More than two years after being fired from MTV for posting a series of offensive tweets about the Black Lives Matter movement, The Challenge star Dee Nguyen is telling her version of what happened.
Dee talked about the experience on the premiere episode of her new podcast, The Deevine, telling listeners she wanted to “be open” and tell everyone “what actually happened with MTV.”
“ … [MTV is] where all the amazing life experience things happened, like, I was at the highest of my highs, but then I was also at the lowest of my lows,” she said at the beginning of the episode. “One thing I do regret is how it all came to an end.”
As The Ashley previously reported, MTV announced in June 2020 that it had “severed ties” with Dee after the former Geordie Shore star posted offensive tweets about the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.
As a result of Dee Nguyen’s offensive comments on the Black Lives Matter movement, we have severed ties with her. Out of respect for our Challengers, we'll air our season as planned. We strongly condemn systemic racism and stand with those raising their voices against injustice.
— The Challenge (@TheChallenge) June 9, 2020
“As a result of Dee Nguyen’s offensive comments on the Black Lives Matter movement, we have severed ties with her,” a statement posted to the official ‘Challenge’ Twitter account read. “Out of respect for our Challengers, we’ll air our season as planned. We strongly condemn systemic racism and stand with those raising their voices against injustice.”
(At the time of her firing, Dee was appearing on the current season of ‘The Challenge’ and MTV’s solution for this was to hack up remaining episodes in an effort to remove as much footage of Dee as possible. The network’s decision did not go unnoticed by ‘Challenge’ fans, who called out MTV on social media for cutting out major scenes without addressing it.)
For those unfamiliar with the controversy involving Dee, it ignited while she was participating in her ‘Challenge’ co-star Wes Bergmann’s “Friends and Benefits” show on Patreon. As part of the show, some ‘Challenge’ stars moved into a mansion in Kansas City and filmed their interactions and charity work.
Around this time, Dee responded on social media to someone criticizing her for participating in the “Black Out Tuesday” movement. The critic told Dee to, “Wake up! People are dying,” to which she responded, “People are dying every f**king day. U don’t know me or what I do. I suggest you wake the f**k up and get off social media.”
“IDK why some of you think I’m anti-BLM,” Dee posted in a follow-up tweet. “I’ve been saying that since the day I lost my virginity.”
While she claimed on her podcast that one tweet ended her career on TV, Dee told listeners there were things that led up to her firing off the infamous tweet and while she previously apologized for her actions, she doesn’t take back her words.
“ … Even though, to this day, I stand by that tweet,” she said. “I never f**king said anything racist, I never said anything that was like, what I said verbatim, if you go back and look at my tweet, ‘I don’t know why some of you think that I’m anti-BLM, I’ve been BLM since the day I lost my virginity,’ okay?
“The timing was probably wrong and f**ked up because this was when, like, all the protests about George Floyd was going on, but f**k, what I said was in no shape or form racist and the hate and abuse and the shit that I caught after that tweet was sent was so wrong,” she continued.
Dee went on to “call out” the backlash she received from ‘Challenge’ cast members– some of whom she believed were her friends– claiming she remembers “vividly” fighting with two cast members in particular. While Dee did not name the cast members in question, she was presumably talking about Bayleigh Dayton and Bayleigh’s husband, Swaggy C, who both appeared alongside Dee on The Challenge: Total Madness.
“This is not how you support BLM,” Bayleigh said in response to Dee’s tweets. “I’m disgusted and disappointed. This is not a trend. This is life or death for us. Posting for clout about the death of Black people? Shame on you #deenguyenMTV.”
While Dee denied posting “for clout,” she and Bayleigh continued to go back-and-forth on Twitter, with Swaggy C eventually jumping in, promising to “air her whole shit out.” He went on to call out Dee for texting him and telling him to keep talking about about her because she was thinking of storylines for Season 36.
“Everything is not for f**king clout and drama,” Swaggy C tweeted. “The f**k. CLOWN. I’m bout to air her whole shit out. Using BLM for clout.”
Swaggy C then accused Dee of not doing any charity work until it was for Wes’ Patreon show, pointing out that Dee was only in Kansas City because she was unable to return home to Australia due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.
On her podcast this week, Dee slammed the two former cast mates– whom she referred to as “prolific Black people” at one point– for making her out to be a villain and a horrible human being, despite having a close friendship with her during filming.
“ … when I was on a show with you, like, I f**king told you about shit that I never tell anyone,” she said. “You know me, you know my f**king heart, and for you to turn and say, ‘Oh, you’re f**king racist and all that shit,’ and bringing my family into it, saying I was a f**king coke head and stuff … that f**king sucked. And that’s why it f**king hurts to talk about this shit because we always had this camaraderie on TV.”
Dee said she didn’t understand why her cast mates didn’t pick up the phone and ask her about the tweets before responding to them on a public forum. She also noted that when the incident occurred, it was “peak COVID, peak George Floyd, peak BLM, peak all this shit that was happening” in America, and she was stuck in a country that she couldn’t leave.
“I wanted to be home, I didn’t want to be in the f**king U.S.,” she said. “I was only there to travel. My goal was to be there for 3 months with my friends and come home, that’s what I wanted.”
Instead of people seeing her side of things, Dee said “they just saw their anger,” which they then projected onto her.
“And I get that. I get that, like, the people on these shows, like, the Black people in America, like, they have been through some things,” she said. “I understand that, I know history, I know what’s going on. But I felt like they f**king used me as a tool to catapult their own f**king careers, or their own political image, because they were Black people, because they needed to talk about BLM, because they needed to be righteous, like, ‘We are the champions for Black people of America everywhere because what happened to George Floyd is so f**ked up, and we need to do more.’
