Kail Lowry and her baby daddy Chris Lopez are once again battling over the hair of their son, but Part III of “The Great Haircut Caper” brought Chris spilling the beans of the former Teen Mom 2 star’s “secret” baby— and Jenelle Evans randomly throwing her two cents into the chat.
As The Ashley has previously reported, rumors were circulating last year that Kail was pregnant by her boyfriend Elijah Scott. Kail– who already has four sons— stayed relatively quiet about the pregnancy rumors, although she did deny that she was pregnant on multiple occasions. In December (one month after fans claimed Kail gave birth to Baby No. 5), she slammed the “trolls” whom she claimed were obsessed with proving that she had another baby.
While Kail has kept mum on the (alleged) baby, the same cannot be said about her baby daddy, Chris. On Tuesday— after getting into a messy fight on social media earlier that week— Chris posted a comment to the Teen Mom Chatter Instagram page, seemingly confirming that Kail did, indeed, recently have another baby.

(On Wednesday, a source close to Kail reportedly confirmed to The Sun that Kail did welcome a baby— another boy!— with Elijah on November 20.)
The Ashley is going to do her best to summarize the week’s events….
Things got messy (well…messier) between Kail and Chris— who share sons Lux and Creed—after Kail took to Instagram Live to announce that Chris had once again cut Lux’s long hair without her knowledge or permission.
(As ‘Teen Mom’ fans may remember, this is the third time that Chris has taken the scissors to one of their sons’ hair. In 2020, he cut Lux’s long hair and that incident— which The Ashley calls The Great Haircut Caper (Part I)– led to legal issues for Kail. The Great Haircut Caper (Part II) occurred in February 2022 when Chris cut off Creed’s curls.)
Anyway, after Kail called Chris out for chopping Lux’s hair again, Chris hopped on social media to defend himself. In a Live, Chris said that Kail doesn’t maintain Lux’s long hair properly, so he decided to take the scissors to it.
After that, Kail hopped on one of Chris’ Lives to provide commentary of her own.
“He didn’t want his hair cut,” Kail wrote in the comment section of Chris’ Live. “Chris wanted to do it to hurt me. Not for Lux…cut your own hair bro. Shape your own beard.
“You’re the one with a problem,” she wrote, after stating that Lux’s hair was clean and maintained. “Holding haircuts over my head.”
Chris responded to a few of Kail’s comments, stating that he wishes their fights could be kept off of social media.

“You wanna talk about me cutting Lux’s hair as if you don’t have another storyline you can talk about but you won’t, right?” Chris wrote in the comment section, seemingly hinting that the “storyline” in question is Kail having a fifth child.
Chris then commented on a post on the Teen Mom Chatter Instagram page about his fight with Kail. It was there that he dropped the baby bomb.
“I’m done bro…you claim to be so real, so raw but yet you got a whole newborn you should be focused on and yet you[‘re] trying to create unnecessary drama to cover up that FACT,” Chris wrote.
“At this point it ain’t about the kids…she doin’ to[o] much… on here and behind the scenes…running to the Internet for validation because her fans enable her behavior,” Chris wrote.
Chris also slammed Kail for calling him out publicly for taking his kids to school late, even though she allowed Lux to miss school the next day so she could take him to the hair salon to fix Chris’ chop.
Chris later “pulled a Kail” and jumped on a Live Kail was doing, insisting he was telling the truth about Kail having a fifth baby.
“I’m not lying about a child tho,” Chris wrote using his podcast’s Instagram account.
Kail has not yet responded to Chris’ baby comments. However— randomly— Jenelle Evans did. As ‘Teen Mom’ fans know, Kail and Jenelle have been feuding for years. After Jenelle claimed that she felt Kail was “shading” her, she took to TikTok to post a video of herself gleefully stating that, “I see the shade. I hope Chris cuts your son’s hair over and over again!”
Jenelle’s video didn’t go over well and garnered her a lot of hate so she took it down and, later, even denied that she ever said it (even though numerous ‘Teen Mom’ Instagram pages had posted her video to their pages.)
