‘Sister Wives’ Star Gwen Brown Unsure If Dad Kody Brown Will Attend Her Wedding: “Don’t Think He Wants Anything To Do With Us”; Gwen Reveals Who’s Walking Her Down the Aisle

“Don’t act like you’re not tempted to come make a fool of yourself on another dance floor, dad.”

Sister Wives star Gwendlyn Brown is set to marry fiancée Beatriz Queiroz in less than three months; however, she’s still unsure if the entire Brown family— including her father Kody— will be present to celebrate her big day. 

According to In Touch, Gwen revealed recently in a YouTube video that while she’s invited her dad to her upcoming nuptials, along with Kody’s only remaining wife, Robyn, the two have yet to RSVP “yes.” 

“ … I don’t know if they’ll want to come,” Gwen said. “We’ve kind of been like, shunned, I don’t think [my dad] wants anything to do with the rest of us. 

Despite her dad’s rejection of her and her siblings, Gwen still wants her dad to be there for her wedding.

“I really hope they do come,” she added.    

“…but can we bring a plus-one? Our nanny would like to come along.”

Though she’s hopeful her dad and Robyn will attend her July wedding ceremony, Gwen, daughter of Kody and Christine Brown, hinted that Robyn was the reason some of her siblings didn’t attend her engagement party earlier this year.

“I invited [Robyn’s kids] to my engagement party, but I don’t know if [Robyn] felt like it wouldn’t be a safe space for them,” she said in a video from March. “Or if they decided they just don’t wanna go, but it seems they decided they don’t want to see me.

“If I’m not a safe person for them, then I’m not a safe person for them,” she continued, adding that she “terribly missed” her siblings.

Gwen’s comments about Kody and Robyn possibly being no-shows at her wedding come just weeks after she called out the couple for having “crazy” spending habits and not living within their means “at all.” She has also claimed that her father has “no remorse” for choosing Robyn and Robyn’s children over the rest of the Brown family. 

“What do you expect me to do? Make things right?!”

Whether or not Kody ultimately decides to attend Gwen and Beatriz’s nuptials, Gwen wasn’t planning on having her father walk her down the aisle either way. Instead, she plans to trek it to the altar solo, or enlist her brother Logan Brown to accompany her. (The latter was suggested to Gwen by a fan during a YouTube Q&A.) 

“I was thinking of just walking myself down the aisle, but now that I’m actually thinking about it, that’s actually kind of adorable,” she said. “So I’m definitely gonna consider, cause that’s so cute having my brother.” 

Gwen went on to reveal that Logan, son of Kody and Janelle Brown, has filled in for Kody in the past for her big moments in life. 

“As a kid, whenever we went to dances, like father-daughter [dances], all the girls would choose my dad and I had a tendency of choosing Logan to represent as my father cause I wanted my little special moment,” she said. 

Kody, after not being asked to walk Gwen down the aisle, officiate her wedding, perform a solo dance at the reception or cut the cake.

Gwen had the opportunity to watch Logan tie the knot himself just months ago when he married Michelle Petty in a ceremony attended by the Brown siblings, as well as Kody and all of his wives– both current and former. 

RELATED STORY: ’Sister Wives’ Star Christine Brown & Fiance David Woolley Purchase Utah Home Together; Christine Begins Planning Upcoming Nuptials 

(Photos: TLC; Instagram) 


14 Responses

  1. I think it might be something to do with the videos she does.. I mean I am here for the tea she’s spilling but that has obviously not helped her relationship with her father.
    Kody is a selfish asshole, unless it involves Robin & her kids it’s not happening. He isn’t interested in his older children, that’s plain to see just watching the show. He’ll not attend the wedding & play the victim afterwards & accuse Christine of poisoning his children against him.

  2. He’s not gonna come because you’re making videos for people that hate him.. I mean, I don’t like kody but she’s delusional to think that he’s gonna come after that let’s get real.

  3. I don’t know why people always say she should “move on” or stop talking about Sister Wives. Her privacy was sacrificed, she’s known by the whole world and she wasn’t given the right to keep anything in her life private. Her parents exploited her entire childhood and none of the money they made seems to have been set aside for her. Why shouldn’t she try to make a little money off of this show about HER life?

  4. I like Gwen, watch her YouTube videos, and wish her a happy marriage. I do not blame her in the least for not wanting her sperm donor to walk her down the aisle. He’s a sh*tty excuse for a father. I think Logan would be honored to escort his sister at her wedding.

  5. I’ll never forget those first episodes of
    Season 1, seeing Logan running around at like the age of 14 or 15 at 6 in the morning. Lovingly carrying his little sister out of bed, making everyone breakfast, waking up all the others, getting everyone dressed. etc., since Janelle left super early for work. Where was Kody??

    1. I remember that too! He was such a wonderful young man. I also remember it was the first time I realized polygamy wasn’t what they said it was because if the bonus was that you had all of these extra parents to help take care of you why was this kid doing everything and getting his siblings ready for school?

  6. Oh come on, snowflake! Cody did an interview a few years ago were he said the whole family just loved LGBTQ$@&€75GJKKXYZ(I guess he did’nt want to get canceled by Democracy And Free Speach).

    1. That literally has nothing to do with the article or anything that Gwyndolyn said. She in no way meant that them not attending her wedding had anything to do with her sexuality. In fact she fully explained the reasons, if you had taken the time to read or watch instead of rushing to the comments to make your daily LGBTQ/Snowflake comment. Seems you’re a little obsessed with the topic, hmmm? Bringing it into stories on a gossip website that have absolutely nothing to do with it? When you’re 90 and on your deathbed, you’re going to regret spending so much time and energy DAILY on being so angry with strangers.

      (Slow down with those angry fingers!)

  7. Not attending his own daughter’s wedding would be a new low for Kody.
    Christine doesn’t walk around with a magic wand, neither does Beatrice. Everyone is safe to go.

    1. I don’t know. Ditching his daughter who was having major surgery and was terrified and wanted her dad was pretty deep in the hole.

  8. I could have swore she was going to say that Leo, Leon, or Leonardo was walking her down the aisle. Also, would die if my mom was posting pictures of me reminiscing about me being her “breast buddy”. That’s so weird.

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