EXCLUSIVE! ‘Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant’ Officially Cancelled After Three Seasons: Get the Details!

Kudos to these girls for being the only ‘Teen Mom’ stars to actually provide interesting content for us to watch…

It’s the end of an era.

The Ashley can exclusively confirm that Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant has been officially cancelled. 

The show— which ran for three seasons on MTV— featured Kayla SesslerBrianna JaramilloKiaya ElliottMadisen Beith and Rachel Beaver in its final season, although Teen Mom: The Next Chapter stars Ashley Jones and Jade Cline also got their reality TV starts on the show.

“Calls went out today to the cast and let them know it’s done,” one of The Ashley’s sources tells her. “The crew has also been informed that there will be no Season 4. All of the big exec producers were on the calls, and each girl and each of the grandmas were spoken to.”

When I say I will miss writing about the Beavers, that is the understatement of the century…

As The Ashley had previously reported, ratings for ‘Young & Pregnant’ Season 3 were very low, with the Season 3B premiere bringing in a dismal 161,000 viewers

“Everyone expected to hear that the show had been cancelled, so it wasn’t exactly a surprise, but it’s going to be tough on some of the cast members without that [MTV] money,” the source added. “It’s a sad day.” 

“We want our MTV…paychecks.”

Back in August, Rachel announced to her social media followers that she was quitting ‘Young & Pregnant’ and would not be coming back if the show was renewed.

“My mental health is/will always be more important than money,” Rachel wrote at the time. “Therefore I have decided to quit ‘Teen Mom.’ This will be my last season & I appreciate the opportunity I have been given. It was fun while it lasted.”

From what The Ashley’s sources have said, all of the other ‘Young & Pregnant’ cast members were willing to do another season, if it had been offered.

“The [executive producers] told the girls on Tuesday that there’s always a chance they could revive the show, or bring them back for something else,” a second source told The Ashley. 

As of press time, another season of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ is being filmed and will be airing later this year. 

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(Photos: MTV)

29 Responses

  1. That’s very upsetting to read after just binge watching young & pregnant. I had no idea where they aired this show until just recently. I do work full time and do not have much interest in sitting down watching tv so I do rely on social media platforms YouTube mainly but I have expanded recently and subscribed to paramount plus and have gone through many of the teen mom shows but young and pregnant being the favorite and now it’s cancelled. ):

  2. I have been looking everywhere for any updates on that bizarre couple from New Hampshire. The one where the boyfriend was super controlling and the girl wasn’t allowed tonvisit her family, hold her son etc.
    He wouldn’t let her breast feed because her breasts were his etc.
    At the last taping his father did a 180 and said that they were the only reason the show was a success.
    Well sorry Pops.

  3. I believe this show has had the opposite effect as planned. They are all rich now because they were teenage moms. So kids want to become part of this reality stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I watched as well. But I feel it ended up glorifying teen pregnancy.

  4. Ok @TheAshley will you recap the next season of Unexpected instead of TM Whatever they are calling it now?

  5. What a really big mistake that will be if you go through with cancelling. Many young and pregnant is a favorite a favorite. Why not start up with another 16 and pregnant as well. Sorry but Og and teen mom 2 and all that is just the same and boring now. Revive 16 and pregnant and Y and P adding a few new pregnant moms into the mix and there’s your ratings.

  6. oop now rachel has to get a job and at least attempt getting her high school diploma or ged instead of being a stay at home mom like she claimed to be

  7. I mean Y&P was better than any of the TMs. It was more realistic at least because they didn’t have all the money YET.

    1. Absolutely, I really don’t get how the ratings were better for and of the other TM shows with all the manufacturered drama. At least with Y&P the drama *felt* more organic. It was the only TM show i watched .

  8. Good. Now cancel The Next Chapter. Nobody needs to see those train wrecks becoming grandmothers.

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