EXCLUSIVE! Josh Duggar Must Follow Specific Conditions Upon His Prison Release: No Unsupervised Access to His Kids, No Internet, No Marijuana & More

“I’ve got over 10 years in the slammer before I have to worry about this!”

Josh Duggar was  handed down a 151-month sentence in federal court today. While the former 19 Kids & Counting star must serve at least 85 percent of his sentence (or 10 years, six months) before he is eligible for early release, Judge Timothy Brooks still issued a set of “special conditions” that Josh will have to follow for 20 years after his release.

In addition to the standard conditions of supervised release, Josh must adhere to very specific rules regarding his contact with children, his ability to access the Internet, and (oddly) his use of marijuana.

In the minute sheet obtained by The Ashley from Wednesday’s hearing, the judge spells out what Josh will— and will not— be allowed to do when he’s finally released from prison.

Josh can not be alone with any kids– even his own.

Josh and Anna with six of their seven kids…

For 20 years after he gets out of the slammer, Josh can’t have unsupervised visits or contact with minor children. Because the judge did not specify that Josh’s seven kids are exempt from this rule, that means that Josh can not be around his own kids unsupervised for 20 years after his release (until they turn 18, obviously). 

If Josh serves at least 85 percent of his sentence, some of his kids will be over 18 when he gets out. Mackynzie will be about 22, Michael will be 20, Marcus will be about 18. Josh’s daughter Meredith will be about 16; son Mason will be 14, Maryella will be 12 and Madyson about 10.

If Josh is unsure if minors will be present somewhere that he wants to go, he needs to ask his probation officer before going.

“If there is a concern about the potential for inadvertent contact with a minor at a particular place, function, or event, then the Defendant shall get approval from the U.S. Probation Office before attending any such place, function, or event,” the order states.

It does not say who is allowed to supervise when Josh is around minors. (While he was out on bond, Josh was only allowed to see his own kids if his wife Anna was present; however that is not what is specified here.) 

After the hearing, The Ashley’s reporter asked the prosecutors in a media conference whether or not Josh’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, could serve as the supervisor (as stated in court). 

“It would be up to the probation officer,” the prosecutor responded.

Josh is not allowed to view any p0rnography at all.

After his release, Josh can not view or possess any adult p0rnography of any kind. (During the sentencing hearing, Josh’s Josh’s lawyers objected to this condition but it was upheld.)

He can’t use any device that has the Internet on it, unless the use is pre-approved for work purposes and strictly monitored.

Phones down, Joshy!

Josh– who was caught with hundreds of child sex abuse images and videos on his work computer— can not use the Internet for 20 years after his release from prison. Josh can’t have a computer or any electronic device that has access to the Internet without specific permission from his probation officer. The only exception to this is if Josh uses a device for work; however it must be on the premises of his job and be his employer’s property.

If he is permitted to use devices with the Internet, Josh must allow the U.S. Probation Office to install “Internet-monitoring software” on that device, which Josh must pay for. He must allow his PO to search these devices randomly.

Josh must take random polygraph tests.

At the request of Josh’s probation officer, Josh must submit to random polygraph (aka “lie-detector”) tests to “ensure that he is in compliance with the requirements of his supervision or treatment program.”

Josh must shell out over $50,000 in fees.

“Um…dad? Can I have an advance on my allowance?”

He will be fined $10,000, as well as $40,100 in special assessment fees, bringing his “total financial obligations” to $50,100. These fees are due immediately, but can be paid on a schedule. They must be paid off no later than one month prior to Josh’s release.

He must partake in a sex offender treatment program.

While the judge mentioned during the sentencing that one of the Federal Corrections Institutions being considered for Josh has a “good sex offender program,” he did not state that Josh needed to partake in it. On the minute sheet, however, the judge makes it clear that Josh’s participation in one of these programs is required. He also has to pay for it.

“The Defendant must participate in a sex offense-specific treatment program. The Defendant must pay for the costs of the program if financially able.”

Josh must allow himself and his property, home, etc. to be searched on-demand.

“Why bother? My Joshy would never hide anything!”

Josh’s probation officer will be allowed to perform searches on Josh’s person as well as his “residence, place of employment, vehicle, papers, computer, other electronic communication or data storage devices or media, and effects” at a reasonable time and in a reasonable manner, if the PO has suspicion of any violation by Josh. 

