Andrew Lewis– Absentee Father of Jenelle Evans’ Son Jace— Begs Jace to Call Him: “You Ran Away, We Need to Talk!”

“I’ve got my TracPhone all charged up and I’ve got minutes now– call me up, Jace!” 

Andrew Lewis says he wants his troubled teen son Jace to reach out to him.

The long-lost baby daddy of former Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans sent a video message to the boy (via The Sun), begging Jace to contact him.

“Look Jace, man, alright you’re 14 years old. I heard that you ran away twice…I told your grandma and I told your mom that I’ll always be here,” Andrew said. “They both said that, once you turn a teenager, I would be allowed to talk to you. Well, now is the time.”

Jace— who (in Andrew’s words) “turn a teenager” last year— has had no contact with his dad since he was an infant. Still, Andrew feels that Jace should be able to come to him to discuss his recent troubles, which include two attempts to run away.

“You ran away, we need to talk, man!” Andrew said. “I tried to get in touch with your mom, I tried to get in touch with your grandma. Still no availability after 14 years. So I’m just letting you know, the only way I can reach out to you is the media. You wanna talk, you wanna see me, you want to Zoom, we can do whatever you want. I’m right here.”

“You can’t miss me! I’ll be the one who looks like they bought their wardrobe at the Spirit Halloween store!”

As The Ashley previously reported, Jace ran away at least twice in August. The first attempt happened at the teen’s school and resulted in the cops sending search dogs out to find him. He was eventually located and the Missing Juvenile alert put out for him was cancelled. Weeks later, Jace went missing from Jenelle’s home on The Land. He was located a few hours later at a gas station about 10 minutes from the Eason’s swampy abode. 

This is not the first time Andrew has used The Sun to talk about Jace and claim that the teen is being kept from him. In April, he did a series of interviews with the outlet, begging Jenelle and Barb to allow him to see his son.

“Jenelle, Barbara, just let me see him. Let me see Jace,” Andrew pleaded. “Let me talk to him. Give me something. This is no more MTV bulls**t, this is reality. Stop living on cloud nine and fall the f**k down to reality, because that’s where you’ve been living. I’m not trying to be rude to you.”

“Is there someone who can translate that for me? I can’t unda-stand what the hell this kid is sayin’!”

While Andrew has not been physically present in Jace’s life, he has apparently been consistent in his child support payments for the boy. He had been paying child support to Barbara since she obtained custody of Jace in 2010. After Jenelle regained custody of Jace in March, Andrew’s child support payments have gone to her. (In April, The Sun reported that Andrew is paying Jenelle $365 a month for Jace.) 

“I saw the kid TWICE at the hospital when he was born. Doesn’t that count for something?!”

The Ashley broke the news earlier this week that Jenelle filed for a protective order against her mother on September 1, asking a judge to ban Barbara from speaking to— or seeing— her and her kids, including Jace. In court documents obtained by The Ashley, Jenelle tells the judge that she needs a restraining order for her and her kids because Barbara has caused them all “emotional distress” by speaking to the media about them.

Jenelle also feels that her family is “in danger” because of Barbara.

The estranged mother/daughter duo will face off in court next week, where a judge will decide whether or not Jenelle will be granted the restraining orders she’s requesting.

As of press time, Jenelle and Barbara had not commented publicly on Andrew’s message to Jace. 

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Jenelle Evans Says She & Her Kids Are “In Danger” Because Of Her Mom Barbara; Is Angry That Barbara Talks to Their ‘Teen Mom 2’ Producer About Her & More

28 Responses

  1. I feel like we are going to see a Dateline episode with all parties involved sooner rather than later.

  2. Imagine being Jace, and your parents are Jenelle and this clown named Andrew, and your one time stepdad was Courtland Rogers, your current stepdad is quite literally the devil in the flesh, and your once (almost) stepdad was Nathan. Poor kid. I’d be constantly running away too if I were him…try to escape the chaos for a little.

  3. Wait does everyone forget when Andrew showed up on TM and was talking to his weird friend about wanting to party with jace?!? Then he stood babs up, no call no text no nothing… then claimed a big emergency with the perfect storm of everything lining up to be unable to contact anyone?
    This is not the behaviour of stability.
    Andrew ain’t it for jace. Cuz one sniff of ❄️ and it’s a slippery ride to rock bottom.

