Kail Lowry’s Teen Mom days are behind her, but she continues to show interest in other reality TV ventures, including a return to WeTV’s Marriage Boot Camp.
Fans of the former Teen Mom 2 star may recall Kail appearing on the reality series back in 2016 with her soon-to-be-ex-husband Javi Marrioquin. While the show was unable to help Kail and Javi repair their relationship, Kail revealed on the latest episode of her Barely Famous podcast that she wanted to go on ‘Marriage Boot Camp’ again, this time with her latest partner (and alleged fourth baby daddy) Elijah Scott.
During the podcast episode,
“I literally had my agent message [producers] and be like, ‘Can Kail come back on with her new partner?’” Kail said. “They said no. They were like, ‘We don’t bring people back,’ but I’m like, why not?
“It’s a new partner,” she continued. “It’s a new situation. It could be a first.”

Dr. Ish seemingly questioned the response Kail received from producers and encouraged her to “put a pin in that” idea. He also clarified that producers will bring people back to the show, but usually it’s to do a different version of the show, such as the ‘Family Edition.’
Kail then suggested that maybe she team up with another frequent breeder and get an entirely new show.
“I’m like the girl version of Nick Cannon with all my baby daddies, and maybe we just have our own show, too!” she said. “I haven’t been able to nail it down since [I was on] ‘Marriage Boot Camp.'”

She then went on to inform Dr. Ish that her relationship with Javi is in an even worse spot than it was back in 2016.
“Javi and I aren’t even on speaking terms, so things got a little crazy,” she said. “…We are strictly co-parenting and communicate only via email.
Kail’s failed attempt to re-join ‘Marriage Boot Camp’ comes just days after her third baby daddy, Chris Lopez, confirmed on social media that Kail and Elijah secretly welcomed “a whole newborn.”
Rumors began circulating last year that Kail-– who already has four sons–- was pregnant, and she denied the claims on multiple occasions. In December, she went on to slam online “trolls” for being obsessed with proving that she had given birth to a fifth baby.

Not long after Chris dropped the baby bomb this week, a source close to Kail confirmed to The Sun that Kail welcomed a baby boy with Elijah on November 20. Kail and Elijah have yet to publicly confirm or deny the claims.
RELATED STORY: Kail Lowry’s Baby Daddy Chris Lopez Confirms She Had a Fifth Child; Jenelle Evans Jumps Into Kail & Chris’ Squabble Over Their Son’s Hair (Recap of Events)
(Photos: MTV; WeTV; Instagram)
25 Responses
It’s Marriage Boot Camp not Booty Call Boot Camp.
Wow, she already needs boot camp with this new guy. Whos the problem here…
You and your bf need therapy? Phew, Well good you had a baby with him then ..
Can you imagine the family tree? Branches be busted!!!
She’s not the female version of Nick Cannon. She would wish she was that wealthy.
She’s behind in numbers, fortunately. There are women that drag their kids trough even more (baby) daddies that move in and leave than Kail’s current “score”.
Kail is repeating the behaviour for which she called her own mom out.
Suzy Siminoff had boyfriends moving in and out too and Kailyn has said that affected her negatively.
But ofcourse, she and her situation are “different”.
She doesn’t drink, that is different. She doesn’t seem to be verbally abusive to her kids. Very good start but the kids deserve more.
Why does she need to go on Marriage bootcamp with her last baby daddy? Are there so many issues? What do the kids witness? Violence, again?
She’s doing it for money, duh. Kids are expensive af and mine is only gonna be turning 4. Chris is gonna quit paying child pay support once Kail’spodcast tanks. She was stupid af to quit tm2 thinking all these other offers were gonna come rolling in. She’s not interesting and she doesn’t show her real life, as we’ve seen here on this magnificent website.
I agree, Kail was dumb for quitting the show. Unlike some here, I consider, starring on a long running MTV show as being a “real job” though. I think Kail and Javy’s relationship was as bad as any other couple on this franchise.
The reality TV gravy train is over. Social media killed reality TV. Even Keeping up with he Kardashian was finally cancelled because who needs to watch reality TV when they can just follow dlist celebs on social media? Kail needs to find a new hustle beside reality TV and apparantly podcasting ain’t it.
The Kardashians are still on, they have a reality show on Hulu now where they get paid wayyyy more money than they did on the E! channel.
A four by five? Barf.
5 by 4 but still barf.
I think it’s probably 5 by 5, but what do I know? I doubt Kail even knows.
This gorilla makes me sick!
She just defined herself as the female version of Nick Cannon. Girl, that’s not a good thing
But I thought she had a whole ass ~cOlLeGe DeGrEe~ ?? Yet here she is chasing that reality TV dollar again. Girl, bye
Her media/communications/journalism/whatever degree is worthless – she sounds so fake, forced and rushed in her podcast advertisement recordings
So another man and mother set of issues. This idiot is a walking red flag. She doesn’t find it remotely disturbing she’s trying to take NEW guy on a show meant to repair damaged/failed relationships. Girl you just picked dude up. FFS!
Man. Those boys are gonna be so messed up. If I was the dads-particularly Joe, I would be trying to gain more custody. Too many men coming and going.
And all these boys are going to up and leave her messy ass once they are teenagers and realise how dysfunctional she is. And she will be alone again anyway.
Get a Mirena Karl. Far out.
She had one between Isaac and Lincoln.
They should really become reacquainted.
Good take the trash out
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Only Kail doesn’t “wash”…she just repeats
If u need boot camp why the hell would u pop out another kid. She just wants back on tv, people are TIRED of watching her bouncing from man to man and popping out kids. Should worry bout raising those kids.
I agree! She needs boot camp therapy because she doesn’t know the guy she had a baby with… She should know by now to wait until she’s in a STABLE relationship to have another baby
Souvenir from every relationship. Not thinking or desensitized to the fact they are living, breathing, beings. Not little tchotchkes.