Jenelle Evans and David Eason got in some “alone time” over Thanksgiving weekend, with the fired Teen Mom 2 stars leaving their two youngest kids, Kaiser and Ensley, in the care of David’s sister April Eason.
The Sun was the first to report (and The Ashley can confirm) that David and Jenelle took off for a beach vacation on Thanksgiving night or the next day. While Jenelle posted plenty of family-filled photos from their turkey day festivities, she did not mention her vacation with David on social media.
“They told the kids they needed some alone time, and that’s why they weren’t invited,” The Sun‘s source stated.
According to The Ashley’s sources, though, David and Jenelle’s decision to involve his sister April may not be completely random.
Jenelle’s oldest son, Jace, was not at the Thanksgiving fiesta, of course. (As The Ashley previously reported, Jenelle has no contact currently with Jace, and David is not allowed to communicate with or be near Jace, due to the child abuse charge he received in October for allegedly assaulting the 14-year-old.)

However, according to The Ashley’s sources, at least some of David’s family members believe there’s a chance that Jace may come to live with David’ sister April.
“That is something Jenelle had been pushing for,” the source said. “If Jace couldn’t come back to live with her, Jenelle wanted to have him go live with April.
“It’s super-unlikely, though, because April has no biological relationship with Jace,” the source continued. “But Jenelle has stated that Jace gets along with April’s son who is around the same age as him. But that’s not enough to get a judge to place him at April’s.”
According to one local, “April had her and David’s brother, James, staying at her house up until recently. James was just released from prison in September. He literally just left April’s, but we don’t know if he left because she wants to make her home look like a better option for Jace, or if he just left on his own.”
(Wanna see Brother Eason’s mugshot? Of course you do!)
Currently, Jace is in the custody of CPS and, although Jenelle and her mom Barbara Evans had a court date on Tuesday in regard to Jace, nothing new was decided. He is not currently living with Barbara.
“It’s highly unlikely that a judge would put Jace into April’s care, but that is what Jenelle and David were pushing for and still may be,” the source added.
David is set to head to court on Wednesday to answer to his charge of child abuse stemming from the alleged incident with Jace.
(Photos: Instagram; Facebook)
28 Responses
Maryssa looks miserable in that Thanksgiving selfie
well his grandma gave him up to be with his mom so he should go somewhere where no one would give him up not his moms or grandmas
Marissa’s face says it all.
I was literally just thinking about typing that!!!
Jace, if you are reading this: PLEASE write the tell-all. We will all read it. You will be financial stable and able to get away from this madness.
this girl is so effing delusional, it’s distrubing
Brother Eason…I’m rolling @theashley. Looks like all the Easons are standing in line for the government to take care of them between all the incarcerations and welfare.
Also, wtf do these 2 geniuses need a break from?! They don’t DO anything!
They’d better not let Jace live with that criminal family. He will be living with his abusers sister fgs!
Jace needs to be far away from the whole lot of them. He needs a complete fresh start and not be with any of the family or friends of any of them.
There is no way Jace is going to live with the monsters sister, the monster or his family are not blood related to Jace. The she monster wants this so she can get her skanky hands on Jace. Jace needs to be kept away from all the Easons.
His brother is a fellon just like him (it ain’t illegal, folks!) and somehow Jenelle wants Jace to stay with a member of David’s family?! Yeah, that will end well…(esp since they can prob make her let them see him)
I hope Jace goes to a loving home who will actually CARE about his wellbeing. And at 18 he will be able to decide if he even wants a relationship with his mother.
Jenelle’s so transparent! She wants Jace at April’s so both her and David have access to him and can control him by intimidation. Jenelle’s not fooling anyone. And doesn’t April have a criminal record herself? I thought a while back she was arrested for child abuse?
The court needs to get tough with Jenelle and remove any control she may have over Jace. She’s proven over and over again that she doesn’t care about him. She won’t allow the doctors to put him back on his meds. She left Jace alone for days to tend to the younger kids while her & David went on vacations. She lets David manhandle her kids. She’s not a mother, she’s a birther. And exactly why did her and David need “alone time” again? It’s not like they work or are ever away from one another. Why doesn’t she just admit that she needs to film OF content for a few bucks and tell the truth for the first time in her miserable life?
Being a felon ain’t illegal lol I love Kieffer
It really doesn’t matter what Jenelle thinks or what she wants to push for, her opinion will hold exactly no weight in the court proceedings. She has not had custody, physical, legal or actual, for more than 10% of Jace’s life (including visitations over the years). When she was granted legal custody, he wasn’t even present 50% of the time. She’ll probably offer them her opinion, but it won’t matter. She gets absolutely no say in his placement, and they likely won’t ask for her input even if she offers it. She’ll pretend they did though, of course.
The NCO that’s in place against UDV (regardless of how the court case goes tomorrow) will prevent his sister from taking custody of Jace. The fact that he can show up at any time, and clearly does visit the house, would disqualify any of his family, friends (assuming he had any), etc. Without the NCO, it might have worked, but the NCO should protect Jace, assuming everyone at CPS and family court does their job and follows the actual laws.
Regardless of where he gets placed, he really needs to have NCOs and POs in place against both fivehead and UDV. That’s how things SHOULD go, but it’s not likely they will, we shall see though.
The madness never ends in Swamptown. A vacation from what? Not working, not parenting, not cleaning? What on earth to these wanna be hillbillies need a vacation from? Did their septic tank back up?
Alone time while trying to prove your fitness/worthiness as parents.
Fuck off.
I wonder if David’s convict brother was in Aprils home while Jenelles kids were there over Thanksgiving weekend???? It really wouldn’t surprise me if he was because we all know that Jenelle has no regard for her children’s safety. The only thing on her mind would’ve been “I just have to get away from all of this stress, so whoever will take these damn kids off my hands for a few days would be, like so cool dude, because David and I need a vacation. It’s ok if you just got out of prison! I mean like, Dude, you’re David’s brother! And David’s the best father ever Dude, so there’s nothing wrong with you. Now come and get these fucking brats so I can get the hell out of here!”
for all we know the brother was pushing for it saying he didn’t mind–some predators do that and the irresponsible parent always goes for it. The people that break into people’s homes and steal televisions are drug addicts and I wouldn’t that around my kids, period. It’s not a good look and shows how low her children truly are on Jenelle’s priority list. I don’t know why she even breeds.
He broke into people’s houses, he didn’t rape their young children. Yeah, it’s bad but it’s no violent.
Didn’t that brother try to kill David at one point? It was all over Twitter a while back and at the time April said David deserved it. She said a lot of crap about both David & Jenelle — it was April who told the story of Jenelle being so drunk that she crapped herself at April’s house. Now they’re buddies? Whatever. Stupid is as stupid does.
WOW, I’m reading the article about David’s brother’s arrest. He stole two beers and a pair of sunglasses from one of the homes he burglarized. A modern Jean Valjean
I can’t imagine the court would put Jace with the sister of the person who assaulted him. That just doesn’t seem likely. I hope the judge lets him speak for himself and takes that into consideration.
I wonder if she is the same sister that spoke out years ago about David getting into “trouble with the family” when he was a teenager for molesting a family member. She didn’t say who the victim was, but from the way she was speaking, she sounded like she was referring to herself!