Briana DeJesus Says Fans Will Get to See the “Good Side” of Jenelle Evans on ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’; Cheyenne Floyd Unhappy About Jenelle’s Return

“I’m back, biotches! Thankfully all my Amazon and Netflix deals weren’t affected by my brief return.”

Jenelle Evans is set to make her first appearance on a Teen Mom show (or any reality show) in years when Teen Mom: The Next Chapter premieres next month. Jenelle— who was booted from Teen Mom 2 in May 2019–will make a cameo on the new show in footage filmed at Briana DeJesus“Bash Kail Lowry” Bash back in May.

In a new interview with TooFab, Briana– as well as ‘Next Chapter’ stars Leah Messer and Cheyenne Floyd discuss Jenelle’s “return” to ‘Teen Mom.’ While Briana had positive things to say about her pal Jenelle, Cheyenne made it clear that she was less-than-thrilled to see Jenelle’s mug once again.

“She really just came back for my story,” Briana said. “She wasn’t there for the other girls’ [stories]. But it was good to have her back. I think you guys will get to see Jenelle’s growth a little bit.”

Jenelle showing off her growth (and a weird Fashion Nova neon outfit) very briefly in the ‘Next Chapter’ trailer…

Jenelle and Bri bonded after Briana joined ‘Teen Mom 2.’ Although they had a falling out in 2019, Bri and Jenelle eventually restored their friendship, prompting Bri to invite Jenelle to her party.

“It’s cool. You’ll get to see a good side of Jenelle. She’ll be by herself [without husband David Eason]. It’s good vibes, very positive.” 

“I still don’t understand why I wasn’t invited to come. I bring nuthin’ but good vibes.. .except maybe a musty smell.”

Cheyenne seemed to have a harder time squeezing out a positive response to Jenelle’s return. (As The Ashley has previously reported, Jenelle and David have feuded with Cheyenne, as well as Chey’s baby daddy Cory Wharton, on several occasions, with David even challenging Cory to a fight on his home turf, The Land, back in 2018.) 

Chey seemed hesitant to respond when she was asked how she felt about Jenelle’s appearance on the new show. 

“I think…it’s was great for Bri,” Chey said with a laugh. “And that’s all I’m gonna say.” 

How do you really feel, Chey?

Leah’s response to the same question was bland and controversy-free.

“Jenelle was a part of the original ‘Teen Mom 2’ cast,” Leah— who is the only remaining ‘TM2’ girl still involved with the franchise— added. “To see where she’s at today, and how things are going in her life, I hope they’re going well.” 

Leah brought up the fact that MTV could be planning to bring Jenelle back for the upcoming season of Teen Mom Family Reunion, which is due to begin filming very soon. (Click here to get The Ashley’s exclusive details on Season 2!) Cheyenne could not hide the horrified look on her face when the idea of sitting around a campfire with Jenelle was brought up. 

(The Ashley will keep you posted on whether or not this may be in the works. Stay tuned…)

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Get All the Details of the Upcoming Season of ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’: Find Out the Theme & Location For Season 2

(Photos: TooFab, YouTube, MTV)

34 Responses

  1. I’m looking forward to Janelle’s return. Hopefully, they don’t ever bring Barbara back for any screen time. I think Janelle has grown and will be a ideal MTV employee.

      1. Believe I’m over all of these shows. I work 40 hours a week for my little bit of money. I’m no longer interested in making these girls rich. While I making chicken feed. Shame on me for making them rich. NO LONGER WATCHING…

    1. Hahahahahaha I think literally everyone except Jenelle and her doofus husband would rather see Barb grace their screens than those two dipshits. Literally no one cares what they’re up to, aside from laughing at the years of karma that are finally catching up to them. They’re trash.

    2. Why are you so incredibly jealous and rude to Barb Janelle?
      This comment is obviously you because you are the only one with this delusion.
      Everyone sees how much you lean on Barb EVERY TIME you have any challenge in life.
      You should be more than thankful she even still deals with you not to mention pays your bills, babysits your brats and gives you a shoulder to cry on even after insulting her to no end because you literally have no one else.

      At this point when you insult Barb it does not impact her image in any way, in fact it might even boost it.
      On the flip side it makes YOU look like a narcissistic, immature, incapable, delusional, dysfunctional brat.
      We all cant wait till your brats start treating you even worse because that is the only behavior they have ever been exposed to. No wonder they all got held back in elementary school and put into ‘special’ classes.
      Great mothering.
      At least we know you aren’t restricting calories from anyone on the swamp

  2. jenelle is only coming back for an episode to show up to briana’s bash kail party, how is that positive and good vibes??? ?

  3. Sooooo we are supposed to see Jenelle’s “growth” while she attends a “Bash to bash Kail.” Ya. No drama there at all. Totally different person.

  4. Soon we will probably have ‘Teen Mom- The Next Generation” and we get to see all the teen moms as grandparents.

  5. What is growth? We are supposed to assume Briana knows what growth and maturity even are? She doesn’t possess any maturity, but then to assume Jenelle does now ??. There is proof otherwise, but ok Briana… It truly is the blind leading the blind.

  6. why does cheyenne irrelevant ass think she has a say? she’s the least popular mom, not even a teen mom, and hasn’t brought any viewers to the show. maybe she should keep her mouth shut.

  7. Mtv hired Cheyanne knowing how racist she was.. hypocrites.. I hate jannelles husband because he killed their dog but I’d rather watch her! Cheyanne is BORING, they’re all boring tbh but jannelle was a teen mom and she’s been on the show from the start. I’m still not even sure why Cheyanne is on this show.

  8. I would almost rather watch just about anything else. I’m not sure why MTV is hanging on to the TM franchise with a vice grip. LET IT GO, MTV! We stopped caring years ago.

  9. I think with DeluJenelle’s desperate attempt at the latest in a long line of failed money making ventures, we’ve pretty much seen more sides of her than necessary. And none of those sides is good…IMHO.
    Also IMO, JE was only invited to Bri’s party to have another body there. None of the decent people would attend an openly racist person’s event. She proved what a self centered POS she is by just having the party. She & Kail sued each other. Neither “won”. Get over it. Act like an actual adult.

  10. We all quit watching because Cheyenne wasn’t fired, she is a 100% racist who said she wanted to kill all white babies. MTV you wonder why TM lost so many viewers, look no further than Cheyenne, also read what people say about her on SM.

    1. Her reach only goes so far.

      Her fight with McKee got Mckee ousted but she has no power or control over Jenelle’s hirings or firings.

      It’s funny that her feathers are ruffled over Jenelle. Haha. Maybe she should quit the show in protest.

    2. cheyenne has acknowledged and apologized for it and she hasn’t said or done anything racist since then, meanwhile jenelle hasn’t even acknowledged her past racism including calling kieffer the n word with the hard er multiple times and continues to show off her confederate flags with david that she knows has a racist meaning so why aren’t you giving jenelle this same treatment?

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