Ryan Edwards was back in court yet again on Monday, but this time, the Teen Mom star had relatively good news to report to the judge.
As The Ashley previously reported, Ryan was allowed to take a furlough from his nearly year-long jail sentence in order to attend a rehab in Tennessee. He has been there since last month and has since completed the 28-day treatment program.
According to The Sun, who sent reporters to Ryan’s court hearing on Monday, Ryan has been ordered to go to the rehab center’s halfway house, Oasis.
Ryan appeared before Judge Gary Starnes wearing a dress shirt and slacks— a far cry from the orange jumpsuit and shackles the ‘Teen Mom’ dad had been wearing during his previous court hearings.
During the hearing— which was attended by Ryan’s parents Jen and Larry Edwards, as well as Ryan’s aunt— the prosecutors asked for an update from the rehab center on Ryan’s progress.
“The state has no intention to resolve these cases until we see how Mr. Edwards is doing,” the prosecutor stated, according to The Sun.
The progress letter from Ryan’s rehab was read to the court.
“We can give him a B plus. That’s pretty good for Mr. Edwards,” the letter stated.

The prosecutor stated that, based on that progress report, Ryan should be ordered to go to the rehab’s sober living house, Oasis— a 38-bed dorm-style halfway house.
Judge Starnes congratulated Ryan for staying sober for nearly four months.
“The letter sounds good. He’s doing really well. Looks like he’s been drug-free for three months and 25 days,” the judge said. Longest you’ve had in years and years. We’re happy about that. Continue treatment in Oasis. You’re supposed to have family intervention. Make sure you do that right away.
“Let’s keep an eye on the furlough. He seems to be doing really well. Make sure we get this family intervention going right away,” the judge said.
The rep for the rehab center assured the judge that, should Ryan leave treatment early (like he did in April), the court will be notified immediately. In July, Judge Starnes told Ryan that he will be charged with escape if he bails out of treatment.

“And you will get consecutive sentences. You don’t want to spend two to three years in custody if you can get treatment,” the judge told Ryan in July.
At a previous court hearing, Judge Starnes (who has been acquainted with Ryan’s family for years) told Ryan that this shot at rehab is his “last chance to do this.”
Since July, Ryan has been receiving Vivitrol shots. (Vivitrol is a prescription injectable medicine designed to help curb alcohol and/or opioid dependence.)
During Ryan’s hearing in April, Judge Starnes told Ryan he needed to get his life together.
“He needs to grow up, you know that,” the judge told Ryan. “You have three kids. You may have some problems with your wife, but you have three kids. I’m trying to save your life.”
Because Ryan received a good progress report from his rehab center, he is not required to go back to court until November 6.
Although Ryan’s family attended the hearing, his estranged wife Mackenzie did not. Also absent was Ryan’s baby mama, Maci Bookout, and the MTV film crew.
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(Photos: MTV)
38 Responses
Every rehab I’ve been to had some sort of “family classes” where the family would come to groups. Of course, not all family members would. I have a hard time believing that Larry and Jen will show up to these classes. Larry might have drinking issues himself and Jen probably doesn’t want to see Ryan in person being in that “icky place”.
Jen and Larry went the last time. And it’s where they told Jen that she’s one of Rhine’s “triggers”, so is Maci. So this is all their fault, they need to keep his triggers away from him.
Who was running that family session needs to be retrained. Triggers are everywhere, it’s up to the addict to learn how to cope. Do not blame the people who are raising your kid for you.
Why is no one this pissed about Sean? Jaydes Sean. He was a lazy abusive addict piece of shit too who only did 60 days.
He seems to have stayed sober for a considerable period of time. Also Sean hasn’t admittedly murdered cats, didn’t drive high af on national TV or trash Jade & his child’s house. They seem a shade different
So unrelated, but Ryan looks so God awful with that grey hair.
So awful I finally just googled it.
Genes, thyroid issue, b12 deficiency..
