Gwendlyn Brown, daughter of Sister Wives stars (and former spouses) Kody and Christine Brown, is speaking out about her father’s poor treatment towards his first (and now former) wife, Meri Brown.
Gwendlyn shared her feelings on Kody and Meri’s dynamic during a recent livestream on YouTube, in which she also answered questions from ‘Sister Wives’ fans and talked about her recent wedding to wife Beatriz Queiroz–- a wedding Kody and his only remaining wife Robyn Brown arrived to two hours late.

Near the end of her livestream, Gwen addressed a comment her father made about Meri in the trailer for the upcoming 18th season of ‘Sister Wives,’ after Meri confessed to Kody that she wasn’t walking away from their relationship yet because she still had hope that their troubled marriage could be repaired.
“In my head, I’m really wondering why [Meri] lives in Flagstaff,” Kody says in response.

(As The Ashley previously told you, Meri no longer resides in Flagstaff as she moved to Parowan, Utah–- the location of her bed and breakfast, Lizzie’s Heritage Inn–- months after she and Kody announced in January that they were “permanently terminating” what was left of their 33-year marriage.)
When asked how she felt about her father’s words towards Meri, Gwendlyn revealed she was “shocked.”
“Like, that’s your first wife, ya know?” Gwendlyn said. “I just feel like Meri in this whole situation–- like, between the parents–- is like the most victim of them all.”

Gwen argued that not only was Meri “raised in this lifestyle” of polygamy, but she also married into it, and at one point, she and Kody were very much in love with one another.
“ … she married this man and she was like, in love with him and he was like, in love with her,” Gwendlyn said. “I’m pretty sure for a moment there–- like, for a long moment there, like the majority of the time before the show [or] maybe the beginning of the show-– she was the favorite wife, too. And now she’s basically being kicked to the curb completely … .”

While many of the Brown children have come forward in recent months to talk about how Meri allegedly mistreated them as children, Gwen has remained close to her and she revealed during her livestream that she and Meri continue to “get along perfectly fine” today.

Still, Gwen claims Meri might have it harder than anyone else in the family, admitting that her father’s behavior towards Meri bothers her on a personal level.
“He just dismisses her way too much for my liking,” she said.
At one point in her livestream, Gwendlyn echoed a “justice for Meri” comment made by a fan, acknowledging that while Meri has her faults, she doesn’t deserve the treatment she’s received from Kody.
“Obviously she’s not perfect, for sure, and like, she’s had her faults–- we all have, oh my God, so many-– but in their situation, she definitely seems like the most, like, victim of it all,” she stated.

Season 18 of ‘Sister Wives’ premieres August 20 on TLC. Click here to watch the Season 18 trailer!
(Photos: YouTube; TLC)
7 Responses
Thank you for standing by Meri
Meri’s not a victim. Her and Leon were pretty cruel throughout the years. I’ll never forget that. She wanted a bigger house, the best car, etc. while she had the smallest family… and then the collective family had to put the money up for the Inn. And she was trying to charge $4000 for a weekend… as long as she keeps peddling a MLM I cannot support her. Particularly that at organization that have left many many people without savings or home cars etc..
The collective family didn’t put any money up for the Inn. They told Meri they wouldn’t and that she had to do it on her own.
Seen the show seem Kody is into himself a lot. He needs to mellow down and treat everyone with respect as he was the same from everyone. But it was always his needs that went more first then his wives and children. I feel sorry for all of them as other wives that made life outside of him make the best of it for the rest of your lives. If you get a partner enjoy that person forget about where you came from live life now and not bother with the pass. May the Lord richly bless you all as you go on with your own lives now
If Meri hadn’t divorced Kody, none of this would of happened. Are these joint loans on everything? If TLC ends, I see the sister wives are going to be stuck with them as he and Robyn flee. OT: I want to shave Kody’s head. Why does he think he looks good?
It simple. Kody gave Meri false hope to keep her income.
So did Sobyn. I hope now she has to get off her lazy ass and get a job!