Mackenzie Edwards Claims Her Husband Ryan Threatened Her With a Knife In Front of Their Kids & Had a Loaded Assault Rifle In Their Home Before His Arrest

Trigger Warning: This story contains mentions of domestic violence.

Mackenzie Edwards is opening up about the domestic violence she says she suffered at the hands of her husband, Teen Mom OG star Ryan Edwards, in the weeks before his arrest last week.

In the Petition she filed in court for an Order of Protection against Ryan days before he was arrested for harassment and drug charges, Mackenzie mentioned several times that Ryan allegedly got violent with her or made threats against her, sometimes in front of their children. (The Sun was the first to obtain the Petition.)


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She claimed that Ryan allegedly used a pocket knife to threaten her during one incident last month, and cops stated that a loaded assault rifle was found in the home Ryan and Mackenzie shared when it was searched recently by police.

Mackenzie wrote in her petition that, on January 15, Ryan allegedly began punching holes in the doors and windows during an argument and then grabbed Mackenzie by the neck and held her against the wall. 

“[He] threw me down in hallway and said if he could not have me no one could,” Mackenzie wrote.

(As The Ashley previously reported, Ryan accused Mackenzie of cheating on him in a series of Instagram Stories posts last week before his arrest.) 


She claimed that Ryan then pulled out a knife, and prevented her from leaving.

“[Ryan] opened [his] pocket knife, put [it] to my back like he was going to kill me,” Mackenzie wrote. “This was in front of children. I tried to leave, he smashed my phone, took my car keys.”

Mackenzie said her coworker called 911 during that incident. 

Just over a week later, on January 24, Mackenzie claimed Ryan got violent with her again, and, once again, there were children present. (Mackenzie and Ryan share two kids, while Mack has son Hudson from a previous marriage. Ryan shares son Bentley with Maci Bookout.)

“[Ryan] came into [my] bedroom where I was laying down. Pretending like he’s going to punch my face,” Mackenzie wrote. “Breaks bed with me in it. Getting in my face yelling. 

“I went to get kids and leave. He wouldn’t let me leave. Threw me down in living room. Threw menthol nicotine in my eyes.”

Mackenzie said her father called the police after that incident. When the cops came to the house, they reportedly found a loaded assault rifle in the home. (Mackenzie claimed that Ryan owns at least three guns.) 


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Four days later, sheriffs “documented him stating [he is] still using heroin,” according to Mackenzie.

After Ryan called Mackenzie on February 8 and insinuated that a motorcycle gang he had joined was going to come to her work and hurt her, Mackenzie went to authorities, who issued a temporary restraining order against Ryan. (You can read the transcript of the chilling phone call by clicking here.) 

Ryan was ordered to move out of their home immediately and to stay away from Mackenzie. The Sun reports that he was not ordered to stay away from Stella and Jagger, the two children he shares with Mackenzie.

Ryan violated the protective order one day after it was issued when he called Mackenzie’s father. Cops went to Ryan’s home to arrest him on Friday but he was not there. (The house had “substantial damage” done to it, though.) Cops found Ryan at his job and arrested him. During the arrest, it was discovered that Ryan had a glass pipe on him, as well as a bag of what appeared to be heroin and one that appeared to be cocaine.

He was charged with possession of a controlled substance as well as possession of drug paraphernalia.

Ryan’s newest muggy…

Ryan was bailed out of jail shortly after his arrest, but is due in court on March 30. 

He recently responded to The Sun‘s request for comment, stating his intention wasn’t to hurt Mackenzie.

“I never wanted to hurt her, just tried telling her,” he said. “I would have loved to work it because I still at the time wanted to.”

Mackenzie has not yet commented publicly on Ryan’s arrest or actions.

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Ryan Edwards Made Shocking Threats Against Wife Mackenzie Before His Arrest: Read the Chilling Transcript

(Photos: MTV; Instagram; HCSO)

40 Responses

  1. It’s all Maci’s fault. Everyone knows that Rhine has always been such an amazing father and husband.

    Mack should stand by her man.

  2. It’s all Maci’s fault. Everyone knows that Rhine has always been such an amazing father and husband.

    Good for Mack.

