Jenelle Evans Gives Update on Her Baby Daddy Nathan Griffith; Says He Hasn’t Seen Their Son Kaiser In Seven Months

Nathan, trying to figure out the last time he saw Kevin…er…Kaiser.

Jenelle Evans recently told her Instagram followers that her second baby daddy, Nathan Griffith, has gone M.I.A. when it comes to seeing their son, Kaiser.

The fired Teen Mom 2 star recently did an Instagram Q&A session in which she was asked if Nathan has any part of raising Kaiser, who recently turned nine. Months ago, Jenelle stated in a TikTok video that Nathan “ran off” to Florida and “hasn’t been really involved with Kaiser, at all.” It appears that, months later, there has sadly not been any sort of “dramastic” change in Nathan’s involvement with his son.

“Does Nathan have anything to do with Kaiser?” one person asked Jenelle during the Instagram Q&A over the weekend.

Jenelle indicated that Nate is going through a hard time.

“Honestly I will say Nathan is dealing with his own issues at the moment,” she wrote. “But he hasn’t seen Kaiser since Christmas.”

Back in May, Jenelle stated that Nathan is “a good dad when he’s around Kaiser.”

“But to get him to visit is another story,” she added.

(In June, Nathan posted on Instagram–in an unrelated post— that he sees his “kids and have good relationships with the moms.”)

Jenelle didn’t indicate what Nathan’s current “issues” are but he’s had a busy 2023, despite not seeing his son. He had been living in Florida with his then-wife May Oyola, whom he married last year and split with soon after. (It’s unknown if they have since gotten back together. The Ashley can’t find any indication that either has filed for divorce.)

In February, Nathan was arrested for allegedly committing “Domestic Battery by Strangulation” against another romantic partner (not May). Those charges were eventually dropped, though.

Nathan’s latest mugshot offering…

In August 2022, Nathan made a few alarming posts on Instagram Stories, telling fans that he has liver cancer. He stated that he has hepatocellular carcinoma, which is the most-common type of liver cancer.

“When I’m begging for help! Guess what?!? I have hepatocellular carcinoma…and my family doesn’t answer! So before you judge me…that’s my life!” he wrote.

Nathan did not provide any more information on his cancer diagnosis, and later deleted all of his posts. It is unknown if Nathan really does have cancer.

While Nathan may not be setting foot on The Land to see his son, his checks are apparently making it to Jenelle’s Lil Piece of Swampy Heaven.

“The checks come soggy from Nate’s gym sweat, but I’ll take ’em!”

Nathan reportedly pays Jenelle $327 each month in child support for Kaiser. That money reportedly comes from Nathan’s military disability payments.

RELATED STORY: Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans Opens Her Own Film Production Company: Get a Look at “Money Hole Productions”

(Photos: Instagram; MTV) 

15 Responses

  1. When Janelle’s children become teen-agers they will be wiiild. Pushing boundaries. Janelle was awful,lol. Hopefully nothing bad happens. Kaiser has looked better. More kept and healthier. It might be some medications? He doesn’t look like himself.

  2. I can’t tell if it’s better or worse he’s barely around. On one hand abandoning his kid. On another, it’d be having a third abusing, crap parent involved.

  3. I still don’t get anyone that thought Nathan was actually going to step up for Kaiser. His mom is more involved than he has ever been. Like even when all that stuff was going on, it was his mom would was the one who found out. All the videos were his mom’s recordings that she sent to him when he was in Florida.

    As bad as Jenelle is, I mean at least she’s taking care of her kids. Like no well. But they are fed and have a house and clothing. Like the bare minimum.

    Nathan is a monster, he’s been accused of being violent to at least three girlfriends, including Jenelle. He’s been arrested for DUI like 5 times, I think he had some additional ones in the military that just “disappear”.

    He has two kids, but doesn’t take care of either of them. And probably for the better, being around someone who is violent when their drunk is not a place children should be.

    Nathan is not a good person.

    1. Then you have David who strangled & beat & shot their dog in front of them. Killed their pet goat Elvis & grilled & ate it. All the other animals & DE pistol whipping the guy in front of them. Alcoholic & stoned Easons. I could go on with examples.

  4. I’ll add to the echo chamber about what a crappy hand Kaiser has been dealt. It was obvious from the start his situation wasn’t going to be good – Nathan and Janelle barely knew eachother and their relationshit was already volatile when they decided to have a baby. Then Janelle wasn’t sure if her positive pregnancy test was because she was actually pregnant from Nathan or if it was the remnants of her aborted spawn with Cortland. And can’t forget the car ride where Nathan said he wished unborn Kaiser was aborted. And all of that footage is available for Kaiser and his classmates to watch.

  5. This breaks my heart. It’s like they stopped posting abusive things (as far as I know) and the world just forgot about the bruises and Kaiser saying he was being hit and the dog and the abuse on the land both physical and emotional.

  6. Have to kinda respect Jenelle for how she worded him not seeing Kaiser. Growth, surprisingly

  7. Oh Nathan. We were all rooting for you. Turns out you’re just another deadbeat (and Kaiser’s stepfather DEF isn’t the right father figure for him…this kid will grow up being so confused)

  8. Poor Kaiser. He doen’t look happy or healthy. Are his teachers to scared to help him?

    1. The new Judge who had history with JE gave those kids back to them after Nuggett was murdered. Did you hear the video of Maryssa crying & scared to death to go home because they told the truth? JE posted it & DE was screaming at her & she was sobbing.

  9. There was a time when I hoped for Nathan to come rescue Kaiser from the swampy hell. But alas, I was wrong.

    1. Poor, poor Kaiser. I’ve got a soft spot for him.
      He hit the sh*t jackpot in parents and stepfathers. Is anyone parenting him?
      I hope he & Jace get out of there as soon as they can & don’t repeat the mistakes of their ‘parents’.

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