Ryan Edwards is back in Tennessee— and back behind bars!
The Teen Mom OG dad– who up until very recently was away at court-ordered rehab in Texas— was arrested on Friday night in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and officially charged with violating the terms of his probation he received for pleading guilty to harassment last month.
The Ashley can exclusively reveal that Ryan was actually arrested on Friday night for Driving Under the Influence (DUI), as well as possession of a controlled substance. (Again, these are new charges from Friday night and not related to his charges from February.)
“Ryan was arrested at the Chattanooga State college,” The Ashley’s sources tell her. “His charge is listed on [the sheriff’s office] website as a violation of probation because, technically he did violate those terms. But that’s what he was picked up for on Friday.”

Currently, Ryan is being held in the Hamilton County Jail on no bond. He will be there at least until April 20, which was his pre-scheduled court date to address the harassment charge, as well as the possession of a controlled substance charge he had from his arrest in February.

As The Ashley previously reported, Ryan pleaded guilty to a charge of harassment against his soon-to-be ex-wife Mackenzie. He was also charged with possession of a controlled substance stemming from his arrest in February. In March, a judge ordered Ryan to go to rehab after Ryan pleaded guilty to the harassment charge. He was also ordered to wear a GPS monitor, have no contact with Mackenzie and maintain the terms of his probation.
Now that Ryan has not completed the terms of probation and rehab he was required to, he will be doing some serious jail time. He was given an 11 month, 29 day sentence, which was suspended due to him agreeing to go to rehab and complete the probation terms. Now that has been revoked, Ryan will likely be spending the next year in jail.
Ryan leaving rehab and coming home early has also angered his current “employer,” MTV.
“MTV basically paid for Ryan to go to this rehab in Texas,” a behind-the-scenes source tells The Ashley. “They footed the bill [for rehab] in exchange for Ryan agreeing to film while inside rehab. Now that he’s left, all that money spent is basically just wasted.”
The Ashley will update this story when more details are available. Stay tuned…
RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Ryan Edwards Filming for ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ & Dating Someone New In Days Before Going to Rehab
(Photos: MTV; Hamilton County Sherriff’s Office)
39 Responses
You can lead a horse to water…..but if Ryan isn’t ready to get sober (and it looks as if he isn’t) all the money and rehabs in the world can’t help him. He has literally skated through life with Jen and Larry covering for him, making excuses, blaming everyone BUT Ryan for his actions. It’s always someone else’s fault. Instead of holding firm with him, they listen and believe his BS. Now that he will be in jail for a year, hopefully Mac’s kids will be safe. Let’s face it. She went in eyes wide open with him. I don’t want anything bad to happen to her, but I have no sympathy for her. She berated Maci on national TV for not getting him help. Mac is doing the same thing she wrongfully blamed Maci for.
I keep hoping Rhine can pull off a recovery so there won’t be three kids with the life-long trauma of having a dead-addict Dad. Now it’s looking doubtful that he can get out of that downward spiral. Mack should also be concerned that Rhine can just walk out of rehab and his GPS tracking device doesn’t notify anybody of anything! ?
This is what happens when you never have consequences with a huge impact in your life.
He figured something else. I’m sure all of us can and will say his ego, but as an addict.
He’s in denial. He’s being forced to get sober when he’s not ready.
Yes he should absolutely be ready given the circumstances and everything be handed to him unlike so many desperate addicts.
My kids were my everything but I had so many unresolved issues from childhood that came out in NY abusive marriage with our drinking. In 2017 I began the road to recovery and had a few relapses, but I got sober three years ago.
I went four years with my oldest daughter living with me, she stayed with her aunt and went to her former step dads on weekends and I got supervised every other weekend for an hour. It’s so hard and I still cry for that part of me, but I’m still healing. I. Healing my childhood and slowly making way up.suoervised was for 1.5 before slowly introduced for a few hours unsupervised.
It’s hurt so much and definitely has not been easy, but if my kids didn’t mean so much to me, I wouldn’t have continued to push thru everything.
MTV lost iut. Their fault for back firing and allowing him to buy time.
Hiw many of these stars have they sent to rehab?
They all would’ve been addicts regardless just that MTV vh1 etc all gave them money.
As long as the show and his parents enhable (his soon to be ex wife is to blame since she was the one who let him drive high as a kite) Ryan will not change!!!! The only way he will change is for him to accept and admit that he has a huge problem and needs help!!! Maci needs protect Bentley with all she has!! As for his soon to be ex-wife I could care less because she knew that he had a problem and did nothing about it except blame Maci!!!
This is so sad. I have a feeling we are going to see headlines about Ryan overdosing or committing suicide.
Preferable to an innocent person dying when he drives under the influence
Until his Enablers stop and he’s ready to face his demons and be brutally, rigorously honest about his disease Ryan’s road will be long and difficult. Hopefully the Mothers of his children will take a Life Insurance policy. This is where he’s headed if don’t pull his head out of his rear end. Ryan is what 31-32? He looks 51-52??♀️
Whoever this source is made me laugh, trying to garner sympathy for a multi-billion dollar company throwing some cash at a rehab stay. ? MTV facilitated all the trash behavior of these people. Now they can pay for it.