“I said her baby daddy should keep her child’s hair tame?” Jenelle wrote in a comment to a person who criticized her for saying that about Lux. “OK sure. I’m sooo wrong for that.”
“No girl, that’s not wtf you said,” the person responded. “You said you hope Chris keeps cutting it in a malicious way. You know what you meant but go off…”
The Ashley will update this story when more info becomes available.
RELATED STORY: Kail Lowry Talks About How Her Time on ‘Teen Mom 2’ Has Affected Her Career; Says She Wants to Do a Reality Show About Podcasting
90 Responses
She said on her podcast the other day that she broke up with Malik right before her bday last year (3/14 is her bday). If she had a child 11/20 the conception date would be around 3/1. I don’t see anyone saying anything about this anywhere but if it’s true that she didn’t cheat on M with E than the child couldn’t be E’s.
Kail just revealed that she wanted to be the next female version of Nick Cannon and I just realized that her new guy Elijah Scott has the same last name as Nick’s most recent baby mama Alyssa Scott. So, I wonder if they’re related?
I would dearly love to see someone be able to formulate a truly negative comment about this girl without meanness/hatefulness, no name calling or anything. It’s not possible, especially if you have as high level of dislike for this girl as I do.
This comment speaks volumes as to what kind of person you are albeit unnecessary due to your other previous comments. SMH
The kind of person I am?
Im just a person who DOESN’T like this chick AT ALL and I will NOT sugarcoat my feelings for anyone, im sorry if that makes people unhappy but that’s how I am.
It’s all or nothing, I don’t half ass ANYTHING and never will.
I agree…there’s no half ass with you. You’re WHOLE ASS sad and pathetic.
Look lady, I’m not sad or pathetic, but I don’t mince words, I say what i think and think what I say.
I don’t like this girl…never have never will…I knew on her episode of 16 and Pregnant how useless she was gonna be…and I was right.
She’s never done a productive thing in her life…all she has ever done is bitch on camera via TM2 or bitch on the radio via her podcasts.
KAIL isn’t admitting the next baby because she’s waiting for a sudsy to tak about him. She had these kids as money makers, and is still the same girl with insecurities y shi g her or actions and even poorer attitudes. Poor issac would be better off with Vi and Joe …. She gets Oregonian fast to trap the man and when he fails to live up to her standards ( tho she has none for her own behavior) she attacks until he has no choice but to leave, she’s narcissistic, self serving, and deluded in a way like Farrah & Jenelle.
Isnt this technically Haircut Gate part IV for Kail? Didn’t she flip out on Jo for cutting Isaac’s hair?
Trending – white female, black male.
Did anyone else find the months of speculation, rumor, and gossip to be absolutely sick beyond words, or am I the only human being with any sense anymore? I could not and still cannot believe the level of gossip around this nobody. “She’s pregnant, she’s not pregnant, she’s gonna have a boy, haha, payback is so sweet haha!”
I’m glad as a society we can come together to curse a new life as some form of karmic payback, while sitting behind our computer screens and dragging a woman for not performing the way the “fans” expected her to perform – despite her being off the show for nearly a year. She doesn’t need to answer to anyone. Let her live her life.
Seriously. It’s time to start acting like fucking adults.
I am acting like a fucking adult, im just acting like a fucking adult that can’t stand Kail. She needs to disappear like COMPLETELY…no more attention needs to be paid to this whore!!! She lives and breaths off it.
And I’m not cursing a new life, I hope he’s 100% healthy. I’m just glad she’s not having the girl she so obviously wants.
I am however cursing her because I think she’s trash…inside and out. She deserves absolutely no happiness whatsoever in my opinion!!!
And ANON, if you don’t like how people are banding together AGAINST this person (to me she’s more like a breeding experiment gone horribly and terribly wrong) than you can leave, nobody is forcing you to look at others posts or comment your distaste for our opinions.
We all know there are people that like her and that’s all fine and dandy but as you can see the majority doesn’t like her.
“… if you don’t like how people are banding together AGAINST this person..”
I take issue with this comment because the context suggests that you are speaking on behalf of the posters here on The Ashley.
I did not “band” together with anyone, did not make a hateful comment toward Kail, don’t speak for me.
