‘Selling Sunset’ Star Heather Rae Young Ripped By Fans For Giving Out Travel “Mom Tips” While Flying On Private Plane

“What? Was I supposed to slum it in a middle seat in the back of a Spirit flight? Like a damn PEASANT?!”

Heather Rae Young took to Instagram on Tuesday to brag about how easy her three-month-old son Tristian’s first airplane ride was— even offering some “mom tips” for a smoother flight. However, the Selling Sunset star’s post was met with a lot of backlash, with many informing Heather that most moms don’t have the luxury of flying via private jet like Heather and her husband Tarek El Moussa do.

Heather— who was flying via private jet to attend the couple’s Flipping Summit in Arizona— was called “tone deaf” and “out of touch” for her post, and many of her followers pointed out how badly Heather’s post reeked of privilege.


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A post shared by Heather Rae El Moussa (@theheatherraeelmoussa)

In the post’s caption, Heather bragged that her son gave her no problems on his first flight.

“Tristan did such an incredible job and mom-tip, I breast fed him on the way up and then again on the way down to help with ear popping,” Heather wrote in the caption of a series of photos showing her, Tarek, his kids and Tristian on the private plane. “It worked perfectly and then the rest of the flight he just giggled, played and looked around and was so happy & didn’t cry once… he loved the new environment.”

While one person joked with Heather that she “would be giggling and so happy too” if she were on a private plane, others were not so kind.

“Not all Mamas have the luxury of a private plane. But good for you and your ‘tips,'” one person wrote in the comment section.

“I’m not like a regular mom! I’m a RICH mom!”

“Must be nice to have your own plane and the hired help travel along,” someone else wrote, also commenting on Heather’s enormous wedding ring set, which was positioned to be shown in the photo. “You could feed an entire village for a year with all that gaudy jewelry! Get a real life!”

“You’re delusional thinking anyone out of your circle can relate to your son’s ‘first flight’. Humble is absolutely not in your vocabulary,” one comment read.

“Must be nice to be able to travel in a private plane and then flaunt it while most people are struggling with the cost of living,” someone else wrote. “Not to mention how ~awesome~ it is for the environment.”

“She can’t help it guys…it’s so hard to be so self absorbed,” another wrote.

“We’re just like you…only richer!”

“None of this is even remotely relatable to the vast majority of traveling moms. Nice try though….” another comment reads.

“Life of the 2%. Best to keep this experience to yourself. Bragging about your flight isn’t becoming,” someone else wrote.

Eventually, Tarek jumped into the comment section to  defend his wife, clarifying to one person that they don’t own a private plane themselves.

“No we don’t have our own. Our friend flew us and we fly [the membership-based private jet company] Set Jet and charter jets sometimes,” he wrote. 

“Yeah…so THERE!”

Heather has yet to respond to all the negative comment her “mom tip” post has received. 

RELATED STORY: Heather Rae Young Says She Hasn’t Been Asked to Film For Season 7 of ‘Selling Sunset’: “It’s Been a Little Frustrating”

(Photos: Bravo; Instagram; HGTV) 

9 Responses

  1. The mom-tip would work whether you’re flying on a private jet or flying commercial. The people commenting so negatively mostly just sound jealous that Heather and her husband are richer than they are. Some people are richer than others and that’s just a fact of life. Personally, I think Heather was just excited to share, her breast-feeding tip to help prevent the baby’s ear popping during takeoff and landing but some people took it the wrong way. I really do not think she was trying to brag or act like she was better than anyone else. This is one of the reasons I am so happy I’m not famous. No matter what you say or do there are going to be people that came at you really negatively instead of actually listening to what you’re trying to say or do.

    1. The nursing on take off and landing is a good tip, hands down. It could and should have been left at that, though.

      The nursing isn’t what made her son’s first plane trip so easy. It was the fact that they weren’t surrounded by hundreds of other people, squished into seats and cramped spaces with countless other noises and distractions around them, sitting in an airport for who knows how long before boarding, etc… That is the point where she lost touch with the crowd to which she was speaking and maybe didn’t realize it at first.

      She tries to say, quite a bit actually, that she can “relate to other mommies” but the fact is, she really can’t use most of her experiences as a mom to relate to most others. It’s not relatable, the way she thinks it is, to compare flying on a private jet with not only people around to help but plenty of space, amenities and other luxuries.

      That’s not a knock on her at all, but she needs to remember who she’s talking to, not just what she thinks she’s saying. I won’t begrudge her what she has, experiences, or even how happy she is that her son had a good first trip-good for her, really. I will say, though, she needs to quit with the “I’m relatable” shpeal (this flight wasn’t the first time), because that’s the part that eventually rubs people the wrong way. Not because she’s rich, not because others are jealous, but because it’s just not true, there isn’t a relatable shared experience (and it’s perfectly ok that there isn’t!)

    2. Would a mom to breastfeed during takeoff and descent on a commercial flight? Because they usually make sure everyone is buckled in during those times. That’s not even factoring in how narrow and cramped the seats usually are.

      1. Sometimes they can and sometimes they can’t, I’ve seen both instances to be honest. Circumstances will vary I suspect not just between airlines, but also between moms and their babies too. At any rate if a mama can nurse her little one on take off, or even shortly after, and landing, it can help with the ear popping issue that can scare babies. Even if a mama is able to feed her baby a bottle, it can help with this too, so it’s not even just with nursing, it’s the sucking that helps.

  2. I want to believe Heather is as sweet as she appears on her show, but she just comes off as very valley girl. There’s an odd dichotomy between Playboy girl and the now *moMMyHooD jOuRney* that she posts about after being a parent for a hot minute. It’s your child, not a status or your own milestone. Women give birth in fields and go right back to work. Your advice is not special or necessary.

  3. Like all of those rich politicians who fly private planes to Davos to tell the people of the world that they need to eat bugs, live in a pod, walk everywhere and own nothing for “climate change”.

    1. That’s my absolute favorite ?
      Hold on, let me pretend to enjoy drinking out of my soggy paper straw while all these rich douches lecture me about the climate from their private planes lol

  4. All this privileged people are so far out from reality that think everybody’s living the privileged life they live

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