More Scary Details About Nathan Griffith’s Recent Arrest; Alleged Assault Victim Was Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Dad’s Reported Girlfriend, Not His Wife

Trigger Warning: This story contains mention of domestic violence. 

As more details about Nathan Griffith’s arrest for domestic battery emerge, it has been confirmed that the victim in the incident was not Nathan’s wife, Mayra “May” Oyola, despite what some initially assumed. 

As The Ashley told you last week, the baby daddy of Jenelle Evans was arrested early Friday morning and charged with “Committing Domestic Battery by Strangulation.” 

While some speculated that the victim of Nathan’s alleged attack was May, whom Nathan married in April 2022, the victim was actually a woman reported to be Nathan’s new girlfriend, Starcasm reports. 

(The girlfriend– whom The Ashley is choosing not to name– will be referred to as “V” only.)

It appears that Nathan and “V” had been living together at the time of his arrest. (It’s unknown if they had any other roommates, though.)

According to the Probable Cause Affidavit, which was obtained by The Ashley, Nathan was unarmed at the time of his arrest. The officer who filled out the affidavit checked “Yes” for there being an indication that Nathan was under the influence of both drugs and alcohol when cops arrived. (Of course, this is only the officer’s impression upon arrival.)

As for “V,” the officer stated in his observations of her that she was “scared” and that she had “watery red eyes and was visibly upset.” Photos were taken of her alleged injuries, as well as of the house. The officer indicated that there were no minors present during the alleged attack. 


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As The Ashley previously reported, the cops were called by Nathan’s brother-in-law William, who lives in Las Vegas and is married to Nate’s sister Heather. William told police he was concerned after Nathan video-called him and told him he had “lost it,” choked “V” and dragged her up the stairs.  

After speaking to Nathan, William texted “V” to check on her. When “V” informed William that she was not OK, William called police.

Nathan’s latest mugshot offering…

When cops arrived, Nathan was “uncooperative” and had noticeable scratches on him, which he claimed he received while having sex with “V.” Cops reported that “V” appeared to have been crying, though she was being “uncooperative” with the police at first. 

Eventually, “V” informed cops that Nathan had gotten “physically aggressive” with her, claiming that she had “blacked out” at some point during the alleged incident and was unsure what happened. 

An officer on the scene reportedly observed “approximately inch-thick bruising starting to appear on [V’s] neck (all the way around),” as well as “bruising under her jawline consistent with being strangled and someone pressing their thumbs inward to add pressure.” 

No, because you’re violent AF…allegedly.

The Probable Cause Affidavit notes that officers were called to the same address (where both Nathan and “V” reportedly reside) hours earlier for a “domestic disturbance,” though it doesn’t include any information about that incident, other than noting that “V” “did not have any bruising around the neck area” at that time. 

In addition to acknowledging Nathan’s past history of domestic abuse, the affidavit listed Nathan’s marital status as “S,” presumably for “single,” though a divorce filing for Nathan and May was not located.

Nathan was released from Palm Beach County’s Main Detention Center on Saturday after posting a $2,500 bond. There is currently a no-contact order in place that prevents Nathan from contacting “V” until the case is closed, or until there is another court ruling that permits contact. He is allowed to return to their shared home only one time— with a uniformed police officer present— to collect his personal belongings. 

Nathan will head to court–- hopefully wearing a shirt with sleeves-– on March 27 to deal with the no-contact order and his first court conference in relation to his domestic violence charge is scheduled for April 20. 

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Barbara Evans Files To Give Jenelle Evans Full Custody of Her Son Jace After Years-Long Battle; Get the Court Case Details! 

(Photos: MTV; Palm Beach Florida Sheriff’s Department) 

29 Responses

  1. Let’s lock him and uncle bad touch in a room together and let them take care of each other!

  2. I hope Nathan gets charged and does a significant amount of time in jail for this. That poor girl! He always gets a slap on the wrist for his past violent crimes. I hope he gets sober too and deals with his issues.

  3. Unless Nathan learns how to be sober and single so he can really work on his issues, this is not going to end well.
    He needs real rehab and get out of his denial(s).
    Why does he even think he is remotely close to being a leader, an Alpha. He’s too chicken to face his issues and responsibilities as a father, son and member of society.

  4. If jenelle stayed with him, I’m sure he would have killed her by now. The description of the bruises sounds like he tried hard to kill this girl. What a psycho

      1. Do we know if the “brother in law” is May’s brother? Or a siblings spouse? I thought it interesting that Nathans brother-in-law would have his gf’s # t

        1. The brother in law is Nathan’s sisters husband. I have my partners siblings and their partners phone numbers, it’s not weird.

          Nathan just got charged again, for trying to kill his sister, with strangulation, she’s a fucking psycho. I hope he’s charged with attempted murder and gets locked up for a longtime, I think he’s actively trying to find someone to kill. But hasn’t been able to be successful, if he gets out of jail I know he will be successful in murdering someone one day.

  5. The next time he loses control, it’s statistically likely to be fatal. I hope no woman ever goes near him again.

  6. Ladies, please do background checks on the men on tinder…

    If a man has this many mugshots, just swipe left.

    1. The four, don’t forget marrissa. She probably gets the butt end of every one’s issues, I’m sure.
      Hopefully Jace doesn’t hurt her, or his other siblings.

      1. That’s pretty vile, to speculate Jace might hurt his (step) siblings.

        Jace is not an adult like Nathan, with several convictions and arrests for DV. You don’t know $hit about his behavior, issues and life.

        I’m way more worried about his mom’s and two stepfather’s track record of violence and abuse.

  7. not only is jenelle bad at picking men but she’s even worse when it comes to picking her baby daddy’s smh it’s sad that these kids have no stable parents??‍♀️

    1. And it’s concerning if they will inherit their respective fathers’ aggression. Janelle obviously has serious anger problems too. I can’t recall hearing anything about Andrew being violent. But poor Kaiser with an unhinged father and his stepfather being physically rough with him. Hopefully he’ll be well adjusted, but it’s not in his favor. And yes, Nathan has war trauma, but it’s entirely possible he had violent tendencies regardless of his head injury.

  8. I wasn’t confused about the wife/girlfriend this but the brother in law….is William May’s brother?
    You beat up your girlfriend and you call…your estranged wife’s brother?

  9. Wow – he’s absolutely capable of killing a woman and sounds like this was a close call. He has continuously proven he is not fit to be free in society. The interview with his ex-girlfriend during the ‘Being Nathan’ special was disturbing and nothing changes with his patterns. He needs both help and punishment.

    And as always, for so many reasons my heart continues to break for Kaiser.

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