Most everybody on here are siding against her and not with her, literally nobody but ANON has had anything positive to say about this piece of garbage so yes people are banding together AGAINST her, you may like her which is great…good for you, but like it or not there’s not many on here that do like her. We don’t have to be hateful to do it, and nobody is.
But if you wanna talk about taking issue with a comment, I take issue with the comment about how Kail struggled but Chelsea didn’t have to. Like that somehow makes Kail the better person.
True, Chelsea had support (i thank god she had help, shes literally the ONLY one living a real life and owning it). Plus she’s not out here spreading her legs for every man she can get her paws on…unlike Kail. Kail who has 4 (maybe 5) kids with 3-4 men, yet she can afford vacays to Mexico, Hawaii and who knows where else, like dude shut the fuck up, I wish someone could name one time…just one where Chelsea left the country…no make that the state without her kids.
If I was Chelsea I wouldn’t even want Kail to dirty the ground I walked on. Let alone be brought up in the same sentence.
It’s probably Pearl again in the comments. Don’t engage. It’ll go away. Pearl was always about being on sides. So annoying. Like, let us read an article and comment, instead we must all be against each other. So weird.
These people have to much time on their hands. Why hide a baby, are u ashamed or what. Sad u don’t need to have baby by every guy u date
And I’ve said before it’s not hate, it’s dislike, no negative comments are nice, it kinda defeats the purpose of a negative comments if a person is nice.
I may be mean but that’s usually how a negative comment is worded.
I’m not a fan of Kail, never have been. But your comments are both generalized and nonsensical. You state that no one on here is making hateful comments when your comments are more full of hate than any others. I guess somewhere in your closed brain you’ve held a one person election and voted yourself judge. I pity people who are so pathetic that they thrive on the misfortune of others.
It’s not hate it’s dislike and most comments of dislike aka negative comments are mean.
If they were nice, they wouldn’t be negative comments would they?
I’m sure it’s Pearl. The most hateful commenter ever who im sure has multiple accts.
Nobody’s against anyone here, if a person likes her that’s great…she needs all the likes she can get, but it’s NOT gonna be from me, and from the looks of it it’s not gonna be from too many on here.
Oh, hi Kail. If you don’t want to answer to anyone, the just go away. We promise, we won’t miss you!
Yes you’re the only human with sense anymore. Is that what you want to hear?
“So much mess.” -Marie Kondo
Isn’t Chris unemployed living with his grandma? He probably can’t afford to take Lux and Creed to a barber for a $20 haircut…I saw the photos of Lux’s first cut though and he didn’t even try to make anything even…
Kail needs to to just admit the 5th baby already…everyone’s known for awhile.
Yes, Jenelle seems to have grown up so much /s. Why comment at all on Kails drama if you hate her so much and don’t care about TM?
Father’s day parking at her house is going to be a big problem.
stay lit
I’ve always thought that parking at her house would be more like the drop off/pick up lane at school. Lol
nibs ~ good to see you again!! ??
Worry about your own life. Kail takes care of her kids. She’s not online talking about you.
Kail chooses to make her living from being in the public spotlight. Most would prefer to work mundane jobs and not have their dirty laundry aired. And her poor decisions are likely impacting her children’s wellbeing, even if they are well-cared for in some respects. She often does not consider their mental wellbeing.
Missed you Sir. Good to see you!!
Show of hands for those that think she’s only keeping Lux’s hair long because it makes him resemble the girl she wants and that Lux only wants to keep it long to accommodate his mom…?
I always wondered why she kept his long but the other 3 have short hair.
I … Well I dont know what to say, these people man ..
Kail, you dont need a kid with every guy you hump.
Chris, you dont use your kid ad a weapon against your ex, so no, you dont chop the kids hair for the sole reason of pissing your ex off.
Jenelle .. Shut the fuck up
Janelle and Chris are lovers. I think jenelle should make him her next soulmate.
Kail isn’t even on the show anymore. They don’t give a fuck about a washed up, ran up on
?,shady ass bitch. I wouldn’t fuck her with 10 condoms & a bottle of Hibiclens.