Josh can’t use marijuana or have a medical marijuana card.

“I’d never use the Devil’s wacky tobaccy anyway!”

This condition seems rather random, as Josh has never committed any drug offenses. However, the judge stated that Josh is to steer clear of marijuana after his release.

“The Defendant shall not purchase, possess, use, distribute, or administer marijuana or obtain or possess a medical marijuana card or prescription. If the Defendant is currently in possession of a medical marijuana card, he will turn it over immediately to the
probation office.”

To read The Ashley’s coverage of Josh’s sentencing hearing, click here and here!

RELATED STORY: BREAKING NEWS! Josh Duggar Sentenced to 12.5 Years In Prison (Family Reactions, Judge Statements & More)

(Photos: TLC; Instagram; YouTube) 

23 Responses

  1. Interesting about not being on the internet. Which means IF he is permitted to come home, No computers or internet in the house. Might be hard for his kids to do homework. No cell phone unless he gets a kiddie flip phone that only permits texting and phone calls. I wonder if that will even exist in 10 years. He’ll need his own apartment where only Anna can visit.

  2. I have never heard of someone having to do lie detector test.
    Hopefully they really will and this is something that will be something regular on other criminals.

  3. I believe that when you go to Federal Prison that you do not get out early for good behavior.
    You have to serve the full sentence.
    Not sure if time already served goes toward that though.

    1. I was wrong, new rule came into effect Jan 2022 prisoners can get time off for being a good inmate.

  4. This sounds like a crazy amount of restrictions and I am glad. I am not aware if it is like this for other people who had child p0rn on thei computers. I did not think he would get that long in jail and all of that after getting released. What asad situation for thise kids and the family that actually cares about their well being. It must suck having a family member do this, his wife has to raise all those kids on her own because he couldn’t behave like a normal person.

    1. She knew he molested his sisters and continued to have children with him, her brother invited her to live with them after everything started to come out. She got pregnant with her 7th child AFTER they had been raided for child p0rn. I feel sorry for the kids but not for her.

  5. Of course his team wanted to allow him to have continued access to porn after his release. “But judge, let the good Christian man have is porn!” Sick. He is the most anti-Christian person. He better not get special treatment.

  6. I’m sure this is a silly question but why is “P0rnography” spelled with a zero in all the articles?
    On a different note, I’m relieved he’s getting what he deserves!

    1. It’s typically due to issues with advertisers, search placements and to avoid being removed by either. Sites can be easily blocked by advertisers, ISPs, and search engines (or simply not included/shown or indexed by them) when certain combinations of keywords exist. P0rnography, as written in its proper form, tends to draw some heavy scrutiny on its own, tied to a CSAM, it’s going to trigger every red flag known to man, and some not known to man. That makes it hard for people to find the articles and websites because search engines just won’t present them.

      For example, if you have a safe search on that disallows p0rn (in its proper form), any article that is written about him with that word in it typed properly, won’t show up. Since these articles aren’t likely actually describing the pOrn, but rather just using the word, there is no reason for most safe search settings to logically disallow…but no one ever said they were properly logical, since humans wrote them in the first place 😉

      As far as advertisers go, some don’t want any association with the word, which means site owners will lose potential revenue (as will the advertiser), so the site and site owner will get blacklisted.

      1. Thank you for imparting that knowledge!! It’s one of those things that I’ve wondered, but then never looked up the answer.
        ??the more ya know???

  7. Hope they dont allow his wife or parents to be the supervisor for visits with his kids or any other minor..they are enablers in my opinion..

  8. At least this sicko can’t have any alone access with his children. It’s sad to think that the only person looking out for them, is a judge who doesn’t even know them.

  9. He was probably more upset about the judge telling him he can’t view porn than the actual part about going to, you know, federal prison. He is as sick as they come. Sick people like him usually migrate into actually participating and producing these evils once the thrill of viewing it has worn off. I hope he gets offed in prison. I really do. His kids are better off with him gone.

    1. He won’t. He’ll get to be in one of those special protected groups away from general population, I’m sure. Chris Watts is in one of those groups too. It’s people who have done things that the prisoners in gen pop would go after them for, like Pedos, people who abuse little kids, priests who abused alter boys, police officers, etc. They put them all together in a section separate from gen pop so they don’t get offed by them.

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