Micah Plath is spilling the beans on what may have contributed to his brother Ethan‘s split from his wife Olivia.
As The Ashley previously told you, Oliva and Ethan recently announced via Instagram statements that they are ending their marriage. While both indicated that the split was amiable and that they were ending things due to simply outgrowing each other, Micah let a juicy nugget of gossip slip during his appearance on Watch What Happens Live on Monday.
Micah— who was serving as the episode’s bartender— was questioned by host Andy Cohen about a variety of things, including his fundamentalist upbringing. Andy eventually shifted the conversation to Ethan and Olivia’s split, mentioning that there had been “rumors” online that Ethan had cheated on Olivia.
Micah hesitated for a moment, before telling Andy that, “No, I would honestly say that it would most likely be the other way around,” insinuating that it was actually Olivia who had cheated.
Olivia and Ethan have not yet commented publicly on Micah’s statement. (You can watch the clip from ‘WWHL’ below.)
Welcome to Plathville star Micah Plath discusses how his life has changed due to the show’s popularity. #WWHL pic.twitter.com/UfsvOQHyRx
— WWHL (@BravoWWHL) October 31, 2023
Micah (and most of the other Plaths) have made it no secret that they’re not fans of Olivia. During the Season 5 premiere of ‘Welcome to Plathville,’ Micah (as well as his sister Moriah and parents Kim and Barry) chatted about the negative effects they feel Olivia has had on Ethan.
“She’s always talked crap,” Micah said. “And Ethan has, I really feel like he’s absorbed all of that.”
“You know what it’s called? It’s called brainwashing,” Barry replied.
‘Welcome to Plathville’ Season 5 is currently airing on TLC.
RELATED STORY: It’s Over! ‘Welcome to Plathville’ Stars Olivia & Ethan Plath Confirm They’ve Split: “It Just Didn’t Work Between Us”
11 Responses
Ethan and Olivia needed a marriage counselor; it’s to bad that they didn’t know or didn’t seek out help to save their marriage
Honestly, I would not be surprised if Ethan becomes a strong value Christian again. You can tell that stepping out of the faith was 100% Olivia’s idea, she just need someone else to drag with her. She was an adult when she married so she didn’t need to get married, she could’ve broke up with him, and simply just start living her life.Olivia needed Ethan’s money in order to do that, I really feel bad for the guy hopefully his next partner will treat him with respect and his next relationship will not be one side.
Thank Goodness!!! I can’t stomach one more season of Olivia’s whining, crying, complaining, bitching and acting like Ethan is abusing her so she can get her way!!! Olivia and Kim actually deserve each other they both cheat on their spouses and act like the victims. I was so happy Micah set the record straight on WWHL that it was Olivia who cheated not Ethan! Olivia was treated horribly by Kim, however, she has punished Ethan for years over something he didn’t do and Olivia is the cheater!!! Welcome to Plathville is now a bunch of horribly rotten people who are self absorbed, cruel and mean to the very people they supposedly once loved. Kim Plath went from holding Barry’s hand on their walks all the time to what a horrible person he was, yeah, right! Call it like it is Kim, Barry took the kids away for a week and you stayed behind because you and Ken we’re already together than you wanted out immediately! Barry was SHOCkED! Moriah has found God again, however, blocks Ethan because Moriah lied about Olivia stealing her music money and rather than hear the truth she blocks Ethan who has ALWAYS, ALWAYS HAD MORIAHS BACK! I bet Moriah won’t have Ethan back through his divorce, however, when Max cheated on Moriah she couldn’t do her chores around their rented house in Florida. Moriah didn’t pay her bills she dumped it on Ethan, Moriah used Ethan for months and months when her boyfriend hurt her. Ethan has a real marriage that is over but Moriah like Kim only thinks of herself!!! By the way, when you sing Moriah you need to sing loud enough for people to hear the words!
The only Plath’s I like anymore are Ethan, Barry and younger kids. Olivia was treated like absolute crap by Kim Plath and that’s a fact! Moriah and Micah used Olivia and Ethan for everything when they we’re still living at home and they both spoke horribly about their parents – Now their blaming Olivia for everything! In the meantime, Olivia simply can’t stop living in the past and like Moriah, Olivia ALWAYS HAS TO HAVE HER WAY! I hate to break this news alert to them…. Many, many, many of us in the world grew up in horrific circumstances much worse than theirs and guess what? We deal with it and move on!!! Moriah and Olivia are spoiled, thoughtless, horrible people who only want their way
and have no tolerance for people who disagree with them. Olivia made sure Ethan sold his house, spent summer in Europe, Olivia spent as much of Ethan’s money as possible before cheating on him and wanting a divorce. Olivia had no respect for Ethan feelings even bullying him into that stupid tattoo to prove his love for her and now that will cost him $$$ to have removed (she knew he really didn’t want it). I look forward to Ethan falling in love with someone who deserves him and having a family one day soon. God help the two men who end up with Olivia or Moriah. Olivia can leave the show now because there will be no Plath’s to blame and cry about. I really enjoyed the first couple seasons of this show – now they have shown their true colors. I went from hating Barry to liking him and always loved Ethan. The others especially, Moriah who I used to really like I can’t stand her whining, complaining, her attitude everything about her, Moriah is horrible!!! Good luck Ethan you truly deserve love!!!
Barry talking about brainwashing. He is one to talk.
The family did what they could to break them up so I am sure they are rejoicing.
Olivia can do better.
Imagine marrying the first boyfriend/girlfriend you ever had. And that’s after living an extremely sheltered life. It’s no wonder they are divorcing as grown adults now. Had they actually dated and lived together for a couple years, they would have realized then how incompatible they actually are. They both can move on and find healthier relationships
Exactly! It’s how I realized me and my ex aren’t right for each other after a few years (I did grow up with a religious background but drifted away from it through the years…)
I married my first and only love. I had not dated or anything before my husband. For some people there really is a one true love.
Well, there you go!
Since this came from Sophia, and she was right about them divorcing, I’m betting it’s true.
So much for Olivia’s relationship with her sister! Who does she have left? Just the chinchilla, I guess. :p
She hasn’t had a relationship with her sister Sophia since forever. She’s been back in touch with her sister Lydia grace but that’s a different sister.
And it’s a hedgehog not a chinchilla. Regardless, Olivia is a manipulative fake bitch. And a cheater!