  3. Violence and threats are never okay, especially in front of children. It doesn’t matter what you think of Mac or things she’s said and done that weren’t OK. Getting married to Ruan while he was high and driving wasn’t OK, her letter to Maci wasn’t OK, and her enabling she took part in also wasn’t ok. Tbh, this sounds traumatic though.clearly some people have to learn through experience.

  4. Mack has been a train wreck since the beginning. She cheated on Ryan multiple times and SHE fed his addiction. The whole story is not being told here, and I bet Mack gets her 5min of fame while taking Ryan down. I’m sorry but I’m with Ryan on this, once a hoe always a hoe.

  5. My heart goes out to Jagger, Stella, and Hudson who may have witnessed their mom being terrorized like this.

    I also agree with others that Mack was never exactly a fan favorite with some viewers. That said, she still does NOT deserve this kind of nightmarish abuse.

    And as we can all see, there’s clearly no “Maci” here this time to blame.

    Only Ryan, who’s been coddled and held blameless for his actions all his life —and now that life appears to be hurtling fully and completely out of control.

    What a sad and stinking mess. Again, my sincerest prayers and well wishes for those poor kids.

  6. So many people think that Ryan the types need rehab, rehab and more rehab! Have you folks ever looked at the recovery rates of rehabs or A.A.? The harsh truth is that some drug addicts are extremely violent and need prison. I’m sure Jen and Larry would be terrified but, at this point, this dude needs to be around murderers, armed robbers, rapists, ect….Addicts are on the low end of the totem pole in prison.

  7. A loaded gun in the house, threatening with a knife in front of the kids, and there’s no order of protection for his kids? FFS.
    Thank goodness none of the kids got their hands on that gun. They’ll still have major trauma from seeing their mom get beaten up by their dad, but at least they’re alive.
    I can’t stand Mackenzie but I’m glad she actually left and I hope it stays that way. Ryan is like an out of control runaway train and the kids should not be subject to that chaos.

    1. Yeah. Family Courts do not care about children’s safety, only parental rights. When Ryan threatened Maci and Taylor, the courts gave the RO to the couple, their kids, the pets, but not Bentley.

      I would be willing to bet that once Mack and Ryan get divorced, he’s still granted unsupervised visitation. No matter what.

      There are cases all over the country where documented abuse by a parent is in the case file and judges do not restrict access.

      The safety of children is not a priority. It’s a crisis.

  8. Wow is gets worse the more stuff that comes out.

    I thought that now Rhine was a convicted felony it was illegal for him to own guns. Especially after he threatened to shoot Taylor a couple of years ago.

  9. NOBODY deserves that kind of abuse. Until you have been trapped IN IT you have no idea. You are gas-lit as The Evil One by a deranged addict, and it’s so hard to escape. Mack needs to use every resource to get herself and her children away from him. I’m so sorry for all of the children. Praying for them, they deserve their LIVES, and their mother.

  10. “what did she expect she knew what she was getting into” NO SHE DID NOT. nobody deserves to be put through this no matter what they’ve done!! i’m not a mackenzie fan but i’m so glad and proud of her that she got herself and the kids out of that scary situation and i hope everyone involved can heal from this

    1. No. She knew & turned a blind eye – quite literally! Do you not remember him high as a kite & driving, barely able to keep his eyes open on the way to get married? She’s not innocent or a victim.

  11. You can dislike Mack but this is scary shit. I’m glad she got her children away from this. I hope she has all the resources she needs to help herself and her children move forward and heal.

    1. Adam is and was an AH, but the best decision that man ever made was to get a vasectomy after Paisley.

      I hope Rhine does the same. But I also think Jen loves kids and is using her grandchild to fill that infertility hole she has and make him keep popping out babies because he keeps burning bridges with all his kids’ mothers.

  12. You know what bothers me? The fact that he isn’t ordered to stay away from their 2 kids. He is unhinged and I have never seen parental love from him to any of his kids. I can totally see him hurting the kids to teach Mack a lesson. I hope that those kids are protected from this. They didn’t ask to be involved in this toxic, dysfunctional environment.

    1. What sucks is this is the case in a lot of cases. If the kid wasn’t directly threatened. The mom can get a PFA but the kid isn’t included because it hIs kiD ToO aNd yOu CaN’t pReVenT A dAd FrOm sEEiNG his KiD.

