Teen Mom star Ryan Edwards will reportedly remain on probation after pleading guilty to driving under the influence (DUI) and drug possession charges stemming from the father of three’s April overdose and subsequent arrest.
According to The Sun, Ryan appeared in court Monday, where it was proposed by a lawyer for the District Attorney’s Office that Ryan’s probation be reinstated with “11 months and 29 days time served.” Ryan is also required to continue undergoing drug tests (administered in Chattanooga, Tennessee).
As The Ashley previously told you, Ryan was sentenced to one year in jail after leaving his first rehab stay early, and in April, he was found unconscious in his truck after allegedly snorting a substance and passing out. (Emergency responders had to administer Narcan, a medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose, and were luckily able to revive him before rushing him to the hospital.)
After he successfully completed a 28-day treatment program in Tennessee, Ryan was ordered to go to the rehab’s halfway house. The judge allowed Ryan to take furlough from his year-long jail sentence to go to the rehab and halfway house; he currently resides at the latter.
The Ashley exclusively revealed last week that Ryan was busted October 7– while on furlough– for reckless driving and two other charges after he was allegedly caught driving 145 mph in a 65 mph zone near his parents’ Tennessee home. Ryan was also charged with “Failure to Exercise Due Care,” which is a Class C misdemeanor in Tennessee. (Reckless Driving is a Class B misdemeanor.)
While Ryan only received a citation for his recent actions, a lawyer for the state argued that the incident showed that Ryan was not taking his probation seriously.

“Why was he not taken to jail? It should’ve been reckless endangerment,” the DA said. “I don’t think [Ryan is] ready to succeed on any probation. I expressed concern to CADAS (Council for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services) that he is not ready to take probation or bond conditions seriously.”
Ryan’s new relationship with girlfriend Amanda Connor, whom he met at the halfway house, was also cited as an example of how Ryan is not taking the situation very seriously. (According to The Sun, Ryan’s mom Jen Edwards, who was present in the courtroom on Monday along with Ryan’s father Larry, rolled her eyes when Ryan’s girlfriend was mentioned.)
Despite the expressed concerns, the DA went on to say that because facts and a report from Ryan’s halfway house “indicate Mr. Edwards is doing well, the state has made this agreement.”
Judge Gary Starnes ultimately ruled that on his original probation, Ryan be reinstated for 11 months and 29 days suspended, with level two random drug screens. Regarding his DUI charge, Ryan was also fined $465 (plus court costs), is required to attend DUI school and has lost his license for one year. Judge Starnes went on to dismiss the possession of a controlled substance case, admitting he was “very hesitant” to approve the plea agreement due to Ryan’s recent actions.
“I’m very hesitant to approve it. You going 145 in a 65 doesn’t show me remorse and the ignorance of doing something like that is beyond me,” he said Monday in court. “I don’t know how you didn’t kill somebody.
“I don’t want to approve this,” Judge Starnes continued. “You have to give the court a comprehensive follow-up plan. There have been hiccups the entire world knows about.”

The Judge noted that Ryan has done “well” (sobriety-wise) through the help of Vivitrol injections (which curb addiction cravings) and counseling, though the judge warned him to make better choices going forward.
“You haven’t been good in your personal life,” he said. “You’re looking at three years in custody. If you get on your motorcycle and decide you want to do it again, three years is a long time.”
Ryan’s next hearing is set for December 5.
RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! ‘Teen Mom’ Star Ryan Edwards Caught By Cops Allegedly Driving 145 mph in 65 mph Zone While on Furlough From Jail; Cited For Reckless Driving & Other Crimes
(Photos: MTV)
45 Responses
All of these enablers are going to be the death of Rhine. When people don’t have consequences, they continue their shitty behavior, and we’re seeing it in real time with Rhine and the people around him.
Ryan you are a loser boy.
This is what enabling looks like. Enabling from his parents, enabling from judges who just so happen to be family friends. Would he even care enough to try sobriety if it wasn’t for the shot? Unfortunately, I am not sure. He has the mentality of and behaves like a spoiled and coddled 16 year old. Unfortunately, in certain circumstances he seems to be treated like one too. I really hope he wakes up and truly gets himself on the path to a better life. I actually think he should have been put back in jail for this.
