Is Jinger Duggar Vuolo about to give us a tell-all book about her famous family— and controversial religion?
The former Counting On has written her first solo book, in which she will reportedly address all the rules that her parents, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar, as well as her Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) religion, imposed on her as a child and young adult. The book— entitled Becoming Free Indeed: My Story of Disentangling Faith from Fear— is due to be released in January 2023.
“When Jinger Duggar Vuolo was growing up, she was convinced that obeying the rules was the key to success and God’s favor,” the book’s Amazon listing states. “She zealously promoted the Basic Life Principles of Bill Gothard… She believed this level of commitment would guarantee God’s blessing, even though in private she felt constant fear that she wasn’t measuring up to the high standards demanded of her.

Jinger will also be addressing her parents’ demands that she and her siblings eagerly submit to what the IBLP calls the “Umbrella of Authority,” which states that “any disobedience of parents would place her outside God’s protection.” Other topics to be addressed include the Duggars’ fastidious modesty standards; their ban on worldly music, and the requirement that Jinger “courted” her husband Jeremy Vuolo in lieu of dating.
Jinger–- who practically grew up on camera while appearing on her family’s TLC shows 19 Kids and Counting and ‘Counting On’–- will share with readers how a brother-in-law (whom The Ashley believes is Ben Seewald, the husband of Jinger’s sister Jessa) led her to examine her beliefs in her early twenties.
Jinger will also reveal how her husband Jeremy contributed to her discovering “that her life was built on rules, not God’s Word.”
The book’s Amazon listing states that, after Jinger began restudying the Bible, she learned that much of what her parents and religion had taught her growing up wasn’t actually correct.

“Much of what she’d always believed about God, obedience to His Word, and personal holiness wasn’t in-line with what the Bible teaches. Now with a renewed faith of personal conviction, Becoming Free Indeed shares what it was like living under the tenants of Bill Gothard, the Biblical truth that changed her perspective, and how she disentangled her faith with her belief in Jesus intact,” the listing reads.
While this is Jinger’s first solo book, it’s certainly not her first trek into authorhood. She and Jeremy have released several books (and have yet another one set to be released in February 2023.) Jinger also co-authored a book with her sisters Jessa, Jill Dillard and Jana Duggar years ago called Growing Up Duggar.
You can use The Ashley’s Amazon Associates link to pre-order Jinger’s new book. The book is set to be released January 31, 2023.
Jinger’s parents and the IBLP have yet to comment on the news of Jinger’s new book.
(Photos: Amazon; Instagram; TLC)
17 Responses
I can’t wait until it comes out…Jinger I love your family but you are my very favorite you remind me of myself when I was younger I was very quiet and reserved and I met my hubby and we got married and I grew in my faith and in love and now I feel as I’m free..
She is going to be shunned!
I hope that one day every Duggar child will continue to research the history of Christianity as well as the Bible and see that the Bible is just fictitious archaic cultural nonsense written by controlling ignorant men of the time. Religion is cultural. Its beliefs have no demonstable evidence. There is no evidence of a God, God, sons of God’s, etc. It’s all man-made constructs passed down to control the ignorant masses. Christianity won’t survive. It is dying out just like every religion eventually does.
I’m sorry you have no faith
1. The fact that you exist is evidence.
2. Even Atheist historians acknowledge that the person of Jesus did exist.
3. Atheism is a religion and it requires a lot more blind faith than Christianity.
I want to be a fly on the wall when Jimbo and MissHell discuss this issue together and with their kids.
I can just imagine Michelle turning on that sugar sweet voice and spin some story for the younger kids. Well…
Is Jana staying there to protect her younger siblings by any chance? Is she sacrificing herself to stay with them?
Or are they keeping her there to care for the younger children ?
I can see both, she accepted them forcing her (maybe by brainwashing her to believe it’s her duty or somethin) and her accepting it because she may feel like she’s protecting them.
While this is a good idea for a book and I’m glad Jinger has moved out of IBLP, I have a hard time believing this will be a bestseller. Jinger frequently half @$$es most things she does. Case in point, she did a cooking video on YouTube last week where she didn’t even have taco seasoning for chicken tacos….
I would have guessed Derek as well.
Can’t wait to read this! Jinger, I’m sure, has a lot of trauma she is healing from, and for her to put pen to paper like this will only benefit her journey. Good for her! And good for Jeremy, for opening her eyes. Take that Jim Boob!!
I assumed the brother-in-law in question was Derick Dillard.
I would think it’s Ben. He’s a Calvinist, which is vastly different from what the duggars believe. It’s based on predetermination instead of free will. So having that kind of difference could’ve led her to question her beliefs.
I could see this going either way with it Ben or Derick. She is closer to Jessa so Ben and his difference in religious beliefs make sense that it could be him however I question how much the Seewalds have diverted from the cult of Jim Bob in regards of religious beliefs. Where as the Dillards have been very vocal about the “will of god” vs “the of jim bob”. It will be interesting to see what she has to say but I’m not expecting a lot.
“It’s based on predetermination instead of free will.”
Never heard of it but I don’t see how people can believe in something that’s so blatantly out of sync with the laws of nature, which to me, makes it obviously false and stupid.
The actual definition is: “(as a doctrine in Christian theology) the divine foreordaining of all that will happen, especially with regard to the salvation of some and not others. It has been particularly associated with the teachings of St. Augustine of Hippo and of Calvin.”
Growing up in the same cult as the duggars, this is seen as a false doctrine. So it’s weird to me that jessa was even allowed to marry Ben. If you’re taught to believe something like this, this IS a law of nature, as everything is ordained by god. They believe they’re either chosen by god or not. So you don’t have the choice to follow god or be “saved”. It either is or is not and you have no way of knowing until you die.
Understood, thanks. Crazy stuff. The older I get the more I see that we live in a world shaped by falsehoods.
I think Ben. he introduced her to Jeremy