So apart from genes, which could likely be, BUT I know from personal experience with my addiction that I suffered greatly always with deficient in B vitamins, particularly B12.
How long has Ryan actually be an addict for? I’m curious if it started eith Maci and Ryan still together and that’s why he was the way he was from very beginning…just Maci got pregnant and had to “sober” up amd just became an alcoholic cuz that’d way more acceptable today than being a druggie lol (not saying we accept it, just it’s more common to accept accessive drinking than anyone using drugs) as a recovering alcoholic, I see no difference in substance including sugar EXCEPT that they lead to different choices/outcomes but all are horrible for health.
I had health issues I had to recover from.amd really focus on ny diet right now.
I know, off topic but I guess this has been on my mind wanted to see other opinions.
Grey hair is not an issue in no way, but the fact since a teen and how awful he looks today?
“We can give him a B plus. That’s pretty good for Mr. Edwards” So, lets all applaud him (eyeroll). From a recovering addict, that is absolutely ridiculous. He should be busting his ass to get nothing short of an A+ but of course the B+ is something that needs to be celebrated. GTFO
And when people say, white men don’t fall upwardly. This is a perfect example.
Only Rhine could not parent or raise his first child, get addict to drugs, steal from his family, get married high, have 2 more children while in active addiction, relapse a million times, threaten to kill his first baby mom’s husband, try to kill his wife, destroy their home, go to jail again, leave rehab against his probation, violate his RO against his wife, be found dead on a curb and have to use two Narcan to revive him.
Then go back to jail, beg for a 101th chance, do “okay”, and everyone is like look at this hero.
Have you seen the movie 28 days eith Sandra bullock?
I watched in while in rehab in 2018.
28 days and someone’s healed???
Someone who has been on drugs since teen years us going to need a lot longer than 28 days and being released back into the same community eith same pressures people etc. It’s probably his family/childhood that drove him to begin using and they expect him to be all of sudden healed after 28 days in rehab??
Sorry for typos fat fingers, fast typer sometimes, that’s fueled by emotion ?
This was actually response to sirpoopsalot
I believe in rehabilitation. I believe that people change. I believe in a world where we work to hold people up to get the help they need. With all that said what is happening here is nothing short of injustice. He has no accountability nor a support system that is invested in him getting sober. This will end in someone dying at his hands. I fear for Mack and their kids. This has to be terrifying especially since I doubt the court will consider the well being of their kids when it comes to Ryan getting custody.
I do believe when you say that in this case someone will lose a life, I just hope it’s only Ryan’s at this point and not someone else as a result of his actions.
The judge and everyone else should then be sued, particularly the judge for all his public statements.
this is a travesty. everyone involved should be absolutely ashamed of themselves and the mockery they’ve made of the ‘justice’ system.
Looks like Mackenzie isn’t going to get a good nights sleep for a long time. I hope she has the money for a great alarm system, because even giant manbabies are slippery devils.
Ryan did a hell of a job on his house. I even heard he painted the walls with his on poop. Get ‘em Champ
Y’all so pissed about his light sentence. He’ll OD eventually, and no one will be around with the NARCAN, then you will all feel vindicated.
I don’t think anyone would feel vindicated if he OD. He has 3 kids to get better and to live for. An addict who’s sick like he is, needs a longer time in rehab than 28 days, To prevent an OD from happening, that’s common sense. There’s no accountability here.. he destroyed his children’s home, among other terrible things over the years.. I believe that’s what people are pissed about.
Light sentence, hard sentence, doesn’t matter. Junkies only stay clean when they choose it. He’ll go back to the junk as soon as he’s unsupervised.
My ex had to spend 6 months in rehab for his alcohol addiction & that was after his parents called the cops on him for threatening them. They asked for the rehab & he had the choice of either 6 months rehab or 6 months of jail. He tried to say after 30 days that he was better & could he be done with rehab & the judge said sure, but then you’ll spend the rest of your time in county jail. He stayed in rehab.
