (which is near the original show’s location of Seaside Heights) showed up to a council meeting last week to protest the new show being shot in Lavallette.
“We want to defend the integrity of the town and not destroy it with all this other nonsense,” one resident stated at the council meeting, according to the Lavallette-Seaside Shorebeat.

Lavallette was apparently just one of the Ocean County, New Jersey, areas that 495 Productions hit up to film the new show in.
“It’s my understanding that they blanketed every town on both of the barrier islands with applications in hopes of having someone say ‘yes,’” Lavallette Mayor Walter LaCicero told the newspaper, adding that the Jersey communities of Berkeley, Toms River and Brick Township had already said “no” to filming the new show.
It’s unlikely that the original show’s location— Seaside Heights— would allow ‘Jersey Shore 2.0’ to be filmed there, as the original show caused quite a ruckus for the seaside community. (Many of the original cast’s party spots— including Karma and Bamboo nightclubs— have gone out of business and/or been demolished in the years since the show filmed there.)
Based on the filming permit requests submitted by 495 Productions, ‘Jersey Shore 2.0’ is set to film “most of July and slightly into August 2022.”

RELATED STORY: Vinny Guadagnino Says He Would Never Date Newly-Single ‘Jersey Shore’ Costar Angelina Pivarnick: “I Would Rather Jump Off This Balcony”
(Photos: Theo Wargo/Getty Images; Twitter; MTV)
11 Responses
Buckhead and Jersey Shore 2.0 are nothing more than cheap knockoffs of the real thing. MTV makes one chitty decision after another. Hey MTV, change your name! You do zero justice to what MTV was in its heyday. So stupid.
All MTV does is recycle old ideas.
Wake me up when they reboot Room Raiders and Next.
Oh please they had their moment and gained fame due to it. They stated that they took a chance with a network “in need” and were vulnerable in showing their life on tv. They make it sound like they were doing a charitable favor for said network…. hello you were paid very well and milked it for many seasons. If not for “that network” giving YOU a chance no one would know who you are and you wouldn’t have all the money “that network” paid you. Just because you are protesting the show and blasting it on social media to your fans doesn’t keep the network from producing it. Full of yourself much?? The door should be allowed to open for others who want a shot just as it did for them for many seasons. Same can be said for the original teen moms that get upset when others come in. OMgosh, you had your time.. you are 30 now!
The new cast is just going to try to act like the first. The originals were the best and I won’t watch anyone new.
Of course they are feeling entitled and using a hashtag #wearejerseyshore is just so dramatic…like chill guys, it’s just a stupid reality show.
On the other hand, making a new version of it just sounds silly. You have other Shores, you don’t necessarily need a new Jersey one.
The show was originally supposed to be a new cast every season, so they’ve lucked out on that up until now.
Spinoffs, reboots, returns.. All been done. TM, RW, JS. All of it is so played out. They might as well just run Ridiculousness 24/7 if they aren’t going back to music.
Mtv in need ? its other way around u ruin mtv with this crap. Hard work ? what screwing every girl u could really don’t call that work at all. Jersey vacation suck too. Not like u guys are talented bunch of drunks having sex.
I think the new cast wont bring any more viewers to MTV than TM: The Demise will.
Who cares. Let them cast whoever, let it fail. Keep signing on to do JS until you are in your 50s. Stop being ungrateful and above it all bc they JUST let you know, YOU ARE REPLACABLE.
And since none of them made anything really land and stick long term.. This is all you got, Farrah.. I mean Pauly.
Doesn’t anyone have any new ideas anymore at MTV? I love “Jersey Shore” and I agree that it is an iconic show. They are trying to replicate it and I know its going to s*ck.
Do they really think we want to watch them all the way til menopause? It’s not like they all haven’t got rich from MTV, so go live your lives and let MTV try to do something more interesting than follow the same people for 20 years, like they do with Teen Mom franchise. “Oh how I really wanna see Snooki pick out tile for her new mansion”! Said no one ever!
i agree with the cast, not even just with jersey shore but EVERYTHING they’ve been doing. these spin-offs of other shows and reviving all these shows are not helping the network at all. what they need is fresh ideas because they’ve drained their popular shoes to the bone