      It is why when Taylor and Maci got a PFA against Rhine when he threatened to put a bullet in Taylor’s head, it only extended to Maci, Taylor, Jade, and Maverick, but not Bentley. Because the judge didn’t want to ban the kid from seeing dad. Insane if you ask me.

      Amber attacked Gary while he was holding Leah, and Amber also attacked Andrew when he was holding James. It’s pretty much got to be that the kid is about to be attacked for the courts to actually step up and protect the kids.

      1. Even if parents attack kids, the courts usually don’t intervene.

        And if Mack goes to court and says Ryan abused her, she’s more likely to lose the kids all together. That’s right – award custody 100% to the father.

        I’ve heard of stories where children are abused and suicidal as young as 7 years old in the custody of their abuser, and the courts have taken them away from protective parents.

        If you want your mind blown, Google reunification camps. There is a story of two kids – Maya and Sebastian – that recently went viral. The dad was the protective parents. The mother successfully got full custody. The dad hasn’t heard from the kids at all.

    2. Scared in particular for Hudson if he’s around. Little boys like Ryan have interesting ideas about blood and since Hudson isn’t “his”…. I really hope they’re safe.

  13. She married him while he was high as fuck and slurring his words. She fought and argued with everyone who called her out on it..she created her own storm and is now upset because it’s raining.

    1. This was not the cyclone I had on my bingo card.

      DUI? Free space
      Possession, with or without intent to distribute? Sure
      And Ryan is absolutely the guy whose four-year has to run to the neighbor’s house for help because the two year old got a bad burn off his crack pipe and he was in no condition to handle the situation.

      Did not see “tells wife he’s essentially called a hit out on her” coming. Tbh that seems like uncharacteristically high effort Ryan behavior, for one.

    2. Mack is not a good person, she was 21 and already divorced with a kid by the time she married 29-year-old Rhine. She wanted to be a tv star and was willing to risk and Rhine’s life to do it, it hitched her wagon to him.

      I don’t care how much you hate Mack, I don’t like her at all.

      BUT NO ONE and I mean NO ONE should have had a knife held to their necks by their husband, attacked by their husband, and threatened to be shot by them for ANY reason. No one should fear for their lives while their kids sleep in the next room praying their kids don’t come out of bed for any reason and find you unalived.

      Mack is a mean girl who never grew out of it, but she’s also a victim.

    1. I love how reports all say “was bailed out of jail” and no one has to finish the sentence. We all know he was bailed out for the hundredth time by his awful parents. There has to come a point of reckoning at some point when they realize what a POS they created.

  14. Look, this dude is scary as f*ck. His parents really need to stop bailing him out of everything. They’re enabling an abuser. And not just any abuser, one that’s also an addict & has always gotten away with everything because of them! I’m sorry, but I do feel bad for Mackenzie. I’ve been through a relationship very similar to this & it’s extremely hard to get out of. And it’s terrifying. Everyone who’s never been through it always says “I’d just leave!”, but when you’re actually in a relationship like this, it’s so different & so damn hard. There’s trauma bonding, guilt that you feel for some reason, and the way they work their way into your head is so scary. I applaud Mackenzie for leaving him & getting her children away from him. That takes so much courage. Especially when he’s out there making all these threats. I feel terrible for all the kids involved, but poor Bentley. He’s the oldest of all of them & he can understand all of this. It’s bad enough for him to know how his dad’s been all these years, but now this?
    This whole situation is just so sad.

    1. He was high as a kite when she married him. And when they went golfing with Bentley , Mack was just as bad as Ryan laughing and making fun of a child. Awful

    1. I’m not saying none of that happened or that Mackenzie is a saint, but she still doesn’t deserve the abuse Ryan is throwing her way. Nobody does.

      1. I would love it when a real motorcycle club steps up to protect Mackenzie and the kids so they can go to places without fear and have witnesses and protection when Ryan does show up again.
        The guy is nuts.
        He needs a good jail, drug free with good programs for addicts.
        When that jail is further away from home and his parents, all the better.
        Would give them a break too, they have been trough enough with Ryan.
        Only for his kids it might be better when they can visit more frequently. Idgaf about Ryan’s wants and needs but I do care about the kids involved.

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