“1000-Lb. Sisters” Star Amy Slaton Faces Off With Estranged Husband Michael Halterman In Court; Drops Her Domestic Violence Protective Order Against Him

“You were the easiest 300 lbs I ever lost, Michael!”

Amy Slaton‘s divorce from Michael Halterman is still very much on, but the 1000-Lb. Sisters star has agreed to drop the domestic violence charges she filed against her estranged husband.

The Sun reports that Amy and Michael— who share two young sons— faced off in a Kentucky court on Wednesday, to discuss their custody situation, as well as the domestic violence protective order Amy filed against Michael in February. While a TLC film crew was present at the court hearing (as were Amy’s siblings Amanda Halterman and Chris Combs) to capture the hearing for “1000-Lb. Sisters,” the cameras were not allowed inside the courtroom.

At Wednesday’s court hearing, Amy asked to withdraw the order, and the judge agreed.

As The Ashley previously reported, Amy filed for a domestic violence protective order in February, after making a 911 call to report that Michael had became violent with her and was “throwing things” while Amy and their sons were present. Michael officially filed for divorce from Amy in March.

Although the protective order is no longer in place, Michael is still not allowed to have any contact with Amy, except for what has already been agreed upon by the exes in regard to parenting their sons. They are currently only allowed to communicate via a court-approved texting app.


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The exes also discussed their ongoing custody battle for sons Glenn and Gage. The Sun reports that Michael— who has had the kids on weekends only— asked for a temporary joint custody situation that would allow him to have the boys as many days as Amy does in a month. 

“Michael proposed an alternating schedule where he would take care of them for four days the first week, and three the following, but Amy dismissed the proposal,” The Sun reported, adding that Amy objected to the proposal because Michael has been living at his mother’s house since the split, and she feels the home is not large enough to accommodate two additional kids.

Amy also expressed concern that adding two kids to the household would be “too stressful” to Michael’s aging mother. 

No ruling was made in regard to the custody situation.

While Amy and her siblings reportedly filmed for the show outside the courtroom, Michael— who came to the hearing solo— avoided the cameras and Amy once they left the hearing. 

“Kindly keep yer fancy TV cameras and such away from me, thanks.”

Amy’s sister Tammy Slaton — who is reportedly gearing up for a divorce battle herself— was not present at Amy and Michael’s hearing on Wednesday. 

RELATED STORY: Why Tammy Slaton Split From Husband Caleb Willingham & How a Divorce Will Affect Her “1000-Lb. Sisters” Money

6 Responses

  1. Its to bad they couldn’t work there problems out ,they all have been through a lot with surgeries and Tammy’s marriage and now divorse and Amanda’s divorse it takes A lot to make a marriage work and the boys will be effective by what ever they do .my prayers are with all of them .

  2. Amy Slater should be charged with domestic violence. Looking at her makes me violently throw up. These shows have a common theme.
    Few teeth, few brain cells. Their favorite stores are buffets. ALL on public assistance. ALL have too many ugly tattoos. The first thing you think is, I hope their gene pool ends with them.

  3. Amy was divorcing him because he’s never helped with the children and he was jealous at the attention that she gave the kids.. How would she leave them alone for 3/4 days a week?? That would terrify me.. He’s gonna ask for spousal /child support 3,2,1

    1. Exactly! He doesn’t care for the boys now, one of the main reasons she’s leaving him. He would have no idea how to care for them 3/4 days a week. What their routine is, how and what to feed them – probably no clue at all.

    2. You realize she admitted that a big part of why she was leaving is because he refused to allow the boys to be filmed and he wasn’t budging on it, right? I’m not saying he does his fair share of child rearing, I don’t think either of them do, but that wasn’t her initial reason for wanting to leave. It was the loss of potential income, she even said, repeatedly “we’ll make more with them on the show” and that she started getting mad at him when he refused to sign to allow them to be filmed.

      I don’t like him, not defending him, but she’s not a good parent either. Those boys deserve a better family, poor things.

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