Jon Gosselin Admits He Hasn’t Spoken to His Twin Daughters Mady & Cara For Nine Years

“They’re gonna text me back. Yup….any minute now…”

It’s been almost a decade since Jon Gosselin has talked to his oldest children.

Jon— who shares 19-year-old sextuplets, as well as 22-year-old twins Cara and Mady with his ex-wife Kate— recently confessed to The Sun that he hasn’t spoken to Cara and Mady in nine years. (That means the twins would have been around 13 years old the last time they communicated with Jon.)

The former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star insists that he has tried to get back in touch with his estranged daughters, though.

“The last time I spoke to Mady and Cara was 2014,” he said. “I periodically text Mady and Cara to see if I get a response and at this point, I’ve never heard from them.”

Mady and Cara— as well as four of the sextuplets— continued to live with Kate after Kate and Jon divorced. Their daughter Hannah eventually went to live with Jon, as did their son Collin (whom Kate placed in a mental health institution when he was a kid). Jon recently revealed that Hannah has reconciled with Kate after a long estrangement; however, she continues to live with Jon.


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Jon told The Sun that he has no relationship with any of the sextuplets who live with Kate.

“Sadly I won’t be attending the other kids’ high school graduation. The last time I spoke to Alexis, Aaden, Leah and Joel was in 2018,” he said, adding that he will be there to celebrate Hannah and Collin’s graduations. 

Despite six of his eight kids publicly (and privately) snubbing him for years, Jon continues to post messages to them on social media. On May 10— the day of the sextuplets’ 19th birthday— Jon posted a photo of the kids, along with the message, “HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY to all my Kids!! I love you all so much!” 


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(For the record, plenty of Jon’s followers called him out, stating that not all of his kids were born on May 10, and that Mady and Cara were born on October 8.)

Jon told The Sun that Alexis, Aaden, Leah and Joel did not respond to his birthday message.

“I will never give up trying to talk to my children,” he said. “I’m hoping with social media that maybe they might reach out to me at some point.  The door is always open to rekindle any kind of relationship. I’ve tried for years for any interaction with any of my other kids, but nothing yet.”

“How are you gonna ignore your Daddy like that!?”

While several of the Gosselin kids are active on TikTok these days, it’s been years since Mady or Cara have spoken out publicly about their dad. Back in 2016, the twins gave a rare interview to People, in which they talked about Jon.

“He makes it seem like we’re being kept from him, which is insane,” Mady— who was 15 at the time of the interview— said. “He should maybe spend some time thinking about why we don’t want to see him, and maybe realize that if he ever does want a relationship with us, talking about us on TV is not the way to make that happen.

“He doesn’t even know us… And the last thing I have time for is a toxic relationship,” she added.

“I wouldn’t even know what to say about him,” Cara added.

RELATED STORY: Jon Gosselin Believes His Relationships With Estranged Children “Will Start to Heal” Now That He & Ex-Wife Kate Have Ended Their Bitter Custody Battle

(Photos: Instagram)

11 Responses

  1. This is called parental alienation and it’s actually considered abuse. I suspect Kate started this after the divorce.

  2. Jon cant keep his mouth shut for anything, give it up. The kids are old enough to make their own decisions now. They are in communication with each other all the time and clearly love one another. Ive seen them on tik-tok and they get along well. Someone asked Maddy or Cara about where is the money that they earned and she replied thats what paid for their college, so people can stop with the narrative that Kate stole their money. How do they think that they were able to afford 4 yrs of college. As long as the kids have a relationship with one another everyone should butt out

  3. Let the kids grow up, then bitch about how their parents fucked em up.

    Even then, their parents won’t realize, acknowledge, or accept that it’s 100% true.

    Good luck, +8. You all are just as dysfunctional as the rest of us.

  4. Jon and kate clearly dislike eachother and it seems that there has been badmouthing about the other parent to the kids. So that doesn’t help. Kids have ended up talking to the other parent over worse things so I don’t understand why the kids amd father can’t talk to eachother, at least through texts.

    So only 2 of the kids “belong” to jon snd kate gets all the others? What is the custody situation like now?

    It is a shame because even though we don’t see everything that goes on it doesn’t seem like jon is unstable or anything.

