From defending their parenting to defending their right to post sexy-time pics, it’s been another busy week for the stars/former stars of the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise! In an effort to bring you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile.
Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that happened over the last few days…
Jenelle Evans Says It’s No Fair She’s Being Blamed For Her Son Jace Running Away

Jenelle’s son Jace went missing yet again this week, with the fired ‘Teen Mom 2’ star having to call the police to help her locate the 14-year-old after she was unable to find him after a few hours. Jace was found safe about 10 minutes away from The Land, but after the news of his latest escape attempt went public, Jenelle says she’s been inundated with negative comments about her parenting.
The Ashley will give you a moment to get over your shock…
Of course, this is the second time this month that the police have had to get involved to find Jace. Earlier this month, he was reported by county police as a missing juvenile after he bolted from his school. (He was found by search dogs later that day.)
Jenelle says she’s tired of taking the blame for what Jace does.

“A lot of my son’s actions is being pinned against me,” Jenelle, ever the wordsmith, said in a video posted to her Facebook page on Wednesday. “I’m getting a lot of hate, a lot of comments, it just keeps goin’ and goin’ and goin’! My son has been having a hard time for the past two or three years. None of this has gone public because we’re trying to keep his privacy.”
Jenelle stated that Jace had troubles long before he came to live on The Land. She also admitted that her mom, Barbara Evans, had a reason for giving Jenelle custody of Jace in March— and it wasn’t because she and Jenelle were suddenly getting along well, as Jenelle had stated at the time.
“Me and my mom, when she gave me custody, she’s like, ‘Oh, we’re just getting along, I’m just gonna give Jenelle back [custody of Jace],” Jenelle said. “Well there was a big reason behind why I got him back. For reasons we’re not going to discuss because, like I said, it’s my son’s privacy,”
(As The Ashley has reported, Barb was unable to deal with Jace’s behavior any longer, particularly after a few incidents that went down at her house. For general info on that, click here and here. The Ashley can confirm that Jace had run away before, even back when he was living with Barbara.)

Jenelle continued, “But I will say one thing: monitor your kids’ phones. If they’re teenagers and they have apps, they’re on Snapchat– Snapchat’s a bad one! Because, you know, I monitor my kid’s phone and sometimes they get in trouble, sometimes they need it taken away for the consequences for their actions, right?”
“My son is fine. He’s healthy and he’s safe,” Jenelle said later in the video. “Due to my son’s mental health, none of this is gonna be shared and I don’t want to really go into detail with anything. So if you could kindly please give us the privacy, and give my son the privacy, right now, I’d appreciate it.”

When someone suggested that Jace keeps running away to escape Jenelle and David’s on-the-swamp arguing, Jenelle said that’s not the case.
“Online arguing isn’t ‘shouting it outloud,'” Jenelle wrote. (And, no, that’s not a typo.) “If you were to ask the kids if they hear us argue they would say no cuz it’s always in text messages lol.”
Just weeks ago, Jenelle was online accusing David of being mean to her and stealing her debit cards, among other things. Now, however, she claims that her arguments with David are usually about who did more chores around the house.
“We argue about things like, ‘I do the dishes more than you fold clothes’… marriage stuff,” Jenelle wrote. “I’m just more vocal about my life and truthful than most creators.”

You can watch Jenelle’s video plea for everyone to “Leave me alooooooone!” below!
Tyler Baliterra Brags That Wife Catelynn Lowell is His Pimp

Tyler is making money by making sexy time content for his wife Catelynn to post. In a new interview, Ty bragged that Cate is now kind of like his pimp, since she is the one running his OnlyFans site and putting his X-rated pics on The Interwebs.
“She’s putting me out there,” Tyler told TooFab in a recent interview. “She’s pimping me out!”
Catelynn joked that she has no problem pimping out her husband, because it keeps her from having to get a job.
“I told him this for months, I said, ‘Start an OnlyFans and mama won’t have to work another day in her life.’ And so here we are,” Catelynn said.

Catelynn said she started Ty’s OnlyFans without his consent, but had been hinting that she was going to do it.

“I mean, she’s doing something right!” Tyler added. “It’s at almost [top] 2 percent of all the [OnlyFans] creators, so people are telling me that’s a good thing.”
“To be fair, I’m NOT doing p0rn at all!” Tyler wrote. “Cate is just sharing the stuff that I personally send to her lol! There’s no sex involved or even videos on the page she’s running. I didn’t go to a p0rn production company, hire adult film stars & crew, have sex on camera, pretend that it was some ‘leaked’ personal footage, or make genital molds to sell.”