This man will never face accountability, so he will keep doing it.
He lost his license for a year and has to take a course and <$500 fine. And dismissing the possession of a controlled substance case, lol. Wow! What a consequence.
At this point Rhine doesn't care, so it's time to stop doing what's in Rhine's best interest and start doing what's in the best interest of the public. Put this man in jail so he can't hurt anyone else. He doesn't care, the judge told him its clear Rhine doesn't care, so why does he keep getting a chance? LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!
Of course, his parents roll their eyes, they are like we can't see any of our grandchildren since this moron we had keeps f*cking up, so if he knocks up this addict then we can have a do-over baby.
I can't believe the halfway house is even allowing a relationship, most forbid them and actually kick you out if you do.
Not that it’s an excuse at all, but as a struggling addict and alcoholic, that speed provides a rush. Maybe he should like race stock cars or something non a track and not in residential type neighborhoods
He should not be behind the wheel of ANY vehicle, period. He shouldn’t even be on this side of bars.
He should be locked up, for a good long while.
And yes, you are making excuses, stop. Addiction or not, he and only he is responsible for the choices he makes.
Are we surprised?
He drove wasted on tv to his wedding.
Great job MTV & Morgan Freeman
Wow! This guy gets more second chances than anyone I’ve ever seen! Well, except maybe David the dog killer/child abuser! Judges sure go soft on these two losers!
You haven’t met my kids father lol
Ryan won’t stop till he’s in a coffin.
Ryan feels invincible.
I feel for Bentley because Ryan will.be dead within the next year.
His ignorance continues to grow from these little slaps on the wrists.
@destination ~ TBF, rhine really hasn’t been much of a dad to bentley, like at all.
OF COURSE it’s sad and life-changing to lose your dad (at any age, but esp as a kid) ~ but bentley’s day-to-day would prob not be that different. ??♀️
(not sure how involved, if at all, he currently is with his 2️⃣ kids w/mack)
as for this judge ~ ???
I feel bad for his kids with Mack, Bentley has a father.
Taylor has been there for Bentley since he was a toddler. Bentley doesn’t think of Rhine like a dad, at best his loser uncle.
Mack’s children right now don’t have a father, but she also knew he was an addict when she married him…. still not the kids’ fault.
How long do we think it will be before, at a minimum, Ryan is back in court for driving on a suspended license? I’m betting he starts driving immediately and is caught within 3 months. Also, do we think Jen rolled her eyes because she doesn’t like the girlfriend or because she thought the DA mentioning the girlfriend was unfair? Genuinely curious to see what you guys think on that one.
Let’s just hope that he’s caught and gets those 3 years, because I don’t see him living for another two years.
He doesn’t understand consequences. Him losing his kids was never a reason to.
Often it’s enough for at least addicts to admit they have an issue and at least try to work on themselves. Ryan has been detached since before Bentely was born.
I hope the court takes this “latest” last chance it is giving Ryan seriously this time. Ryan has basically been told that if he decides to drive with a suspended license, he will be given 3 years in jail. In light of all of the circumstances, this is MORE than fair. FAR more. If he makes another choice that continues to prove how little he cares about what he has done, the Court needs to step in and deliver real consequences. Without the option to reduce the sentence by jumping through a hoop the size of Tennessee.
When this filthy junkie finally DOES kill someone, it WILL BE on this judge and friend of the ignorant enablers in his life JEN AND LARRY…IT WILL BE ON YOU JEN/LARRY and their dirty judge GRIEND???
I will be downvoted to oblivion for this, but I don’t give a shit. Some of the commenters have literally zero empathy and phrase things in the cruelest, most offensive ways possible. You don’t have to like Ryan or approve of his choices. I don’t like Ryan OR approve of his choices. You don’t need to call him a filthy junkie. It’s offensive to anyone and everyone who has ever had a drug problem and makes light of a serious disease that takes lives. Educate yourself on the roots and history of drug addiction and stop making petty, offensive comments where the meaning behind the comment gets lost in all of that hate. IDGAF what anyone says, you need to do better.
It’s time for tough love Sarah! Coddling and being kind will not work. He needs locked up so he doesn’t kill someone’s or himself. For the love of God this man spread his sh$& on the walls of his home. This guy needs prison!
