Angela Deem is over her marriage to Michael Ilesanmi.
During the 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 7 tell-all episode, which aired on Sunday, Angela told viewers, “Right now, divorce is definitely on the table. I’m definitely gonna file. That doesn’t mean I’m gonna sign.”
The 90 Day Fiance alum told cameras that she was “mentally exhausted” and “very hurt” by the lies Michael told her over the course of their relationship.
“I don’t think he’s ever loved me,” Angela declared. “I think he loves me ’cause everything I’ve done for him, but he can’t tell me why he’s in love with me.”

In an earlier ‘Happily Ever After?’ episode, Angela discovered Michael was cheating on her with a younger woman he had met on Instagram. The couple had hit another rough patch and she found out he was chatting with the 31-year-old woman for two months.
“They’ve been talking the whole time we’ve been fighting,” she told cameras. She revealed the she found out about Michael’s infidelity through a friend who sent her proof of screenshots and voice notes.
“Not only since I was in Nigeria, but since I’ve come back, Michael has continued to talk to this girl,” Angela tearfully fumed.
Angela played the voice notes that Michael had sent the other woman.
“I’m trying to call you now. You’re not picking up. I’ve been busy trying to sort things out. Okay? Just trust me, please. Also, I have some money coming to your side. I will let you know, okay? I will call you, please. I love you, and I miss you,” Michael said in his voice notes to the other woman. He ended the message with kissing noises.
Angela expressed shock at the message, claiming Michael had broken her heart.

“That’s how he would talk to me,” she said. “He broke my heart. He really broke my heart. I didn’t deserve this.”
Angela said she thought she and Michael were in a good place after she had visited him in Nigeria.
“I felt like we were on our way, getting ready to bring him here and being husband and wife,” she said. “We loved each other again. I was happy. I was real happy.”
However, Michael had been sending the other woman messages while he and Angela were in bed together.
“I can’t believe nothing he says now. I heard him tell another woman he loved her,” she revealed. “He wrote a text that could get us in so much trouble, like, ‘Let me get to the States and I’ll come to you. I’ll handle Angie.’”

Michael later confessed to sending the messages, but chalked it up as just flirting. While in the United States, Angela reached out to Michael’s Uncle Steven to keep her husband in check.
As of yet, it’s unclear if Angela has followed through on her decision to file for divorce from Michael. In December, Angela shared a TikTok of her and Michael on Instagram with the song “Let’s Make Love” by Faith Hill and Tim McGraw playing in the background.
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
14 Responses
I kind of think this cheating story was manufactured by TLC to try and save Angela’s reputation and make the viewers feel sorry for her. So many people want her removed from the show due to her physical and emotional abuse, her gaslighting, her narcissism, the fact she enabled and helped her daughter abuse under age boys, etc. However, it isn’t going to work.
I assume she’s just trying to take a lead out of toxic Ed’s book, and assume they will give her another season on The Single Life and then subsequently she can continue like him on whatever version is airing at the time. I’m over this show and the toxic people.
Wasn’t Angela doing the EXACT same thing?
Flirting with some playgirl poster boy (he was really in playgirl) from Canada, even saying she was going to go visit him. Not to mention her Doctor (she was alone with when he gave her a ride home from a drunken night out & the countless men she flirts with)
Lose the weight and gained 100 years or something.. she looked better plump
She’s such a stupid pig.
Angela is an idiot wrapped in a moron shell. Why say Im going to file…. But not sign?. So she can keep threatening him for many years to come. She’s all talk and now That he actually cheated…..She looks like a moron, not going through with it everything she’s threatening him with over the years. He did cheat he is scamming you and he just wants to come to America and you know it. I hate to say it, but it couldn’t happen to a more evil person . I hate to say it, but it couldn’t happen to a more evil person So she’ll file and then stretch it out by threatening him for years that she’s going to sign one day???
Having never seen this show, I am SHOCKED.
No. I’m really not. Duh lady.
She is the absolute worst humanity has to offer. TLC allows her to physically and emotionally abuse her husband on national TV and they do nothing.
Angzilla is abusive and vulgar. Maybe if she didn’t emasculate MyKOOL, and play head games, he wouldn’t need to be getting attention from others. And SHE flirts all over the place! Double standard much?? I wish they would get rid of Anzilla
MyKal & Angela will be on Teen Mom next season.
She cries divorce wolf constantly. She plays head games.
No more Michael no more show. No money.. no control over Michael.
Sure Jan. We’ve been hearing this for how long? Same tired old story,different season.