Oops, this is a reply to the commenter who said the tabloids should have known months ago. The only one they care about is jenelle and that’s debatable.
Chris has three kids of which he doesn’t take care of any of them. Watching your kids for an afternoon or AN overnight is at best babysitting.
So as much as Kail is messy and her life is messy when you’re not a parent you don’t get to make those decisions. instead of Chris learning how to do long black hair, he just cuts it because it is easier for him. Also, if he was really doing it for lux, pay a salon like $20-40 for a children’s cut, and get it cut properly stop taking your craft scissors and hacking away at his hair. It seems like every time he has to wash his children’s hair he gets fed up and just gets the scissors out.
And what storyline, she quit teen mom. Delusional…. But so is Kail that she had another kid with this deadbeat. So you know…
Also, Jenelle you have kids from three different fathers. One is a drug addict, the second is drunk with anger issues and zero custody of any of his kids, and the third is a psychopath who killed a dog, had custody of his kid taken away after he beat his pregnant girl and threatened to kill nancy pelosi. Stay in your lane girl.
Lawd…Are these people adults?
Please can the next baby daddy be Nick Cannon??
He can’t he already have 12 plus kids. She is a guy with no known kids.
Kail prides herself in being all these guys first baby mama, so Nick Cannon would be a hard pass. lol
No update Ashley? I don’t follow Kail anywhere but it’s been a few hours. They Ashley is by far the most credible and I’m surprised Kail is not even denying it at this point!
Did anyone else read that caption of Barb’s picture with Barb’s exact voice in their head?? ??
I am surprised that she keeps managing to get men who never had kids. Her pickings have to be super slim now. I would be super surprised if baby daddy #5 is a childless man. I personally would not want to have my first child with a partner who is on there 6th child and I was going to be there 5th baby mama.
1) if Kail had a baby, how come no tabloid yet got a pic of the birth certificate or her with the baby at the doctor’s office or something? I know she’s not a big time celebrity but people do whatever for a few bucks
2) Chris is petty af and he’s doing exactly the same things he’s calling out Kail for
3) Jenelle needs serious help. She’s pathetic
Just a theory but totally possible…..If Kail had a home birth (which she has done for her last 2 kids)with a midwife again something she has done in the past, then it would be the midwife who files for the birth certificate. You have 1 year after birth to file for the birth certificate! If it is longer then a year then you file a specific form for a delayed birth certificate. The baby most likey has left the house very little and when he/she does is is never with its mother. I agree Chris is very petty but in this case I believe him. All the pictures of baby stuff in the background, etc lead me to think it is true. I guess Jenelle is no more pathetic then the rest of us reading and commenting on Kail’s life and in all fairness Jenelle has had real life interactions with Kail while the rest of us do not. BTW I do not like Chris, Jenelle of Kail so I’m not picking up for anyone, just voicing an possible theory.
Why am I not surprised that Jenealous is butting her way into something that literally has NOTHING to do with her? Girl, GET OVER YOURSELF.
How many daddy’s do this make? Cmon! Unreal!
What are we at now? 5 babies with 4 different dudes? And now the latest is a “secret”? There are no secrets when you are constantly living your life on social media. I feel bad for the kids.
Chris ain’t shit for always cutting that boys hair out of spite. And of course Jenelle would think cutting a kids hair off (when the kid didn’t want it cut) just to piss off the kids mother is a form of good parenting. She’s married to this horrible swamp thing who thinks it’s ok to murder a puppy because he didn’t want to teach their feral toddler not to put her face that close to a dogs face. And Kail…You are not Kylie Jenner. Girl just admit you have a baby.
Yeah, he also beat the crap out of his pregnant girlfriend and left her on the side of the road to walk him. She had to be treated at the hospital for her injuries. And he has no custody of that child.
None of this surprises me at all…especially Delujenelle sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong.
I don’t believe kail would call her baby Elijah. She’s too much of a control freak to let a baby daddy name the baby. She’s going to fall out with BD#4 soon and will not want to be reminded of him whenever she says the baby’s name.
True plus isn’t Elijah the name of Javi and Lauren’s son?