Rhine is an IV drug user. 28 days isn’t going to be enough for him. He needs at least a year in rehab before moving to a sober living situation. Rhine has tried rehab for 28 days like 6 times before and it didn’t work. If anything its worse now then ever.
They need to be harder on him and make him stay longer, like he’s suppose to serve a year in jail, okay put him in a rehab for a year then.
The last time her OD after leaving rehab against his court orders, the police found him dead and the EMT had to give him TWO NARCAN to revive him. And that was mere months ago.
This is literally life and death. Rhine has THREE children, he’s a POS, but his kids deserve a father.
People are mad that he’s been enabled for years which is how he got here. His parents want to bury it and pretend it’s not happening, his wife is delusional until it got turned on her, and his family and friends make excuse after excuse.
He needs help, not whatever this is.
Vivitrol/naltrexone should be OTC.
I feel like how public places keep defibrillators, they should keep NARCAN in the same place.
It’s a nasal spray, no injection. Just up the nose, squirt, and stand back.
? This?Is? Privilege?
I am So sick of the enabling. They are treating him like a 5 year old who agreed to pick up his toys. This is a GROWN MAN with 3 children. Even the judge is coddling him…..Pathetic!
That would be because the Judge & Rhine go way back. Its his friends dad!
Remember y’all he gets the shot now, so they think he’s “fixed”. If that was any of us, we’d still be sitting in jail… no rehab.. no half way house… but that’s what happens when mommy and daddy know the judge. What a disgrace. Tis is life though.. But you know who makes me even more sick than Ryan… the addict who’s sick… it’s Maci who has condoned his gross actions that were aimed towards his innocent children and made it about her…. I’m sure people will downvote this lol but it’s true
Each time I read an update about this I’m more pissed than the time before. He’s a POS that destroyed his kids’ home and threatened several people’s lives but he gets a pat in the back for staying sober for 4 months LMFAO and that comes from a judge that’s friends with his parents. This is the very definition of yt privilege and it’s embarrassing
Wonder if they let him “graduate early” again. Like this man needs to be in rehab for at least 1 year. He’s an IV drug user, why is everything believing that 28 days will fix anything.
So instead of going to jail, he’s continues to get special treatment. Enabled by the judge, enabled by his parents, enabled by his wife until he turned on her, enabled by Maci.
And when they keep wondering why he’s never going to change, we can keep point to all the people who helped him get there.
GTFOH! This is the problem! Ryan is a hardcore drug user. Most rehabs say they want you there for the full 90 days and sometimes longer. So this good ol’ boy judge decided to pay Ryan on the back for 28 days?! He is surrounded by enablers, the court is included. He gets away with his aggressive behavior yet again.
B plus? And 28 days? Cmon.
That’s an A+ for a rich white boy whose parents are friends with the judge.
This will not end well. 28 days? On his fourth or fifth stint? This judge likely just signed Ryan’s death certificate.
Mackenzie’s first.
He gets praise for 4 months sobriety? After over a decade of being a dead beat bum? Talk about doing the absolute bare minimum
Being in jail is expensive for the taxpayer there are drugs there and often no treatment. The guy needs longterm inpatient treatment. 6-12 months. I feel bad for Mackenzie and the children. Sounds like he really never got sober. Can only imagine being in your very early 20s, divorced already once, with 3 young kids and being a public person. Sure she stayed out of sheer embarrassment and has essentially been a single mom. Hope his parents get help themselves and start going to al-anon. Hope the kids get counselling as well. It’s probably been 10 years of pretty severe addiction. He should really move away if he wants to get sober longterm. He knows too many addicts and dealers around his area, is known as an addict in the area and is coddled by many.
So four months is his longest stretch of sobriety in “years and years”? That’s not exactly what the Edwards were claiming. Not surprised by any of it.
Why does this sound like a typical enabling from the judge? I don’t believe him A THING!