“Yes, do more, [I’m] all for that, but don’t f**king use me as a scapegoat and tear me down to benefit yourselves, and that’s what f**king sucked,” she continued.
Dee added that she wasn’t bothered by the things random people were saying about her on twitter, but felt betrayed by the things said about her by those who knew her personally.
Bayleigh and Swaggy C have yet to respond to the comments made on Dee’s podcast.
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(Photos: Instagram; Twitter)
16 Responses
Wow I am just so over all of this. The 80 percent of the country that actually goes to work, doesn’t have time for that shit. It is amazing our two term black president didn’t have the same gusto at solving the incredible race problem. BLM has already jumped the shark and has embarrassed itself several times over with mishandling of funds, antisemitism, antiasian racism, looting and sacking, bailing out rapists and murderers only of a certain color, and its members saying all kinds of horrible things…to applause. No better than the groups it claimed are holding it back. Really though, if MSM and social media did not exist, the world would be a much much more peaceful place. We are all being pounded by bot armies trying to stir up shit, take our elections, perform a massive PSYOPS war from several fronts. Just disconnect from it and you will instantly be much happier and feel better. People are people. Always have been. Some are good and some are bad. A hammer can be used to build a house or bash someones skull in. Intent and meaning are everything. Peace on Earth goodwill toward all.
Her comment was….tasteless…but I don’t think it was racist.
All it takes is for 1 person to cry racism & everyone else says…well if they say it’s racist it’s racist CANCEL HER
Unfortunately there is to much racism out there as it is we don’t need to look or stretch to find it
I can think of countless people that have said much worse things than what Dee said (which wasn’t even racist) and weren’t fired. I’m so sick of MTV’s double standards. They either need to have clear standards of what speech is not acceptable to their cast members or just accept that everyone is an individual that has different opinions and different ways of expressing themselves. I understand people say objectively awful things, but I know there have also been many statements that were interpreted as bigoted or hateful when they actually weren’t.
EXACTLY! Why hasn’t Cheyenne been fired for saying she wanted to KILL ALL WHITE BABIES. She is one of the biggest racists and fakes “B” on MTV.
“I’ve been saying that since the day I lost my virginity.”
Not the flex you think it is.
MTV needed all hands on deck bc they financially support BLM. If you aren’t 1000% for BLM (the organization, not the statement), then you must be racist, need serious counseling, need fired, need blackballed. We need a scapegoat. She fell right into the trap. Just like McKee.
Lets not call out MTV for decades of actual racism, lack of black programming, lack of showcasing black artists..
Its an evil corrupt mega corporation. They brainwashed generations of teens and young people to conflate freedom with debauchery, through music at first then through their reality TV. MTV highly contributed to society’s decline.
Where was the program about doing good in school or being a good person? Nope. Get drunk at the Shore and screw yourself famous. Get pregnant as a teen and never have any real responsibility. Drug your way through dangerous stunts for a laugh.
Fuck MTV for trying to be some moral high ground when they’re ONLY concerned with agendas and their bottom line.
Steaming pile of shit > MTV
MTV < Steaming pile of shit
That is all.
One vote (thumbs up) for the latter, Crusty!
Oops! That should have said former, not latter.
If you think saying you slept with a black person therefore you cannot be racist is a great idea…. You’re probably an idiot. It looks like she hasn’t really had any genuine growth since then either. I don’t feel bad for her.
Maybe I’m missing something but I don’t see anything racist in those tweets.
And MTV condemning racism? Lol. Cheyenne Floyd is still part of Teen Mom after saying she wanted to murder white babies so f*ck MTV
Bayliegh and Swaggy shouldn’t respond to Dee now. Dee still doesn’t get it. Her crying and lamenting about her downfall while black people were standing up to injustices and murder of their people is a very myopic thing.
Bayleigh and Swaggy are DISGUSTING. They use racial issues for clout more than the rest of the freaking reality show community combined. And they screwed BB Kevin out of money they promised him from their “charity” fundraiser too. Shocker, they used him for publicity and clout, just like they use everyone else.
They’ve been caught in so many lies but their fans just ignore it all because they’re supposedly this black “power couple”. I’d LOVE to see amazing black power couples on every reality show but Bailey and Swaggy ain’t it y’all. They’re one big sham.
I totally agree, they are not nice people, I watched them on BB and I could see them for what they were, I don’t agree with any forms of racism full stop but I do believe that what Dee said was misconstrued and that god awful Bayleigh and Swaggy ( what a clown of a nickname that is ?)ran with it because I think they didn’t like Dee and they wanted to make a name for themselves by creating this for clout only, I dislike them and I can’t stand her voice I’m sorry it grates on me like fingers down a blackboard and don’t get me started on her fake arse crying.
“MTV condemns systemic racism” when they want clout. Where was MTV’s condemnation when Camilla was verbally assaulting Leroy with a disgusting prolonged racist attack. Apparently it went on way longer than we were shown. They didn’t fire Camilla for that. They gave her the win that year and brought her back the following season. She was fired when she decided to steal a golf cart and attacked a producer.
I can’t stand Baileigh and Swaggy. They went on attack because they were trying to garner publicity.
I don’t think that Dee meant to even be racist but she honestly words things in a weird way. Let’s be real after watching MTV and countless racist, prejudiced and homophobic things MTV didn’t all of a sudden grow a conscience. They capitalized on the BLM movement too.
I don’t think what she said was racist, but very tasteless for the time. Camilla was horrible & should have been kicked off & fired for what she did to Leroy. The only reason she was fired was because she assaulted a producer & she was uninsurable after that. I can see telling Dee that hey what you said wasn’t right & maybe like a suspension or something.
Dee was a horrible period, BUT Bayleigh is a racist and so is that goof ball Swaggy. By the way where is that big rapping career from him? No one has heard of him.