MTV Releases Trailer For ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ Season 2: Get Your First Peek at Briana DeJesus’ & Ashley Jones’ Nasty On-Set Brawl

“…but I can’t speak for the rest of these hooligans.”

From physical fights, to a COVID breakout to a crew strike, the filming of Teen Mom Family Reunion Season 2 was a complete dumpster fire and now fans are going to see how it all plays out on-screen!

On Tuesday, MTV released the first trailer for ‘TMFR’ Season 2, which premiere next month. Earlier this year, The Ashley gave you all the details on the theme of the season (which was working on the girls’ relationships with their mothers)  and informed you that the season was filmed at a resort in Oregon. Girls from Teen Mom 2Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant participated, as well as Leah Shirley and Bentley Edwards and a few of the baby daddies.

The Ashley broke the news months ago of a massive brawl on the set of Teen Mom Family Reunion and after a long wait, fans of the franchise are finally getting their first look at the chaos in the new trailer. 

The trailer is packed with the cast (and some of their moms and spouses) taking part in group activities like bungee jumping and white water rafting and doing something a little suspicious in the kitchen. 

Who supplied the cooking supplies for the cast, Kieffer Delp?

However, the real fun–- and by fun we mean utter chaos–- comes when the furniture begins flying. 

As The Ashley previously reported, the showdown occurred between Briana DeJesus and Ashley Jones (and their mothers, Roxanne and Tea) while the show was filming back in September. In the trailer for the upcoming season, we get to see some of the events leading up to the fight, including Tea spilling her feelings to some of the cast. 

“Y’all speak on my daughter, I’m coming for your mother f**king ass,” she screams in the clip. 

Tea is piping hot mad.

We’re then treated to an angry Ashley yelling “f*ck you” to someone– presumably Briana. As a large metal piece of furniture is shown flying through the air, Briana can be seen getting held back by multiple security guards–- none of which she has dated (to our knowledge). 

Ok, but why does the man on the right look like he’s reaching out to catch the bouquet at a wedding?

Roxanne can be heard yelling (presumably to Tea) that her “daughter is a bully!” 

After the fight, Ashley and her mom, as well as Briana and her mom, were booted from filming.

“ … I know I’m not the only one with mommy issues,” Catelynn Lowell says in the clip after (probably) thanking her lucky stars that her mom, April Baltierra, prefers drinking, smoking and screaming to throwing fists and furniture. 

You know things are bad when April starts looking like mom of the year.

 The ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ Season 2 cast includes: Catelynn and April; Tea and Ashley; Roxanne and Briana; Kiaya Elliott and her mom TiffanyKayla Sessler and her mom JaimeCheyenne Floyd and her mom MargaretJade Cline and her mom Christy; and Maci Bookout and Amber Portwood (who came without their mothers). (A few of the baby daddies also ended up coming for some of the filming.) 

As The Ashley previously reported, filming was halted when the behind-the-scenes crew went on strike due to contract issues, and were picketing in front of the resort that the ‘Teen Mom’ cast was filming at. While a different production company is used for ‘TMFR’ than the other ‘Teen Mom’ shows, producers ended up calling in the old ‘Teen Mom’ crew members to complete filming. 

Also hindering production during the weeks the show was filmed in September was an outbreak of COVID-19, which hit at least four cast members and caused several others to have to stay quarantined in their hotel rooms for part of their time in Oregon.

The craziness that is ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ Season premieres January 3 on MTV.

Check out the Season 2 trailer below.

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(Photos: MTV; YouTube) 

12 Responses

  1. Not one of this women are thinking about their kids. They are all grown enough to have friends, use the internet and be embarrassed by their behavior. I feel so bad for them

  2. All I can think, when I see these headlines, is YOUR KIDS ARE WATCHING YOU BEHAVE LIKE ASSHOLES. You’re just creating another generation of assholes.

  3. Can someone please explain to me what the hell Maci & Amber were even doing there without their mothers?? The whole point of this shit show season was mother daughter therapy, right?? I guess that’s why Bentley and Leah were there. It’s not bad enough that these kids have been getting exploited for ratings for years on TMOG but now they have to add this shitty spin off to the list??! I sure hope they use their MTV money for a college FAR away!!

  4. I’m on repeat… I will not watch another Teen Mom anything that has Brianna. If they cut her and her family I’ll gladly watch again.

  5. I used to love this show, truly, when it was about the original girls and their lives. It is trash now. Very sad. They pluck in these randoms (who were basically pulled out of central casting from a bunch of other random shows) to be dramatic and ghetto. Not a good move, MTV. If you want ratings, you’ll unfortunately have to pay the money to get the originals back.

    1. You want Jenelle back and MTV to support racism and homophobia plus abuse? Jenelle just said she supports everything her husband says.

      And Farrah? Farrah is not sane enough to sign a contract. And that’s not a joke.

  6. So basically MTV’s last attempt at ratings is making grandmothers fight each other on a show called *teen* mom. Ok lol. Thank god for The Ashley’s recaps, cause I’m not gonna watch this crapfest.

  7. It’s definitely time for The Psycho and her family to be fired! Don’t get me wrong Ashley shouldn’t have spitted on someone but The Psycho and her family are the common denominators when The Psycho is being called out for psychotic behavior and she along with her family and the show refuse to hold HER ACCOUNTABLE!!! Everyone think about this b4 she was even asked to be on all the shows there were NO PHYSICAL ALTERCATIONS on the show but the moment that we were introduced to The Psycho and her family the physical alterations started happening and the show allowed it to happen

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