Devoin Austin Was Evicted From His Apartment For Failing to Pay Rent

Devoin Austin was reportedly booted from his Davenport, Florida, apartment earlier this year after falling behind on his monthly rent and then allegedly refusing to leave the apartment.
According to The Sun, the ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ dad, who shares 11-year-old daughter Nova with ex Briana DeJesus, failed to pay the $1,683 he owed to his apartment’s management company on May 1. By the time he was issued a notice regarding the missed payment on May 23, the amount had increased to $2,203 due to late fees and other charges.
While Devoin reportedly had a three-day window to fulfill his monthly rent payment, he failed to do so, resulting in the May 23 notice that informed him he was being evicted.
Less than a month later, Devoin was issued a Forcible Entry and Detainer (FED) along with an additional fee of $200. (FEDs are reportedly issued by a property owner or landlord when a tenant either refuses to leave a rental property or is living in the residence without the owner’s permission.)

On June 21, a Writ of Possession was issued, telling the Polk County Sherriff to go into the apartment and remove anybody living in the apartment. (It is unknown if the cops had to forcibly remove Devoin, or if he finally left willingly.)
Devoin, who has openly struggled with and sought treatment for a gambling addiction, has yet to address his reported eviction or his current living situation; however, he has geotagged photos from multiple locations in Florida in recent months, hinting that he may have relocated.
As ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ fans know, Devoin’s money issues were recently a topic of conversation on the show. On last week’s episode, viewers watched as Devoin hit Briana up for some cash to pay for his car registration and drivers license, only to immediately cruise over to a strip club–- presumably via Uber–- armed with a fat stack of one dollar bills.

Tyler Baltierra Is Releasing His First Rap Single

Earlier this month, Tyler’s wife/pimp Catelynn Lowell shared a few clips of Tyler rapping about his troubled past. At the time, Tyler claimed that he had absolutely, positively no idea that Cate had taken his personal recordings public, but now he says he plans to release his musical stylings to the masses!
On Thursday, the ‘Teen Mom’ dad announced that he will releasing his first single— a tune called “Anybody”— next week.
“I honestly never thought this day would ever be a reality for me,” Tyler wrote on his post announcing his single, adding that he uses poetry and song-writing as a form of therapy.
“I was inspired by many close friends,” Tyler stated. “They saw something in my writing that maybe I never did at the time. They helped me find a new way to save myself again! They helped me find my new therapy & I’ve never felt this whole or this creatively complete before!”

