EXCLUSIVE! Chelsea Houska Gives Surprising Update On Her Co-Parenting Relationship with Adam Lind

“‘If I promise to wear a cowhide-print tank top can I be on your new show?”

Teen Mom 2 fans watched for years as Chelsea Houska battled with her baby daddy Adam Lind over co-parenting of their daughter Aubree, with Adam no-showing for various father/daughter activities and occasionally ending up behind bars for not paying child support for his daughter (among other things).

However, in an exclusive interview with The Ashley to promote her new show Down Home Fab, Chelsea revealed that things between her and Adam have definitely improved since fans last saw them.

“Honestly, everyone wants to know about our relationship and where it stands, and I totally understand that. It’s a main question because it was such huge story[line] of ours,” Chelsea told The Ashley about her co-parenting relationship with Adam.

“Our relationship, it’s fine. We’re not best friends, but we’re not enemies at all. If I were to see him, there would be no bad feelings at all,” she added.

No comment on whether or not there are “bad feelings” regarding Adam’s hairstyle here.

As The Ashley previously reported, Adam has kept a very low profile in recent years, ditching social media (and ‘Teen Mom 2’). The last time he was “heard from” publicly was back in May 2022, when he was arrested after a bench warrant was issued for violating a July 2017 court order regarding his child support obligations for Aubree.

Adam was released after paying a $2,000 bond later that day. That bond was sent to the Division of Child Support to be applied to Adam’s child support obligations. (In other words, it was sent to Chelsea to go toward the child support debt Adam owes her for Aubree.)

Chelsea told The Ashley that things have improved between her and Adam because Aubree is now 13 and can coordinate with Adam on her own.


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“I think it helps that Aubree is a teenager now and there isn’t really a lot of having to work things out [for them]. It really is fine,” she said. 

In a recent interview with Us Weekly, Chelsea stated that Adam is doing better these days and that he does have a relationship with his daughter. 

“There’s no bad vibes and it’s just a very open relationship,” she said. “There’s no bad feelings. We see him sometimes and it’s totally fine.

“I feel like everyone’s in a really good place,” she added.

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Chelsea Houska & Cole DeBoer Talk ‘Teen Mom’ Spin-Offs & Reveal If They’ll Make Any Guest Appearances on MTV

31 Responses

  1. Chelsea is the ONLY cast member from ANY of these shows to mature and improve as a human being. Literally the only one.

  2. I just never understood why he signed over his rights for his other daughter but not with Aubree, it makes me super sad for her.

    1. He knew that if he kept Aubree that his name would stay in her mouth even though he himself had quit the show.

      It was all an attention thing for him.

    2. So it’s either what this person said, for attention,

      I’ve seen parents sign away one child but not the other. He may, probably deep down wanted Aubrey, but he was such a egocentric addoct asshole who was so absorbed in his immaturity, or his parents largely influenced his decision.

      How was the relationship really with Aubrey at that time compared to the other little one?

      Taylor also pushed for him to sign over rights, which I think he may have done for Aubree, but Chelsea still wanted child support, not Cole adopt her. Idk
      There’s a few theories maybe someone can piggy back off of.

      I’ve always wondered why he signed over the other one but not Aubree

      1. If memory serves me correctly, when Aubree was just a couple months old Adam actually said “just tell me where and when to sign my rights over for that mistake”, she freely admits that she should have done that then and Randy agreed but Chelsea being who Chelsea is, she wanted him to have a relationship with his firstborn so she didn’t push the issue of parental rights.

      2. If memory serves me correctly, when Aubree was just a couple months old Adam actually said “just tell me where and when to sign my rights over for that mistake”, she freely admits that she should have done that then and Randy agreed but Chelsea being who Chelsea is, she wanted him to have a relationship with his firstborn so she didn’t push the issue of parental rights.

      3. If memory serves me correctly, when Aubree was just a couple months old Adam sent Chelsea a text saying “Just tell me where and when to sign my rights over for that mistake”. Chelsea freely admits that she should have done that and her father Randy agrees. But Chelsea being who Chelsea is wanted Adam to have a relationship with his firstborn.

        That’s why she didn’t push the issue.

    3. I think it was partly because of his parents. They had an existing relationship with Aubree and didn’t want to lose that. They never really had a relationship with Paislee, so they didn’t push him as hard to stay involved in her life. That’s what I remember hearing/reading at the time.

      Also, Aubree was older and loved Adam, so Chelsea didn’t pursue it. Paislee’s adoptive father came into her life when she was a baby, so that’s all she knew.

  3. I thought Chelsea’s husband, Cole, adopted her some years back and Adam gave up parental rights. If that’s the case, why would he owe child support unless this is from before she was legally adopted and he gave up parental right.

    1. Don’t feel bad Teen mom show, its normal to make a mistake. I sometimes forget about Paislee too. I’m sorry you got downvoted.

    2. He never gave up his parental rights to Aubree. He gave up the rights to his other daughter though, Aubree’s half sister Paisley, and she was adopted by her mother’s husband.

  4. I’m so glad for Aubrey!
    We don’t know why Adam couldn’t or wouldn’t do visits but if Aubrey still wants to give him a chance, I’m happy for both.
    If he hurts her again, I count on karma to handle it however.

  5. So now Aubree is in charge of her own custody, I mean that’s not really a surprise for many reasons.
    1. Chelsea never could actually grow up and have hard conversations, she either had her dad or her husband do it
    2. That’s kinda the natural path for this. She’s older she gets a say, and she can schedule things
    3. It doesn’t sound like Adam had actually changed. He’s still not paying child support. It’s not like Adam is actively picking up Aubree. It’s more like Adam sees his daughter whenever his parents bring her around. Or there is an event his parents drag him to.

    If Chelsea taught us anything you need to pick a person who will be a good father, not just a sh*tty boyfriend.

    1. True, but I’ve never seen a 15-16 year old who uses their brain when a cute male or female crosses their path.

      It’s usually another part of their body that does the thinking.

        1. I know, I’m just talking about teenagers in general.

          Im sure they did the deed a few times before Chelsea got pregnant though, not everybody gets pregnant the first time they have sex.

          I mean it happens, but not often.

          1. Yeah, I get the point.

            My point was more like Adam was 20. Most 20 years are doing something, working/college/something. And Adam was still partying and hanging around teenagers in hs.

            Didn’t work, and didn’t take care of Aubree. A 20-year-old should be able to handle things in a way a 15-year-old wouldn’t.

            That was more my point.

          1. Right, and she was 18 when she HAD Aubree. And Adam was 20 when Chelsea gave birth to Aubree.

            That’s why Chelsea hates when people call her a “teen mom” because she was 18 when she gave birth. Still a teen mom in my book.

          2. True.

            I never did understood how people like Amber (who was 18 when her 16 and Pregnant episode aired) was even eligible for the show?

            17 I get because chances are they were 16 when they got pregnant…but 18?

  6. Im glad things are looking up for those two. It took long enough!!

    I remember watching her 16 and Pregnant episode and my now husband said “he won’t step up to the plate for Chelsea or that baby!! You mark my words, they’ll still be fighting a decade from now.” And he was right.

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