Seriously. MTV wasted money on rehab? LOFL. They contributed to this mess.
Good I hope MTV lost lots ofoney, they’ve shown time and again that they don’t care about the people just a story line and I’m sickened by the fact that for all these years they’ve turned a blind eye when the children were bring a****d and neglected and animals being mistreated so MTV can lose it all and I would be ecstatic, they should lose their licence to broadcast to.
Wait, so was he in possession of a controlled substance with THIS arrest, or was that back in February that he was caught with drugs? I’m confuzzled by the wording lmao. Explain in to me like I’m 5. Either way, the dude has problems.
Rhine either has a death wish at this point, or he just likes prison. The one time hottest teen dad has officially turned into Butch.
I just don’t think he wants to get sober… He doesn’t care.
I can see Rhine’s kids talking in 15 years like Tyler talks about Butch.
That’s just sadly the reality of addiction. Ryan needs to hit his own “rock bottom” and be ready to receive help. That day may not come though..
How does he even have a license still?? With as many DUI’s and violations he has, it should be revoked. Jail time is exactly what he needs, not some ridiculous court ordered rehab. Like someone said previously, you can’t force an addict to rehabilitate, that needs to be the addict’s decision. At least in jail he will be off the streets and keeping himself and everyone else safe.
Not having a physical license does not stop addicts from driving. They just do it illegally. I agree he needs serious jail time as he does not want to get sober through rehab
Sorry not sorry for MTV “losing money” after footing the bill for an “inside Texas rehab” story line —instead of focusing on what was best for the addict.
Hoping Ryan going away to serve “jail time” plain and simple will at least put some redirection on this repetitive stinking mess of a situation. I hope it also offers a glimmer of hope for three innocent kids who deserve NONE OF IT.
Beautifully said!! Why would they foot the bill …just for a storyline is disgraceful. Just when you think they couldn’t see any lower… they do.
Sadly, some addicts are enabled all the way to the grave. I hope Ryan doesn’t have to be one of them.
This happens when your parents are enabling you your whole life. I’m glad Mack and the kids (plus Bentley) are safe from this freak. Unfortunately I don’t believe a year will be enough.
Damn, this is so sad for his kids. I think it’s great that the kids and their family will be safe from Ryan for a year at least but the situation is so sad.
Ryan had a chance, the bill for his rehab was even paid for him, probably a nice place too. Everything came to him on a fuckin silver platter while he already didn’t deserve it.
Still decided to fuck it up. Three very nice kids that are his responsibility, an income and he still did what he wanted like a toddler.
How did the court not know he left rehab if he has to wear a court ordered GPS ankle monitor?
Being locked up for a while might be the best thing for him. It’s pretty obvious that he’s unfamiliar with consequences and his parents don’t seem to care about what he does. This is definitely what’s best for his kids. They don’t need to be around his bs
Perhaps, just maybe.. it’s time for Jen and Larry to stop bailing Rhine out and let him face the full consequences of his actions just once in his life.
It might actually keep him, or someone else unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time from dying due to his addiction/issues. This idiot shouldn’t be allowed to drive a vehicle.
But, that’s just my opinion.
Wow impressive track, he keeps graduating rehab early.
I hope now the judge stops giving him chances and realize he doesn’t want to change. And keep his kids and baby mothers safe.
“i’m shocked”
–no one
Ryan should’ve stayed on TM and Maci fired, he has a non manufactured story line, compared to Maci’s snooze fest! Sad, but true! ??♀️
Is this what 58 looks like?
Wow, that is way out of line.
You’re an ignorant, POS. Just a waste of life who likes to troll the internet. Imagine telling people to kill themselves and not understanding the nature of addiction in 2023. Ick. Maybe instead of giving of micro d!ck or stanky clam energy, your time would be better used outside of your moms basement. Get a job. Experience the world outside of your sad little shell. I just caught the Ick from y-EWWWWW!
What a sad insignificant life you must lead to say such ignorant hateful stuff like that. Thank God I didn’t listen to people like you 6 years ago when I got clean and sober!! Rhine has a lot of issues and clearly needs to face the consequences of his sh!tty behavior- but wishing death on someone because they’re an addict quite literally makes you just as disgusting as he is.
I don’t feel bad for MTV. The producers could have stepped in at any time when Ryan was filmed driving while nodding off from heroin, but nope. The storyline was too juicy for MTV to pass up. MTV should count their blessings that Ryan didn’t wreck and hurt himself, Mack and anyone else because their families could come back and sue MTV for knowing the situation and not stopping it. Larry & Jen better let Ryan serve his time and stop coddling him or all they’re going to have left is an urn full of ashes.
Court-ordered rehab is ridiculous. If an addict doesn’t want to rehabilitate, you can’t force him/her to do so. He doesn’t need rehab, he needs serious consequences and jail time, period.
And f*ck MTV for wanting to profit of an addict, violent abuser