On Tuesday, Nathan Griffith headed to a place he’s become very familiar with over the past few months: the courtroom.
The Ashley can exclusively confirm that the Teen Mom 2 dad (and former soulmate of Jenelle Evans) went before a judge in Las Vegas on Tuesday morning where he was assigned a public defender, due to his financial state.
Nathan— who was arrested last week and charged with felony Battery by Strangulation after he allegedly assaulted his sister, Heather Griffith, by choking her and threatening to kill her–reportedly declined to hear his criminal complaint read to the court.
“The Court conducted an individualized determination regarding the defendant’s custody status,” the court docs read. “Both the State and the Defendant’s appointed counsel had the opportunity to present evidence and argument regarding the Defendant’s custody status.”
Nathan’s attorney asked the judge to allow Nate to be released on bail and be monitored by Nevada’s “Pretrial Compliance Unit,” which monitors offenders once they’re released and makes sure they’re following their release guidelines. It does not appear that the prosecutors fought against Nate being released; however, they did ask that his bail be set at $5,000, and that Nathan be required to have “high-level electronic monitoring” while out on bail.

The State also asked that a no-contact order be issued, barring Nathan from contacting his sister. The judge approved the no-contact order, which will be in place until November 15.
The judge also agreed to release Nathan on bond with a Level IV monitoring in place. (That is the highest level of monitoring an offender in Nevada can have.)
According to the Clark County Pretrial Services website, Nathan will be required to check-in with the Pretrial Compliance Unit (PCU) within 48 hours of his release, as well as after each court date. He is also required to submit (via by app or in-person) to two random check-ins per month, as well as two scheduled check-ins.
Nathan will also be required to wear a location-tracing tether (aka ankle bracelet) and have a court-issued monitoring mobile phone with him at all times so the PCU can track his location. He will have this, as well as a GPS monitor, on him at all times.

Nathan— who is still behind bars as of press time— is due back in court on August 1.
Nathan had been staying with his sister and her husband in Las Vegas when the domestic violence incident occurred. It is unknown where he will live now, since he is obviously not able to be near his sister or her home.
As The Ashley previously reported, this is not the only legal battle that Nathan is currently dealing with. Just weeks before his arrest for his alleged attack on his sister, Nate was hauled off to jail in Miami Beach, Florida, for DUI, as well as refusing to have his blood alcohol tested, and for driving with a knowingly suspended license.
According to the police report obtained by The Sun— the cops stated that Nathan became aggressive after that arrest.

“[Nathan] was combative and irate during the transport, striking the back cage of the patrol vehicle with his forehead,” the police report read, adding that “at the station, he refused to exit the vehicle in order to provide a breath sample and continued to refuse to submit to a breath test.”
As The Ashley has previously reported, Nathan has not been in his son Kaiser’s life for over seven months. According to Jenelle, Nathan hasn’t seen Kaiser since Christmas. (However, Nathan’s mom, Doris Davidson, recently had Kaiser at her home for several weeks of vacation.)

UPDATE: As of Tuesday night, Nathan has been released from custody. It is unknown if he must remain in Las Vegas or if he is allowed to leave the county/state.
(Photos: MTV)
13 Responses
If his bail was $5,000 and he committed the crime in Illinois, he would only have to post 10% or $500. Not sure if Nevada does this or not. But I’m pretty sure he can get someone to bring $500.
Im curious was he not in the military and say he struggled with ptsd from that. I wonder if he has ever addressed those issues with anyone? Either way he needs mental help. Between him and that monster of a step dad dad i feel awful for that sweet little Keiser. As a victim of domestic violence and specifically being strangle…. Nathan doesnt deserve being let out. How many women does he have to hurt before that put him in jail for an extended period of time and have him get some actual treatment or medication. Sadly,the courts let this shit go on until the abuser kills someone and then they step in and suddenly care about him being punished.
This kind of shit is what pisses me off. He is a repeat offender, he has tried to choke multiple women. I don’t even think he deserves bail at this point because he is a danger to women. Period. Do you know how fast he could strangle someone to death even with his “high-level electronic monitoring”? Ridiculous.
Between him and Rhine. Just more proof that society doesn’t care about woman. They both tried to strangle woman with their bare hands, that’s one of the most intimate ways to kill someone. And they just are like. Oh they are good boys. We can’t ruin THEIR lives. Even though they have ruin their victims lives.
Ok it’s been confirmed: the “justice” system won’t do anything until he unalives someone. I used to think judges were strict in the US but alas, I was wrong!
Even if he killed someone he would probably still get released on bail it’s ridiculous how the system just keep letting criminals go to keep re offending
I get that incarceration rates are high and prisons are overpopulated and the entire system is for profit –
But this is the second person Nathan has STRANGLED. How much responsibility will the prosecutors office when he eventually kills someone and they allowed him out on bail? A GPS monitor doesn’t mean the cops will arrive any faster in the event that he attacks someone else, and maybe succeeds with murder this time. He belongs behind bars. He is a danger to others.
Third to fourth person, Jenelle, Ashley, May (I think) and his sister all say he tried to strangle them. He was never convicted.
There might be a fifth, a friend but Im not sure.
@Daisy– so Nathan has been arrested for strangling three women: his sister, his girlfriend (who he was with after splitting with wife May), and an old girlfriend named Jessica. Jenelle has also claimed he strangled her but he was not charged for that. -The Ashley
“It is unknown where he will live now”
Coulda, idk, kept him in gel, where he belongs??