“This music has literally SAVED MY LIFE! So I don’t have energy to care about whoever doesn’t like it (because I know there will plenty that don’t) & I truly have peace with that…because all that means, is that it just wasn’t meant for them & that’s only the universe working for me, not against me!” Tyler wrote.
Tyler added that Catelynn was the one who really encouraged him to go public with his music.
“I’m releasing my debut single called ‘Anybody’ on SEPT 6th,” Tyler stated. “I wrote it one night sitting in my car as I sobbed uncontrollably from how low I was feeling at the time. Maybe someone out there can relate? Regardless, I just want to thank you for allowing me to be who I am, I love all of you!”
When someone criticized Tyler on how much his voice was edited in the song, Tyler told the nay-sayer that very little editing was done on his voice in the song.
“I can assure you that I have not altered my voice at all besides some minor reverb & echo in the mix lol but I understand what you’re saying,” he responded. “However, most people do have different styles/characteristics in their ‘singing/performing’ voice vs their normal speaking voice.”
You can get a sample of Tyler’s music below.
To catch up on more recent ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
42 Responses
Where to begin with this…Catelynn saying she will manage his Only Fans page so she never has to work another day in her life is one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard. CATELYNN HAS NEVER WORKED!!! The only job Tyler ever had was delivering pizza. MTV needs to end this joke of a show….they aren’t teens anymore and none of them have any skills set to make it in the real world. Why is it that Tyler can do Only Fans anyway while doing this show???
It’s really quite a thing to have Jenelle claim that she’s protecting Jace’s privacy when literally his entire childhood is publicly viewable by her own choice….
I always feel like I need a good shower after reading anything Teen Mom related.
Never work ANOTHER day in her life? When did Cate work the first day?
Ever the wordsmith took me out ? Jenelles almost as bad as Farrah
Of course, it’s on you, Jenelle. You’re the parent and you (and Andrew) are the reason why Jace has never had any stability. Everyone called Jace being like this years ago because Jenelle made a total mess of his life. This is exactly what shitty parenting does to a kid.
Uhm, sure, Jan(elle). Also fighting with your husband via text, what kind of stupid fight is that?! Is that why you published it online?! Attention whores, both of you, and the kids are those who suffer.
Just STOP it Tyler. No one wants to see your used willy, no one wants to hear you rap…isn’t he a bit too young for a mid-life crisis?! Also Cate, “pimping” your husband so that you don’t have to work isn’t the kind of achievement you think it is. And it’s also a bit hypocritical. I know he knows you post but like…sharing intimate photos he posts you? Like…why?!
Devoin seemed like he was getting his life back on track. Oh well.
Cate & Ty are weird.
Of course cates not getting on only fans with him because people aren’t going to pay to barf
It’s sad to say but I think Jace is going down the wrong path and this is going to end badly for him.
As for Catelynn and Tyler I had really hoped they would break the cycle of addiction, lack of a work ethic or career goals of their parents, and become productive members of society. When they started they wanted to be adoption counselors I thought “wow, that’s good they can help others and show them a better life as well.’ Sadly that didn’t happen
I’m gonna venture here and say Jenelle is past the time to reign in Jace. 14 is too old to try to discipline or correct him.
He’s down a path started long ago and unless he himself has some dramatic epiphany.. he’s gonna to follow this path to the end.
Look at folks like Jenelle Amber, Valerie… by 14, they were well on their way to their future. Skipping school,then it was partying, then…
Plus their idiots & would have no idea how to do it healthily & no initiative to figure it out as a parent. Its sad
Oh no. Screaming and throwing tantrums is discipline. “Taking away phones”. Real tough love there.
It really is sad.
It’s crazy bc we were there as viewers since the beginning and watched it happen. We watched every mistake this girl made and every time she chose not to be a parent to that baby.
He deserved better
I’ll bet Jace has already experimented with alcohol and mj…at such a young age. Nothing wrong with either as an adult, but not as a child. Something isn’t right…counseling may be beneficial to Jace as well as taking his meds. We all know what pos his parents are, so I’m not even going to start.
Jenelle is a disgusting moron. If course it falls on you and you lack of parenting from birth. Big sister shouldn’t be blamed. Boohoo.
All these people are nuts
If all the sunshine, confidence, and self-help smoke Cate and Tyler are blowing up people’s asses was actually doing any good for either of them, they’d get offline and go be productive members of society. And pay their taxes.
Cate will never have to work another day? When has she ever worked?? Lol
Lol exactly… she’s never worked a real job a day in her life..
Let’s not pretend that women are buying his p0rn content. Women don’t buy dick pics. Women aren’t going to send this guy 9.99 a month for dick pics. We aren’t. Time to be honest about that.
Remember when Tyler sang that one time and he sounded like a cross between Cher and Kermit the Frog? Good times
Ahh.. Very true!! So his main followers will be…. **drum roll***…………Guys..
C&T will try just anything besides getting a job?
Also, poor poor Jace.
So gross. Who wants to see the egotistical and desperate for money parents of 4 little children doing nudies? Your poor children will be mercilessly ridiculed. Maybe Jace is running away trying to reach Michigan so he can warn them. Did ya ever think Janelly and her chupacabra swamp hubby would seem like the most normal couple in the bunch? All of these jerks give ferret a hard time, then they follow suit! It’s as if she has them hypnotized!
Tyler. You’re so full of ?. Your song, you wrote as you were sitting in your car sobbing? Between sobs, you wrote a song? You say you have anxiety and feel like a freak? Having nudie pics on only fans is surely not going to help with that! How do your little girls feel about it? They are going to be teased mercilessly at school and in the neighborhood. We liked you better when you were an immature little teenager. You and Cait have grown up to be two of the strangest people on tellyvision. Strange and unlikeable. You still think you’re above Ferret because she does hers differently than you do? You’re no better, none of you are.
Right. If you have to qualify the differences, there are none.
Ok they don’t have a film crew. Big deal. They didn’t call pros in to film. Ok. The only reason he doesn’t have a 3 inch plaster caster is bc no one has offered to make one
They both would sell themselves to the highest bidder. Anything other than getting a job or actually working.
Yall, I just had a thought.
What if this continues, but Jace really gets kidnapped or hurt (by someone not David or Jenelle), but he’s not reported cuz they’re afraid of backlash, again?
Jenelle, if you want to protect your kid’s privacy, why are you plastering his business everywhere to make excuses for your lack of (and bad) parenting?
Also what Care and Tyler are doing is gross and an awful example to their kids. Get actual jobs and have some dignity
Can Brandon and Teresa take the other 3 not Carley’s?
Lol yessss… although you’re comment is so true, it made me laugh.. thank you..
Funny how Jace has ran away from Barb and yet it wasn’t plastered on TMZ until he was with Jenelle. Also, you know if it had made the news, Jenelle would have blasted her mom and blamed her for Jace running away.
Maybe because Barb didn’t get the police involved?
Or run to TMZ…
That doesn’t even come close to being Tylers voice ???
No it doesn’t.. it’s definitely more than just an “little” edited.. if I had editing like that I could sound good too. GIVE ME A BREAK..
Catelynn is acting like Tyler’s porn is the reason she doesn’t have to work ? sis we all know you haven’t worked in over a decade stop making excuses.
Also, EW!
So your pimp out, your husband, in front of your children, so you don’t have to have a job? WTF! No wonder they don’t let you see your kid.
What happened to her Eye brow job?
What was there besides the microblading? Did she work at a pizza place at some point?
Ty worked at a pizza place in one season, while Cate worked at a boutique of some kind. There was also her vet tech career a few seasons ago, before the micro blading, and I can’t remember what else.
But nothing remotely even close to the adoption counselors, or whatever BS they said they were going to do!! A lot like Leah, going to be a nurse or some other career but then the realization that school actually takes time, and is a lot of work, and we know they are ALL allergic to actual work!!
I’m frustrated for Briana after reading about Devoin’s behavior. He has seemed to be there for both girls, basically their only father figure.