    Those are all some gorgeous kids those 2 have there and it is also a shame that the siblings are being torn apart as well. They all, including the parents are still in the public eye and maybe it is the only way for them to really know about eachother right now, otherwise it would seem like they would have no contact or knowledge of how everyone is.

  5. These kids are so unlucky to have two narcissistic parents.

    Jon: The kids that don’t want to see me say that’s because they don’t want me to talk about them publicly and because of what they feel I have done.
    Let’s not ever stop talking about them in interviews so there’s zero chance they’ll respond to my texts.
    It’s much easier to be the victim than talk to my kids and be confronted to what they feel about my side of the story vs their mom’s.

    It’s all Kate’s fault, I did nothing wrong.

    Kate: it was all Jon!

    They are both wrong and toxic.

  6. This is probably the most obvious case of parental alienation I have ever seen why people get this psychotic egotistical, narcissistic woman pass when you saw how disgusting she acted on that show is beyond me. Yeah he ended up cheating on her. I’m not sure who wouldn’t have she was abjectly evil. I’m not sure she’s not the devil. She use those children for money and fame and his weapons, their entire life, while turning them against their father noticed the two that wouldn’t total lying to her ended up with their dad and they’re doing a OK. You know the one that was “ Emotionally unstable and violent and required to be hospitalized or put in some kind of prison Boot Camp school. Yeah he’s a regular school doing just fine with his father. The sister that just wanted to talk to him was excommunicated. Kate is literally the Scientology of parents she gives mother a bad name , and no matter what his faults she’s the one that destroyed those kids lives pimping them out to whoever would pay the most of them. The way she spoke to them was both abusive and emotionally damaging, and the only reason people even gave her platform begin with it’s because she opened her legs and popped a kids out at one time , knowing she was going to get a TV show like I said evil incarnate every time she’s tried to come back she’s failed because once she gets on screen, you can just see how dislikable she is. I’m surprised he didn’t cheat on her sooner. I’m honestly surprised he was able to have children with her , and to be quite frank, the two oldest girls act very similar to her. I feel bad for their husbands. I feel bad for their classmates, and I feel bad for anybody that interacts with them. They need a reality check. I’m sure one of them eventually identifies some thing she doesn’t appreciate she’ll turn on them and they’ll run to their daddy just like every other child has. Sorry but call it like it is… Kate was an abusive, emotionally traumatizing, damaging, overreactive, narcissistic, egotistical, greedy, psycho, and she took that whole family down with her. You can’t watch that show for five minutes without seeing her abuse someone in that family in fact, you can’t watch any of the shows for five minutes without seeing her be abusive the same cannot be said for John.

    1. He did the same with Colin. Completely alienated Kate. He let that boy believe his mom just wanted to get rid of him and that he never needed inpatient treatment.
      That’s incredibly cruel to do to a child. Jon took away his mom.
      He may have hated it there but he needed proffesional help to have a future. His mom was honest and said she wasn’t able to handle his special upbringing as a single mom of 8 kids. She’s a nurse but not a psychiatric nurse. Plus, safety for everyone and the upbringing of the other 7 children.

      Few months after Jon took Colin out of this facility, Colin said Jon abused him. Jon said he had to use physical strength to control him.
      Don’t tell me Colin, sadly for him, never needed help to learn and grow cause that’s a lie.

      You can wonder why a judge didn’t give Jon custody or his visitation rights. Jon isn’t telling everything.

  7. Those kids did not win the parental jackpot.

    I really want to cheer for Jon (who understandably wasn’t his best self after the divorce); parental alienation is real—it may even have been initially justifiable—but he really does need to stop reaching out to, and talking about, them publicly.

  8. I’m no Kate fan, but there is a reason that the majority of his kids won’t speak to him. Y’all let your hate for Kate cloud your judgement as to who Jon is. Kate is a bitch, and Jon is a loser. Kate is the better parent of the two. Who would have thought that?

    Let the dowvotes begin!

    1. If I was Jon I wouldn’t waste my time on those two twins of his. They have always been self absorbed, mouthy little bitches ever since they were little. They’re even worse as adults. Kate really is the perfect mother for them because she’s just like them.

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