I also want to follow-up to add that my understanding of Vivitrol is that it does more than simply curb cravings. It literally blocks you from being able to get high and is a wonderful tool for addicts who WANT to get better. It’s a monthly shot that blocks opiates, but it cannot be taken forever and will do nothing to prepare an addict long-term if he or she doesn’t do the work required while on the shot. That shot is literally saving Ryan’s life right now. I fear for his future if he cannot do the work now and set himself up for success for when he inevitably has to stop taking the shot.
A friend of mine from university was on Vivitrol to get sober from alcohol (it can be used for both alcohol and opioid addiction). It doesn’t just block you getting high or drunk. If you use while on it, you’ll get dreadfully sick. Think the worst stomach bug you’ve ever had in your life. You can’t take it long term though. You are right. My friend only took the shots for three months to get her body through the worst phase of alcohol withdrawal. But long term use can cause liver damage. And while you can’t get addicted to the drug itself like you can methadone, you can get addicted to the “crutch effect.” You develop a fear of being without it because my friend’s cravings did return after use. You have to be sure to work your program or it won’t help you much. I really don’t see Ryan having that commitment to sobriety. You can’t really say someone is making progress on their addiction struggle until you see how they do once they are off the drug. That’s why the judge’s comments make zero sense. That drug is just the first step.
Exactly this. Hard to gauge how Ryan is doing because he is on Vivitrol. The best way to measure how he is doing is through modifications in his behavior and thought process. Based on his latest antics, it appears he is NOT progressing the way he should. For instance, any rehab will tell you to wait one year into being sober to start a relationship. Ryan waited how long?! Oh, that’s right…one week. Coupled with the insane speeding charge, all signs point to the Vivitrol forcing his sobriety against his will. As opposed to him choosing the Vivitrol as a tool to assist with the sobriety he wants independent of the drug. Seems like the court forced him into rehab, and rehab basically forced the Vivitrol. It is very sad. I hope Ryan stops the foolishness and uses his time on Vivitrol to improve his mental health and life. But I don’t see this ending well for him if he doesn’t change.
Isn’t it the medication that if you take it while you have drugs in your system it can kill you?
You have to be drug-free for a week before starting.
Yes, this is true. But a week is not very long to establish a pattern in terms of sobriety. Vivitrol saves lives and has helped many people I. Their journey to sobriety (from what I have seen). But it won’t help in the long run if the person is not committed and doesn’t not take the steps needed to pursue long term sobriety. Ryan needs to truly want this and to address the underlying issues fueling his addiction if he has any hope of staying sober long term.
She wants more grandbabies since they have all been taken from her.
So if he can get this active addict (like she was arrested not that long ago with drugs in her system) pregnant she can have her do-over baby.
I think Jen clings to Rhine because he’s her only child, but if she had other kids, she probably wouldn’t have supported him this long.
I think Larry has been over all of Rhine’s sh*t for years now and would have dropped him if it wasn’t for Jen.
The entire justice system is so messed up, honestly. While there are some areas where some states do okay (they can always do better) this is one area that every single state gets completely wrong.
One DUI should cost you your license for, at a minimum, 10 years. That should give you enough time to learn your lesson. It should also come with jail time-minimum 120,FULL,days probation for 5 years, restitution and community service to be served out with an accident clean up company so they can SEE what happens.
If you get a second, 5-10 years jail(full, not halved, quartered or lessened at all), license gone forever, probation for 10 years after release and permanent community service. Anything beyond that, life in prison, no parole, you’re done.
I give no fucks whatsoever how that messes up anyone’s life. It’s not a mistake to drive impaired. It’s not just a screw up. It’s not a victimless crime. It doesn’t matter if the person is an addict, has mental health issues (both of which can be worked on and dealt with while they serve time and deal with their punishment) or any other potentially “mitigating circumstance”.
STOP giving these assholes a slap on the wrist all the time. You’re just giving them more opportunity to kill someone. Do we let serial killers out of jail after a few days, hand them a weapon and introduce them to their next victim? No, because that’s asinine and absolutely insane to even picture. But we seem to have no issue at all allowing assholes like this control of a very powerful, moving, weapon, without a care in the world what they do with it.
