Following his father’s decision to sell Roloff Farm– and all of the drama that has surrounded it– Zach Roloff says he is focused on making peace and moving forward.
As fans saw on the Season 23 premiere of Little People Big World, Matt Roloff and Zach were at odds over the sale of a portion of Roloff Farm. The two parties were unable to come to an agreement, leading Matt to put the disputed acres on the market. He later insinuated that Zach and his twin Jeremy were to blame for the sale, causing Zach to take to Instagram to call his father “manipulative” and other choice words.
Despite the father/son feud, though, Matt was seen at the birthday party of Zach’s son Jackson this past weekend. In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, Zach talked about why Matt was invited, and admitted that he wishes the sale of the farm was being “done in a better way.”
While Matt’s ex-wife Amy Roloff recently called the situation between her sons and ex “sad,” admitting Matt’s focus on the business has hurt the family over the years, Zach told Entertainment Tonight, “we’re not innocent in all this either.”
“A lot of hurt feelings have happened over everyone,” Zach said. “We’re not innocent in all this either. But it is what it is. It’s not our call. The whole family built the equity of that place and built it to what it is. But it’s not any of our calls but my dad’s. That’s his call, which is fine.
“I wish it maybe was played out a little bit more honest leading up to it,” he continued. “I have my own family to focus on.”
Zach said he isn’t sad to see part of Roloff Farm being sold to someone else, he just wishes things would’ve been handled differently.
“ … I’m a dad with three kids, and a husband,” he said. “I’m not crying over my childhood house being sold. I do wish if it was going to get sold, it was done in a better way, but it wasn’t, which is fine.”
In addition to Jackson, Zach and wife Tori are parents to daughter Lilah and son Josiah, the latter of whom was born on April 30. With a new home and new addition to the family, Zach said he and Tori have plenty to focus on going forward.
“So, Tori and me are just focused on our kids and, yeah, what we want to do for the next decade of our life,” he said.
RELATED STORY: Amy Roloff Gives Her Thoughts On Ex Matt Selling Roloff Farm to Strangers Instead of Their Sons: “I Feel For My Boys”
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
8 Responses
Loved watching your family grow on the show over the years. Yours truly Melinda Hill.
Matt was never going to give the “boys” any part of the farm or even sell it to them. For all his BS about “family legacy” and wanting to keep it in the family for the grandkids, he took advantage of a sellers market to sell some of it off at a profit. Shocker.
Matt is in it just for the money. He is all about mo ey and family means nothing to him.
You and Tori are so much better off.
Good luck with the new place and family.
I think that Carny needs to not say anything she not even married to Matt yet! But I think she had her two cents in this! Maybe for her own kids! So sad this is family!
What I have been wondering in all of this, is how much is Matt in debt? If he is in serious debt with all his over spending on equipment and projects plus travel and shopping, he could be in serious debt. That one short pumpkin season, I can’t see off setting all his spending. Plus if you add that up year over year for 20 years, it could be in the millions. So how could he ever sell off any parts off to his sons only losing equity and plunging further into debt! Plus they eventually would see the books and debt. I think that’s why he didn’t sell to his sons.
At first when Zach was mad about his dad calling all the shots, I thought, “well of course he is it’s his property!” And, who does Zach think he is? Now he is going to control the situation for a change! I’ve said before, Zach doesn’t even have a job other than filming the show! What happens if the show cancels down the road? He couldn’t buy a turd from a cow farm and he is mad he can’t buy the farm?
I agree however that Matt is being greedy in his asking price rather than trying to work with the boys to keep it in the family. He has no loyalty to the kids and what it means to them. He is only seeing dollar signs so he and “The Karen” can travel”etc. Cut him out kids and let him feel what it’s like to be rejected!!
Thanks for commenting Caryn Chandler.
I know how heartbreaking it can be to see one’s family home sold to strangers. (Been there, done that.) Regardless, Zach has no business acumen, and never did. And no, being a Dwarf League soccer coach and television personality doesn’t count. (As for Jeremy – he dabbles in photography and not much else.)
Everyone has made Matt the villain. They fail to remember that he was the one who turned Roloff Farms into the successful business it is today. I’m sure he will be relieved that he no longer has to deal with Zach’s little Pity Parties, and total failure to think things through.
Eventually, the show will be cancelled and the TV income will dry up. I can only hope Zach has invested his money wisely. His children are going to need extensive, expensive medical care because of their disabilities. And, if he had been able to buy the property in question, over the years would he have been able to afford the property taxes, insurance, maintenance and upkeep? Hah!