Javi’s almost as petty as Kail, he’s liable to throw the “You stole my baby’s name” card in her face and come with some bs about her still being in love with him because she named her son that so that’s another reason I don’t see her going down that road.
Her boyfriend’s name is Elijah. We don’t know what the mystery baby’s name is.
Thank you! Amazing how many can’t comprehend that.
I comprehend that, I was talking about Javi and Lauren’s baby. His name is Elijah also.
So that’s another reason I don’t see Kail going down the road of wanting to name her baby that.
Javi thinks he’s hot stuff so i have no doubt he’d stoop to that level of pettiness. He’d definitely throw the “You stole my baby’s name” card in her face then come with some bs about how she’s still in love with him because of it.
But the fact of the matter is, the real victims are the kids…its not Kail or baby daddy 1,2,3 or 4.
Javi and Lauren’s son is named Eli not Elijah.
That’s true DG it is Eli and not Elijah, but the odds of them or the kids (especially Lincoln) calling him Eli for short are pretty good.
And Javi is just petty enough to use that to make some bs story about her still being in love with him.
Amazing how many can’t click on a newspaper story.
I can click on an article, I just quite frankly don’t care what she names her kids.
I wish she’d just move on with her life because I’m tired of hearing about her…lol
I know the baby’s name isnt known yet, I was talking about the baby Javi has with that girl Lauren being another reason why she wouldnt want to name her baby that.
She wouldn’t want that connection nor would she want the repercussions of the connection ie the “you stole my baby’s name” card being thrown at her as well him coming with some bs about her still being in love with him.
We all know he thinks he’s hot stuff so he’d definitely stoop to that level of pettiness.
The article said the baby is called Elijah Rio.
I smell a Kylie Jenner escapade of renaming her baby after 10 months!!
I still cringe at thinking about how KJ renamed her baby Aire, I get that it’s original but at least Wolf was cool.
I highly doubt Kail would name her child after a father. Plus, there is a theme with her boys’ middle names. All of them have a double L: Elliot, Marshall, Russell and Romello.
Didn’t she divorce her husband because she didn’t want to have anymore kids? Then proceeds to have three more kids…….
I thought they already broke up.
And he was allegedly married when all this pregnancy happened.
True, but it does start with an “e” which would fit with her “KILLER” brand
Why keep it a secret? Is she worried about damaging her reputation? Lol
Poor Lux being used to spite the mother.
Jenelle is a complete fool!
Wow!!! Surprised said no one. 5 babies by 4 dads. WTF. What a roll model. Kails a b and always will be. Kail even gets her kids to lie about having a new baby.
Going to moderation. It’ll be up in 5 hours. Columnists aren’t supposed to take sides. Have to get the scoop tho.
It’s really not a good look to be so embarrassed about having another child that you try to hide him.
Oh, Kail, Kail. Just as she was salivating over her plan to get back on reality tv so she could show the world her new baby and all the made up.excuses about why she didn’t share the news! Chris spills the beans and now she has to start again to catch people’s attention for cash!
i wouldn’t be too quick on believing chris since he has become a huge clout chaser and now jenelle can’t be bold! has anyone else noticed that jenelle purposely leaves out specific words when she’s talking about people then swear that’s not what she meant like with chelsea and kail? if you wanna stop beating around the bush then own up to it jenelle
Kail is trash. Such a clown. I have second embarrassment for her, big time.
Lol…another boy…payback’s a bitch…well better luck next time because we all know she’s gonna try again and again…and AGAIN until she gets that girl.
But I hope to god she keeps having boys!!
If Lux didn’t want it cut and Chris did that to spite Kail that is incredibly sad. How traumatic for Lux.
True but it is just hair…it will grow back so Kail needs to chill tge fick out, I only feel bad for Lux, he got cursed with those 2.
I wouldn’t wish having those two as parents on my worst enemy.
The fuck*
It’s not just hair it’s about not co parenting. He knew there had been two times before this it caused and issue so he knew what he was doing. He is probably mad she had a kid with someone else.
But to flip out over something as insignificant as hair??
When there are oh so many things she can flip out on him about like not spending enough with them or not paying for ANYTHING, just to name a couple.
Seems pretty petty and childish to me.