Ugh, this is a sore spot for me (one of my daughters lost her mom to an impaired driver, it hits home, hard). Maybe we should make some of these judges and law makers actually face the consequences of letting douchebags like Ryan and anyone else who EVER drives impaired get off so easily. They pretend like they know the consequences of these actions and how these criminals affect others, but their rulings seem to say more of “welp, ya did it again, didn’t ya, stop doing that, now go, be free to do it again”. This judge is a moron and should lose his seat. He KNOWS it was a bad call to accept the plea and the worst part is, he doesn’t have to, but is CHOOSING to. The law allows him to not accept it and hold Ryan accountable, but, god forbid anyone do that…he’s “an addict” after all, we need to coddle him.
Sorry for you & your daughters loss.
There’s a new law in Texas that I wish was adopted everywhere, that if you kill someone while driving drunk/on drugs and they have children, you have to pay child support to the victim’s family until the child(ren) is(are) 18 or graduated high school.
And the child support is based on the child’s needs not on what the criminal can pay, so if they need to get a second job or a third, well maybe they should have thought about that before they got in that car drunk.
Driving inebriated is one of the most selfish behaviors, in this day and age there is no reason for it to happen.
Truly sorry for your loss.
How can a defendant pay for child support for the victims family if they are in prison for 10-15 years? I suppose they could garnish the wages when their in prison but they only make like $1 an hour or so. This law doesn’t make sense.
Fucking loser. He’s going to kill someone. I have no sympathy for junkies. Go already, just go.
I’d love to see the ruling record of this judge. How many others that have faced him in court has been afforded such leniency..I’d guess not many.
Is Ryan still in court again on Wednesday for the 145mph speeding?
This judge needs to be removed. He refuses to hold Ryan accountable for ANYTHING.
This Judge is absolutely ridiculous. I don’t know how it’s even legal to have your Judge be a family friend, but either way, he’s making a joke of the legal system. I know Ryan is a grown adult and whether he lives or dies is solely his own responsibility. But when he does die, this Judge should feel like he has some blood on his hands. This is not a “second chance” – this is like his ninth or tenth chance by now. And not once has he ever followed the plan set by the Judge for his probations or rehabs or whatever “punishments” he gets.
Ryan admitted to Dr. Drew that he was trying to kill himself with the last OD where they brought him back with Narcan, and I’m guessing going 145 miles per hour was his second attempt. There’s no other reason to go that fast. These stupid probations and drug testing are USELESS and the Judge knows it. If he actually cared about Ryan or even just the parents, he would’ve refused to accept the plea deal, at minimum. This is not even a slap on the wrist, it’s a gentle tap on the wrist. Wild.
Because it’s up to the judge to decide if he has a conflict of interest, and he’s decided that he doesn’t, so he doesn’t need to recuse himself.
Rhine lives in small town, its like career suicide if one of the DAs questions the judge’s conflict or interest because this isn’t the only case they have that day in front of that judge. So they all know if wack, but they can’t do anything unless they want to jeopardize the 20 other cases they are currently working on with this judge.
Judges are elected by politicians are pretty hard to get rid of once they are on the bench.
The only way I could see, if Rhine does hurt/k!ll someone and the family sue the judge personally, then maybe I could see him being held accountable, but probably not.
What judge will do that for his colleague, because it puts them up for the same scrutiny? The people who could hold them accountable aren’t because it might hold them accountable too.
Our entire justice system needs a re-write.
This is all a big joke. He doesn’t give a crap about others and doesn’t care if he offs someone because of their reckless behavior
Ryan’s never cared about anyone other than himself…
Djeez!When will he get any real consequences for his actions?? He always gets away with just a slap on his wrist. It’s well overdue and about time he has to do some real prison time!
He’s a white man with money in the south. Good ol’ boys never face any serious consequences.
Of course, Jen rolled her eyes. She doesn’t take any of this seriously either.
Also, the judge didn’t have to approve the plea deal. He could have chosen not to approve it because he knows Ryan isn’t taken any of this seriously.
THIS!! Just because the DA makes a bad deal, the judge doesn’t have to go along with it, and shouldn’t have gone along with it, in this case!!! Ridiculous.
Epitome of white privilege. And how is it ethical to continue to allow this judge to preside over those hearings??
And all y’all downvotes are probably just as bad as Rhine. Sleep well, idiots.