Tuesday’s two-hour season finale of Welcome to Plathville featured a reunion of estranged family members after years of silence and multiple failed attempts to reconcile.
While Season 4 concluded with the whole Plath family– including Ethan Plath and his wife Olivia, who have been at odds with Ethan’s parents Kim and Barry for years– reuniting for a river outing, Olivia hinted on social media Wednesday that there’s still trouble in paradise Plathville.
Following the finale, in which Olivia and Kim exchanged promising, albeit awkward, “hellos,” Olivia shared a cryptic message to her Instagram Story that seemed to be directed towards her mother-in-law.
“The energy you surround yourself with, the people you allow access to you, and the environments that you linger in, will indefinitely determine the way you experience life,” the post read. “It is your responsibility to constantly evaluate whether your surroundings are inspiring you to become a better person or requiring you to dim your light.”
During Tuesday’s episode, viewers saw Olivia open up about her turbulent past with Kim, which began when Olivia was a teenager (well before she and Ethan tied the knot).
“I met Kim when I was 16 and she, when I first met her, made me feel important,” Olivia said. “She kind of took me under her wing and in many ways kind of made me her new best friend. She was calling, emailing me every day.”

Olivia went on to reveal that she once trusted Kim more than her own mother, adding that she “really needed a mom figure,” as her own wasn’t very nurturing. Olivia said she loved Kim at one point, but things changed when Olivia started to realize she was “just being used.”
“I felt like I was only of value to her if I did what she wanted me to do,” she added.
Olivia went on to accuse Kim of using Ethan’s credit card early in the couple’s marriage to buy things for herself without paying Ethan back. When Olivia confronted Ethan about the purchases, Ethan informed her that he didn’t have access to his account because his mother had the password.

“Those were literal what-the-f**k moments,” Olivia said. “And so many of those happened. And I remember I changed his password for him and she’s like, ‘Oh, can you send it to me?’ And I was like, ‘No. That’s his password now.’ And that was the first time she ever blew up and yelled at me and slammed the door on me when she had me come meet her in town over that.”

Olivia said after the incident, things went from “I love you so much” to “you have the devil in you.”
Many fans of the Plath family’s TLC show took to the comment section of Olivia’s latest post to sound-off on the Season 4 finale, including the alleged drama that occurred between Kim and Olivia years ago. While some blame the family friction on Olivia’s “attitude,” a number of others called for Kim (and even Ethan) to step up and make amends.
“Ethan and his mom both owe you apologies…. ,” one comment read.
“I don’t understand why no one expects Kim to make things right with Olivia… ,” another viewer wrote.
Viewers also shared their opinions on TLC’s Instagram page in response to a clip from Tuesday’s finale.
“I get she’s got issues with Kim but she takes up way too much space with her drama,” one person commented. “She also gets a lot of attention for it. She doesn’t have to be friends with Kim, just be present with Ethan.”
Another comment accused Ethan and his siblings of not understanding “Olivia’s pain.”
“They weren’t subjected to Kim’s wrath that she put Olivia through,” one viewer argued. “That’s why the older daughter chooses to stay away. Leave Olivia alone, she has the right to feel and do as she does. Kim’s not her mom so she doesn’t need to forgive and forget. She’s dealing with her feelings and that’s okay.”
Tuesday was certainly not the first time Olivia has opened up about her mother-in-law’s meddling ways. While answering fan questions on social media leading up to last year’s Season 3 premiere, Olivia discussed her 2018 nuptials, revealing she and Ethan plan to re-do their big day, as Kim basically hijacked the original wedding day.
“I just wanted the opportunity to have my dream day, not my MIL’s dream day, and wear what I wanted, invite who I wanted, eat what I wanted, have the music I wanted, etc.,” she explained. “You know, like any bride would. It’s okay, we are going to have a redo someday.”
During that same Q&A with fans, Olivia defended her and Ethan’s decision to distance themselves from both Kim and Barry, calling it “toxic” to force a relationship with the two just for the sake of the show.
RELATED STORY: It’s Over! ‘Welcome to Plathville’ Stars Kim & Barry Plath Announce They’re Divorcing After 24 Years of Marriage
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
15 Responses
There is nothing worse than someone over and over again abusing their power and hurting you, and everyone else thinking you’re the one that has to get ”over it’. Olivia has every right to take as much time as she needs to heal. The older kids seem to forget just how much they wanted nothing to donwith her for several years. Kim will manipulate evryone she comes into contact with. The scene with her spilling her woes on a male family friend to get ahead of Barry was a prime example of that.
Kim is an egotistical woman who care about Kim, she sees her adult kids living a life she wished she had lived and now wants to! That’s why she wants a divorce but she will soon find out you are not in your 20’s stop it, just stop it!
You have a beautiful family, you and only you are ruining a beautiful family! SMH
I think Olivia should support Ethan in what ever he decides with his family. Smile and let it be.
Why does Olivia have to forgive Kim at the same rate as Ethan? Kim is an attention seeker and hypocrite! Who teaches their kids by the Bible and then decides she’s not happy and wants a divorce?!
Their mother is as low as they go she is destroyed that whole family all by herself and I hope they all walk away from her she’s disgusting and what she’s done to her son is despicable I wish they’d go after her regarding that credit card I hope she rots in hell
Olivia you wont like this but Moriah said something Ive also been pondering. You and Kim are very similar in certain ways. Youre much more self aware eventually but you and Kim tend toward being manipulative and angry when others dont do what you want. You cant accept Ethan’s differences from you. Hes a thinking type person and youre an emotional one. Both are great and can make a strong and interesting couple but he wont be like you. You make it hard to tell the truth
I Agree Leah!! Barry Plath is really creepy, if you ever figure it out please let me know. Creepy smile everything about him!
Please someone tell Kim the skin tight clothes are not at all flattering she doesn’t need to compete with her daughters and daughter in law. It’s pathetic
The reason Kim and Olivia do not get along is that they are the same person in character. Controlling, obsessive, demanding women who damage everyone around them.
Ethan married his mother.
Yes, he did. Olivia is just as controlling as Kim is. She said Ethan was the one being rude? I beg to differ on that one. She even wanted Kim to stay away from Joshua’s birthday Memorial. That’s freaking disrespectful. Kim is his mother. Olivia seriously needs help, but I doubt it would do any good.
Olivia is extremely manipulative. Ethan will eventually figure that out, just like Moriah did. For his sake, I hope it’s soon. He deserves someone who is as genuine and not a nutcase.
Y’all, WHAT is wrong with Barry Plath?? He is the creepiest man I’ve ever seen on TV. What is it about him? I can’t figure it out.
I agree with you that Barry Plath is creepy, but I think Jim Bob Duggar is even creepier.