  4. This guy has been a dooche since the beginning! Get off your a$$ and go see your son. If you’re paying support you have rights. Don’t wait until it’s too late to act. David will need that boy up!

  5. Didn’t I say this guy will come back and try to make Jace live with him?! Lol, so predictable. How come this guy is just interested in talking to his son NOW?! Btw, he is old enough now, he can make his own decisions so if he will really want to talk to you, he will reach out, I’m sure he knows there is a way even with his crazy mother watching his every step. (But not careful enough considering he ran away TWICE!)

    Jace is DOOMED with these two as his parents. I fear Jenelle will be first on 32 and grandma.

    1. Jace should be when he wants that himself. When Jace is not interested, no.
      Andrew could have asked the court for visitation in the past 14 years.
      And he could have been able to pay for it when he would have had his shit together.

    2. No I think he should speak with his dad.

      His mother is not his friend nor does she have his best interests in mind.

      Jenelle will never let it happen bc she fears for the secrets that he’ll tell. Shes not worried about Jace, shes worried about her own ass.

  6. I’d normally never suggest giving a loser like this another chance, but at this point he’s the lesser of two evils compared to the Easons. He’s managed to pay child support for fourteen years and I don’t recall him having any arrests for drugs or violence. He’d still be a shitty parent, no doubt, but Jace would have a better chance of survival with him than in the Swamp.

  7. Andrew, you’re a piece of shit (like all the “caregivers” in Jace’s life), and don’t even fucking lie and say his soon-to-be MTV money has zero to fucking do with your sudden concern for your flesh and blood. You’re a scumbag, and I feel so sad for Jace. Fuck off. And go back to “modeling” in China you scuzzy dirtbag.

    Ditto to Jenelle. And David. Minus the modeling part. Ass-wads, all of you!

  8. Andrew has been consistent about child support and we never heard of him being violent towards anybody. That alone makes him better than David. Maybe they should give him a try. Barbara can’t handle Jace and Jenelle clearly doesn’t know or care about how to do it. Maybe Jace needs a slightly less POS father figure.

  9. I honestly don’t know who is worse… Jenelle and David or Andrew. Jenelle and Andrew have both been absent and unreliable parents up until now.

  10. Maybe, just maybe this guy has changed? At least he is reaching out and asking for time with Jace. I know he was a sleezball , but he paid the child support all these years. Could he possibly be a better person, who wants to look after this poor boy? God knows Jenelle and David have failed this boy. Could he perhaps step up? I hope so. Maybe he tried to be more involved, and Duhnelle kept him away? Someone needs to be a hero.

  11. Jenelle, same Jenelle who is taking her 70 yo mom to court for talking about Jace and wants her to turn in any weapon she might has shared private information about Jace. Claims she was at the school and going trough Jace’s phone with the police cause Jace was being bullied online when he bolted at school.
    First Jace was mad his phone was taken away from him, now it’s bullying all of a sudden.

  12. I’d say the junkie bum should be the last person Jace should talk to but maybe he needs to.

    Whatever is going on in that house is bad. Jenelle knows if Jace tells Andrew, it’s going to the press immediately.

    I have the feeling, based on the custody dealings of 2019, that those 2 are untouchable in their county.

  13. He is such a fucking clown. He is a stranger to Jace. IF he truly wanted to be a loving and consistent father he would have pulled his head out of his ass and fought for Jace. It makes me sad and angry that there isn’t one adult that doesn’t have an ulterior motive for being there for Jace. I don’t think that Jenelle ever truly wanted to raise him, she just wanted to win against Barb. UBT damn sure didn’t want him. I don’t think Barb was grandma of the year but I do think she wants what is best for Jace even though she can’t provide it either.

  14. Poor Jace. I feel terrible for him. I remember the shot of him as a toddler, staring out the storm door as his mom ran off while his grandma was screaming. That’s been his entire life: screaming chaos. He doesn’t have a chance & he must be really going through it now that he’s getting old enough to understand his family is crazy trash. I hope he finds a reliable and trustworthy adult in his life.

  15. It feels wrong for all of Jace’s teen struggles to be news…. the same way it feels wrong for Bentley’s struggle with his dad to be exploited by Maci. These kids are teens now and the kids at their school are probably relentless. They need their privacy.

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